My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 279: Believe in Science, There Are No Ghosts in This World

Chapter 279: Believe in Science, There Are No Ghosts in This World

Soon, information about Qi Yuan was revealed.

The expressions of everyone present weren't looking good.

"Even if he successfully reincarnates, he would only have one year of memory," said a tall woman with an elaborate and exaggerated makeup, as if she had just come from a party and hadn’t had time to change.

Following Gongyi Jing's words, everyone fell silent.

If that voice was true, the world was going to reset.

Only those who reincarnate could return with their memories intact.

None of them were lucky enough to be among the reincarnators.

So even if they returned to ten years ago, they wouldn't retain the memories of the past ten years.

The person in the grave, Qi Yuan, was fortunate enough to be one of the reincarnators.

He was also the reincarnator assigned to the Gongyi family of the Seven Martial Stars.

"Hmph, if it weren’t for the Su family meddling, we wouldn’t have been stuck with this person!" said a man whose body appeared somewhat ravaged by excessive indulgence.

The Su family was also one of the Seven Martial Stars families and was quite opposed to the Gongyi family, often suppressing them.

In this unexpected situation, the Su family had joined forces with other families to suppress the Gongyi family, giving them a dead person.

If there hadn't been another living reincarnator to share with other families, the Gongyi family definitely wouldn't have stood by.

"My uncle has already met with another reincarnator. As for this one... we should just complete what we need to do," Gongyi Qing spoke calmly. His voice was gentle, but it carried an air of authority, making others feel a head shorter.

Gongyi Cai nodded, his eyes a bit cloudy. "Give the order—open the coffin and dig up the grave!"

No matter what, they needed to see the body.

Immediately, under Li Shenkong's orders, several soldiers stepped forward and began digging up the grave.

Night fell, and under the bright lights, the graveyard was illuminated as bright as day.

Nearby, several specially made soft chairs appeared, and the members of the Gongyi family sat down.

From time to time, various foods were brought, and the twenty-some people slowly started eating.

After all, the events of today had been sudden, and these people had been busy all day without time to eat.

The middle-aged man, whose body had been ravaged by alcohol and indulgence, held his phone, looking at its contents with a hint of contemptuous smile. "This reincarnator was mentally ill and had a terminal disease. Even if he comes back to life, he probably won’t live long; he’s of little use."

He scanned the QR code on Qi Yuan's tombstone and saw quite a bit of information about Qi Yuan.

Type III mental disorder, accompanied by severe delusions, making communication difficult.

The other members of the Gongyi family all agreed with the man's assessment.

Qi Yuan, in front of them, was truly unfortunate.

But he was also lucky.

After all, he got a chance to live again.

Even if it was only for a year.

"I bet he won't even get to see the grand event of a hundred clans prospering. Meanwhile, we have to wait another ten years," said the refined man earlier, his voice strong.

Upon hearing this, everyone present had a subtle change in their expressions, filled with anticipation.

"So, all these opportunities must be completely controlled by us!" Gongyi Cai's eyes shone with a sharp light.

In the past ten years, many opportunities had appeared, but most were in the hands of other families of the Seven Martial Stars.

If they wanted to change the situation in the future, they needed to make good use of this reincarnation situation.

"Unfortunately, he is dead; otherwise, we could have negotiated a deal!" Gongyi Jing couldn’t help but speak up.

As for the deal, it would simply involve sending encrypted messages to Qi Yuan, who would then go back in time to find the Gongyi family and relay the information.

In return, the Gongyi family would transfer enormous benefits to the reincarnators.

Of course, this kind of cooperation had uncertainties.

After all, the reincarnators held the initiative. What if they refused to share the encrypted messages with the families?

So, to win over these reincarnators, the major families of the Seven Martial Stars spared no expense.

Women, wealth, power—everything.

Unfortunately, Qi Yuan was a dead man.

The dead cannot communicate or cooperate.

Most of the Gongyi family went to find the other reincarnator, while only this group was dispatched here.

Today’s efforts were destined to be in vain.

With the cooperation of several soldiers, the grave was soon dug up, and a coffin appeared before them.

The people present looked at the coffin, feeling a bit apprehensive.

Gongyi Jing looked ahead, frowning. "There are only bones left."

The other members of the Gongyi family looked at Qi Yuan's bones and exchanged glances.

At this point, Gongyi Cai said, "Proceed as planned."

Even though Qi Yuan was dead, they still decided to communicate their plans to the corpse in the coffin.

Although the corpse couldn't hear, what if it could? Qi Yuan was dead, but maybe his soul was still floating around?

After all, if something as ridiculous as a world reset could happen,
then something even more outrageous happening... wouldn’t be too strange, right?

"Who will deliver the message?" Gongyi Cai asked, his voice old and weary.

The twenty-some members of the Gongyi family exchanged glances, each showing reluctance.

After all, talking to a corpse was pointless, especially in the middle of the night; none of them wanted to do it.

The man whose body was ravaged by indulgence said, "Uncle, I haven’t slept all night."

Clearly, he was refusing.

Gongyi Jing hesitated for a moment, about to say something, when Gongyi Qing said, "I’ll do it."

Only then did Gongyi Cai nod.

Though Gongyi Qing came from a distant branch of the family, he was quite capable and was thus trusted and heavily utilized by the Gongyi family.

Gongyi Qing stepped forward, holding some documents in his hand, approaching the bones.

"Qi Yuan, I am Gongyi Qing of the Gongyi family.

We’ve disturbed your grave without permission, please forgive us.

I don't know if you can hear me.

I am here with the utmost sincerity...

Nine years ago, you died of a brain hemorrhage, and even though they tried to save you at the hospital, it was unsuccessful.

Our Gongyi family has the best medical facilities, and we even have great medicines. If you choose to cooperate with us and relay the encrypted messages I’m about to tell you, not only will we treat you for free, but we will also provide you with opportunities, power, status, wealth... all of these we can give to you...

The content of the encrypted message is..."

The encrypted message of the Gongyi family was something they had ten years ago. As long as Qi Yuan delivered the message to them, they could use the encryption to decipher the answer.

The content of the message was divided into three categories: the first was about the world reset, understanding its cause, and informing the Gongyi family about it; the second was about the location of opportunities; and the third was about significant events.

Gongyi Qing spoke earnestly; the content of the message was quite complex.

"I don’t know if you can hear me or if you can remember, so I will repeat the message several times."

In Lost Mountain, Gongyi Qing continued speaking to the corpse.

This scene was quite eerie.

The man ravaged by indulgence yawned again and took a sip of his drink. He looked at Gongyi Qing with a hint of arrogance hidden in his eyes.

In the Gongyi family, his father was a figure of authority, while Gongyi Qing had a more distant connection.

"He’s been repeating himself for an hour now. Isn’t he tired?
If I were him, I’d just use a recording," the middle-aged man said.

Gongyi Jing’s beautiful face showed a look of helplessness. "We are negotiating with Qi Yuan. Using a recording would be impolite and wouldn’t show sincerity."

"Talking about sincerity to a corpse?" The middle-aged man chuckled, his eyes filled with mockery.

Showing respect to a corpse—this was the funniest thing he had heard all day.

Gongyi Cai glared at the middle-aged man, and he stopped talking.

Time flew by. In the slightly eerie graveyard, Gongyi Qing's clear voice continued to ring out.

The rest of the Gongyi family sat down to rest.

After all, they had been busy all day.

Time flew by, and there were less than fifteen minutes left before the reset.

Gongyi Qing leaned on the coffin lid, continuing to speak.

The middle-aged man, who had been ravaged by indulgence, yawned again, his eyes half-closed in drowsiness. "Still mumbling?"

Gongyi Cai glared at this useless descendant again and walked over to Gongyi Qing, speaking gently, "Why don't you take a break? We’ve already got a response; the reincarnator is willing to cooperate with us."

These major families naturally wouldn’t cooperate with just one reincarnator.

Moreover, the encrypted messages given to the reincarnators had overlaps, just to avoid any mistakes.

"It’s alright, Second Uncle. There are only a few minutes left. I’ll keep reciting for a bit longer; it’s no trouble," Gongyi Qing replied.

Gongyi Jing picked up a cup of water and handed it to Gongyi Qing.

"Thank you," Gongyi Qing took the cup, just about to drink.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble.

The earth beneath their feet rolled, trees swayed, and tall buildings shook.

The cup in Gongyi Qing's hand also shook and fell into the coffin.

The tremor, similar to an earthquake, lasted for only three seconds before stopping.

The people present looked either astonished or shocked.

Gongyi Cai’s eyes were deep. "Before the reset, the world has shown signs. It seems it’s true."

Gongyi Jing's eyes also showed a complex emotion. "Will I... still be myself after the world resets?"

Regarding the world reset, Gongyi Jing was actually resistant and unwilling.

However, just then, a lazy voice suddenly spoke.

"Hey, you spilled your water on my bones."

As soon as this voice sounded, everyone’s eyes turned to the coffin.

Inside the coffin, a skeleton appeared.

Everyone present felt fear or disbelief!

"A ghost!"

The middle-aged man, whose body was ravaged by indulgence, looked horrified and nearly fell over.

The others were equally shocked.

A corpse had come back to life! A corpse had actually come back to life! "Are you... Qi Yuan?" Gongyi Qing looked at the skeleton before him, his eyes filled with amazement.

If not for the imminent world reset, encountering such a terrifying event would have definitely prompted him to take Qi Yuan's bones to a lab for research.

"Mm... Are you people here to dance on my grave?"

At this moment, Qi Yuan’s bones were barely held together, making a loose skeleton.

He was a bit stunned.

He had actually turned into a skeleton.

Does this mean he has to live as a puppet in this life? Gongyi Qing's face showed excitement. "You actually... have consciousness? Does this mean that ghosts really exist?"

With the world reset being a reality, the existence of ghosts was easier to understand.

At this time, the hollow skull shook, looking rather stiff and shaky. "Young man, don’t believe in superstitions. You must believe in science; there are no ghosts in this world!"

Qi Yuan had a lot to say on this matter.

Even if a Purple Mansion cultivator perishes, they are truly gone; no ghost remains.

Only powerful Yin God-level cultivators might retain a shred of their primordial spirit, surviving in another form.

If you call that a ghost, that would be barely acceptable.

So, there really are no ghosts in this world.

The skull looked seriously at everyone present, and his tone was earnest.

However, to these people, what Qi Yuan said seemed particularly absurd.

Guys, who would understand? In a graveyard, a skull telling them to believe in science and that there are no ghosts in this world.

That was what everyone thought.

Gongyi Cai’s mouth twitched. "Brother, you may not have realized it yet, but you’re actually dead."

"Yes, this game avatar of mine is indeed dead," Qi Yuan pondered.

Does this mean he has to become a ghost cultivator? Qi Yuan's words left the people present even more confused.

Game avatar?

But considering Qi Yuan had been mentally ill in his life, everything suddenly seemed to make sense.

"Brother Qi Yuan, did you hear what Brother Qing said earlier?" Gongyi Jing mustered her courage to ask.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the impending world reset, she wouldn’t have dared to call a skull "brother."

"What did he say?" Qi Yuan was surprised. "Are you guys crazy? Talking to a corpse that's turned to bones—don’t you have mental problems?"

Qi Yuan's words choked everyone present again.

However, Gongyi Qing quickly said, "The world is about to reset, and our Gongyi family hopes to cooperate with you..."

Gongyi Qing briefly explained the situation.

After listening, Qi Yuan was utterly surprised.

"The world is about to reset?"

This was something he had never expected.

After all, what kind of power could reset the world? He couldn't imagine it.

Even if he controlled the Heavenly Dao of the Moonwatching Continent, he couldn’t reset the Moonwatching Continent or turn back time.

He hadn’t expected to encounter such a thing in this world.

"How interesting. It seems this game is quite challenging," Qi Yuan murmured, "Do you know who the final boss of the game is?"

Gongyi Qing frowned; communicating with someone mentally ill was rather troublesome.

"This isn't a game; this is reality!" Gongyi Jing said firmly.

Gongyi Qing also chimed in, "The reset is imminent, and our Gongyi family wants to cooperate with you. What do you think..."

This was the most important thing.

Although Qi Yuan didn’t have memories of the past ten years, the encrypted message would suffice for the Gongyi family.

"I have my own game tasks to complete," Qi Yuan wanted to refuse. "We’ll see; if I happen to meet you, then I’ll consider cooperating with you."

He spoke lightly, not taking the cooperation with the Gongyi family seriously.

The man, whose body had been ravaged by indulgence, showed a dissatisfied look. "It seems you don’t understand what the Gongyi family represents!
If you cling to our family, you’ll have power, wealth, women—everything!"

If it had been any other reincarnator with ten years of memory, he might have been wary.

But Qi Yuan was different.

Qi Yuan was a mental patient with only one year of memory.

So, if he offended him, so be it.

Qi Yuan glanced at the man. "A game’s assets… aren’t they all just numbers? Wealth… I have plenty.

Power… I lack none.

As for women… I have a wife; I don’t mess around."

Qi Yuan’s words left everyone present speechless.

The man who had spoken provocatively earlier was also at a loss.

Why argue with a madman? Gongyi Qing quickly said, "The content of the encrypted message is..."

He quickly repeated the encrypted message, afraid that Qi Yuan wouldn’t remember it since there were only about ten minutes left.

Qi Yuan shrugged. "I’ll reluctantly take on your task. If I have the time or if it’s convenient, I’ll do it. But if it interferes with my main quest, then sorry."

After all, he still had his main quest to complete.

The following time was spent with the Gongyi family making grand promises to Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan listened casually, also quietly waiting for the world to reset.

At this time, the sound of the ground shaking grew louder.

Qi Yuan's hollow skull seemed to have a spirit, staring intently at the sky. Is the world really about to reset?

He wanted to see exactly how it would reset. At this moment, his vision gradually blurred.

The entire world seemed to be made up of overlapping lines.

The people from the Gongyi family in front of him also turned into segments.

Suddenly, a mournful bird cry rang out.

He seemed to see a red bird, bloody and miserable, soaring through the sky.

At that moment, his bones suddenly shattered.

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