My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 276: Is a Madman Actually Making Sense?

Chapter 276: Is a Madman Actually Making Sense?

Upon hearing this, Qi Yuan was overjoyed.
"Good brother, that's generous of you!"

Qi Yuan decided he shouldn't eat everything himself and planned to leave some bones for Great Wisdom True Monarch.

He began eating the flesh of the Disturbance Bird, savoring each bite slowly.

The sweet flavor filled his mouth, a delicious taste that made his mouth water. It wasn't dry at all and surpassed any delicacy Qi Yuan had ever tasted.

For a moment, he forgot his earlier thoughts and devoured the entire Disturbance Bird.

Suddenly, he felt a surge of warmth enter his stomach, making his mind feel clearer.

"This is really something good. After eating it, my hearing and vision have become sharper.

Whoever sent this bird is truly kind; they knew it was mealtime, and I was hungry, so they sent it to feed me."

As he spoke, Qi Yuan felt a bit embarrassed.

Before eating, he had planned to leave some bones for Great Wisdom True Monarch.

But in the heat of the moment, he had swallowed even the bones.

Feeling a bit ashamed, he glanced at the remaining feathers on the ground. His eyes lit up, and he picked up the feathers, making a big decision. "There's still some feathers left. Why don't you eat them?

This bird was too delicious; it's definitely a rare treat!"

Great Wisdom True Monarch looked at the feathers, his eyes flashing with a mix of emotions.

Suddenly, a wise look crossed his face, and his expression became more serious than ever.

"Did you notice anything strange about this bird?" he asked. "Is there something wrong with it?"

Qi Yuan paused, confused for a moment.

"What do you mean?"

Was there a conspiracy involved?

"This bird was acting crazy, totally out of control. I suspect it might be...sick!"

The word "sick" hit Qi Yuan like a thunderclap.

His expression changed dramatically, as if he had discovered something truly alarming.

His forehead went pale, and sweat began to pour down his face.

"This is bad, really bad. This damn bird must have rabies!"

Qi Yuan panicked.

"We don't have any vaccines here. What should I do?"

He was genuinely worried.

What should he do if he had eaten a bird with rabies?

Great Wisdom True Monarch remained silent, deep in thought.

Meanwhile, Qi Yuan's face grew furious. "Damn it! Who would be so malicious as to set me up with a sick bird?"

Qi Yuan was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

The world was getting worse by the day.

Allowing a sick bird to run loose without a leash.

Sure, eating it might not have been entirely ethical.

But what if this crazy bird had pecked him?

The bird's owner had no sense of morality.

"Who did this?"

Qi Yuan shouted in rage.

His powerful divine sense spread out at that moment, sweeping across the entire Qinghong City.

All the Yin Gods in Qinghong City sensed this overwhelming aura, and their faces changed drastically.

"What’s happening?"

"Who dared to provoke the Blood-Robed Sword God?"

Not only did the Yin Gods sense it, but all the cultivators in the city also noticed this event, feeling a deep shock.

Who could be so bold as to make the Blood-Robed Sword God so furious?

Everyone knew that the Blood-Robed Sword God was a terrifying figure.

He never showed anger before killing someone; he just killed on sight.

This was the first time he was genuinely angry!

Meanwhile, in the courtyard, Shi Rulan heard this furious shout. Her eyes were crazed yet satisfied, as if she was experiencing a sensation a hundred thousand times more intense than any orgasm.

"Hahaha, he's finally gone mad. We have fulfilled our mission!"

"Our task is complete; we can now leave in peace!"

"What a pity that everyone in Qinghong City will die at his hands.

This is a necessary sacrifice. The root cause of all this is the Blood-Robed Sword God. If there's anyone to blame, blame him!" Shi Rulan sneered, her eyes fervent but also showing pity for the ordinary cultivators of Qinghong City.

But then, a terrifying aura suddenly filled the air.

The two people in the room froze, and a blood-red figure appeared before them.

Seeing the newcomer, Shi Rulan's eyes widened in shock.

"What's going on?"

Shi Rushan was equally stunned.

Once the Disturbance Bird was released, wasn't the Blood-Robed Sword God supposed to have gone mad and started slaughtering everyone?

How did he suddenly appear here?

"So, you two used a diseased bird to harm me? Well, well, you sure have a lot of guts!" Qi Yuan glared at the two of them, his anger palpable.

Shi Rulan's eyes widened in disbelief. "What's going on? Why wasn't the Disturbance Bird able to affect you?"

Shi Rushan was equally bewildered, his expression downcast. He pondered where things had gone wrong to result in such an outcome.

"You little brats used a diseased bird to harm me, trying to give me rabies, huh?

But I'm not afraid. I'm a cultivator, and I can create my own vaccine!

What nonsense about the Disturbance Bird? It didn't affect me at all!"

Qi Yuan was truly angry, and even cursed in his rage.

Fortunately, he was a cultivator and could create a rabies vaccine.

What if an ordinary person had eaten this bird? That would have been a life lost.

Seeing Qi Yuan's demeanor, Shi Rulan's spirit was crushed.

From Qi Yuan's behavior, though his words were confusing to her, he didn't seem to be showing any signs of madness or violence, nor did he have any aura of insanity.

"You ate the Disturbance Bird?" Shi Rushan looked at Qi Yuan in horror.

That was an ancient divine bird, a mythical creature of legend.

And it was eaten.

How could he be unharmed?

Shi Rushan felt disoriented, but then a thought struck him, and his expression became devout once more.

If their trap had failed, they would have to use fate and righteousness to persuade the Blood-Robed Sword God.

Of course, the persuasion would only be temporary.

He only intended to make the Blood-Robed Sword God drop his guard for another ambush.

"Blood-Robed Sword God, do you believe in fate?

Would you like to see a vision of the future?" Shi Rushan calmed down and began speaking with a prophetic air.

At this point, Great Wisdom True Monarch quickly interjected.

"Tear his mouth open right now!"

"I think I'm about to lose my mom!"

Qi Yuan immediately understood what Great Wisdom True Monarch meant.

"You dare to curse my cyber parents!

You're courting death!"

He didn’t hesitate.

Casting a spell, he tore open both their mouths.

Then, with countless needles, he sewed their mouths shut again.

Shi Rulan and Shi Rushan, seeing this, felt nothing but regret and pain.

Their plan had failed.

Clearly, the other side wouldn't listen to anything they had to say now.

This pain was the negative version of the earlier pleasure by two times.

"Search their souls, then kill them." Qi Yuan looked at the two and sneered, "You thought you could ambush me, but you have no idea who holds the real power here."

The two fate sorcerers looked defeated.

They weren't afraid of dying; they were afraid of dying without completing their mission.


They screamed internally.

But Qi Yuan gave them no chance.

His domineering divine sense invaded their souls for a search.

Their faces became blank, showing signs of intense pain.

"Fate Mountain?"

"Fate Sorcerers?"

"The Gate of Fate?"

"These two are actually lunatics!"

After scanning their memories, Qi Yuan concluded that these two were insane.

"What the hell is Fate Mountain doing? Not keeping these lunatics at home? Letting them out to harm others, is that it?"

Killing intent flashed in Qi Yuan's eyes.

He despised people who used their madness as an excuse to bully others.

After they bullied someone, they would just pull out a certificate of insanity and face no consequences.

He reached out, grabbing a small, oddly shaped door from Shi Rulan's storage bag.

This was the tool used by Fate Mountain to summon the Gate of Fate.

"Madmen can't be held accountable, so it looks like your Fate Mountain must bear full responsibility!"

"Bloodline lead, curse technique!"

At that moment, Qi Yuan unleashed a powerful divine spell.

The spell traversed thousands of miles and landed on an inconspicuous little mountain.

Suddenly, continuous screams echoed from the mountain.

Countless cultivators let out cries of pain, their expressions filled with terror.

They had no idea what was happening.

They could see the fate of the Canglan Realm and the continuation of its trajectory.

But they couldn't foresee the fate of Fate Mountain.

Apparently, all those cultivators were affected by Qi Yuan's curse and perished.

If they were Yin Gods, Qi Yuan wouldn't have been able to curse them so easily.

But for a bunch of Nascent Souls and Purple Mansion cultivators, cursing them to death was a breeze.

"No!" Shi Rulan's eyes swelled, bleeding tears.

She sensed everything happening at Fate Mountain.

You devil! Her heart was filled with anger and regret.

But unfortunately, she couldn't struggle free.

"Alright, your guardians have already taken responsibility... so now you..."

"Sorry, I'm not a court, so you both will have to take responsibility too."

With a flick of his finger, Qi Yuan sent a surge of energy toward them.

In an instant, the two heads exploded.

The courtyard fell into complete silence.

Meanwhile, in the Eastern Lands.

An elderly man sat in a wheelchair, a smile playing on his lips.

"How interesting... So it was them causing trouble back then."

"The former self... I wonder if this is a blessing in disguise or something else."

He recalled his attempt to take his former self as a disciple, which had been refused.

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