My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 271: A New Plan, Cutting a Deal

Chapter 271: A New Plan, Cutting a Deal

The Divine Flower Society forum was now eerily quiet.

Previously, when the Blood-Robed Sword God had posted a message, it had caused a wave of discussion within the forum.

However, after the Blood-Robed Sword God was banned and his post disappeared, that wave had calmed down.

Currently, in a chat group named "Blood-Robed Sword God Fan Group," Foxhole Xiao Li was speaking passionately.

"What the Blood-Robed Sword God said must be true. The techniques we've been practicing are definitely toxic!"

This chat group was established under the guidance and suggestion of the Blood-Robed Sword God himself.

Now, about a hundred cultivators had joined.

This was the core group; there were more in other groups, but they hadn't passed the test to enter this one.

Currently, Foxhole Xiao Li had become the leader of the Blood-Robed Sword God's fans.

"Yes, what the Blood-Robed Sword God said must be true. Otherwise, how could his post disappear so mysteriously? And whenever someone asked about it, their posts would also disappear!"

"There are enemies within the Divine Flower Society, and they hold high positions!"

"Do you think... it could be the Grand Master himself?" a cultivator reasonably speculated.

The branch master of the Divine Flower Society in the Eastern Land had long been subdued by the Blood-Robed Sword God and would never dare to ban him.

There were only a few people with the authority and courage to ban the Blood-Robed Sword God.

"If it really is him, then we're in big trouble!" a cultivator exclaimed.

The Blood-Robed Sword God is indeed a senior Yin God, and among the Yin God Sovereigns, he is considered quite powerful.

However, compared to the Grand Master of the Divine Flower Society, a colossal figure, the Blood-Robed Sword God was still a junior.

"One of the seniors in my clan, a Yin God, once said that the gap between each level of the Yin God realm is even greater than the gap between major realms below the Yin God realm!

If the Blood-Robed Sword God has offended the Grand Master of the Divine Flower Society, he is in great danger!"

"Damn it, I can't get in touch with the Blood-Robed Sword God right now!"

"I hope the senior will be careful!"

"There are enemies in the Canglan Realm, and there are also villains in the Divine Flower Society. Only the Blood-Robed Sword God has a heart of pure gold!

All the bad people in the world are ganging up to bully the senior!"

"Unfortunately, I'm too useless to do anything for the senior!"

"Sigh, I feel so sorry for the senior. I wish I could take his pain for him. He's probably having a hard time right now."

"Does anyone have connections to get in touch with the Grand Master? We could apologize on behalf of the senior!"

"No, we can't bow to evil forces!"

Anyway, the group chat was filled with various concerns about Qi Yuan, with an air of fanatical devotion.

At that moment, someone suddenly spoke up.

"Look! The Blood-Robed Sword God has reappeared!"

"What? The senior is back!"


The group members hurriedly logged into the forum to check the post by the Blood-Robed Sword God.

Foxhole Xiao Li also looked delighted and nervous.

She knew that the Blood-Robed Sword God being banned was a big deal, a very big deal.

A single misstep, and the Blood-Robed Sword God could fall into an irreparable situation.

At this moment, a post pinned to the top of the forum caught everyone's eyes.

[I, the Blood-Robed Sword God, killed the Grand Master of the Divine Flower Society in anger to lift my ban!]

"Some time ago, I revealed a big secret about the Canglan Realm here—the cultivation techniques are toxic.

As a result, I was banned.

I was furious.

Living in the Canglan Realm, every brother and sister in the Divine Flower Society has the right to speak!

I was banned, and I was resentful. After investigating, I found out it was that old dog, the Grand Master of the Divine Flower Society, who banned me.

I was very angry.

That old dog has sided with evil and committed atrocities. I couldn't stand it!

So, I raised the banner of justice and traveled thousands of miles to the Nether Sky Domain.

Many Yin Gods of the Nether Sky Domain colluded with the Grand Master.

Over thirty Yin Gods banded together; they betrayed their faith and served the darkness.

So, I fought alone and killed all these Yin Gods!

Justice triumphed over evil, and I can finally speak freely on the forum again.

By the way, today is Crazy Star... No, evil has not been completely eradicated yet. I need your support. Upload your techniques and help me defeat the Great Calamity!"

Qi Yuan wrote a lengthy post and felt very satisfied.

After posting, he waited for the comments to roll in.

"Did the senior really kill the Grand Master???"

"The tone of this post seems a bit off. Could it be a fake Blood-Robed Sword God?"

Qi Yuan saw this comment and was instantly enraged: "Nonsense, you're banned!"

He immediately banned the person who said his writing was poor!

Although he had mentioned freedom of speech, it was the Grand Master's account that issued the ban. What did that have to do with the Blood-Robed Sword God?

He, the Blood-Robed Sword God, was pure and innocent, a saintly white lotus.

At this moment, Qi Yuan's post had completely shocked the members of the Divine Flower Society.

The Divine Flower Society was a force on par with the Seeking the Dao Palace.

This organization spanned nearly twenty domains and had over ten thousand members.

Most importantly, many Yin Gods and their juniors were also considered members of the Divine Flower Society.

After all, the Divine Flower Society was merely a loose organization. Many Yin Gods were counted as members, but due to their status, they rarely revealed their identities in the forum.

Now, the Blood-Robed Sword God’s post had caught the eyes of many Yin God Sovereigns, and they were all stunned.

At this point, they no longer cared about revealing their identities.

"Is this for real? That's the Grand Master of the Divine Flower Society!"

"Sword God Senior, didn’t you go to Dark Sun?"

"Does that mean you wiped out the Grand Master of the Divine Flower Society first?"

"Senior, the divine techniques in the Origin God Sharing Society are too expensive. Even if I donate all my techniques, I still can’t afford them."

The Yin God Sovereigns flooded the forum with questions.

Many of them knew the Blood-Robed Sword God had gone to the Nether Sky Domain to confront Dark Sun.

They didn't think highly of his chances.

After all, Dark Sun had Myth-level beings in their ranks.

The Blood-Robed Sword God wasn’t even listed on the Mythical Monument and wasn't a Myth-level powerhouse.

Qi Yuan read these comments and chose some to reply to.

"I went to Dark Sun myself, and fortunately, the Grand Master of the Divine Flower Society was also there, so I conveniently killed them all."

"It was alright; Dark Sun's strength was just average. They had about four Myth-levels and thirty or so sixth-step Heaven-Treading Great Sovereigns, quite weak!"

"That's not weak? Compared to the Blood Sun Great Sage and his daughter, Dark Sun is a joke!"

"You make a good point. How about this: anyone who uploads a thousand Heaven-grade techniques through the Divine Flower Society within twenty days… gets the progress bar to 100%, and the divine techniques are free!"

Seeing that comment from a Yin God, Qi Yuan had an idea.

Although the Divine Flower Society didn't have many Yin Gods, they had a lot of members. Many came from noble families and could probably contribute a Heaven-grade technique if they gritted their teeth.

If they crowdfunded a thousand Heaven-grade techniques and a bunch of Mystic-grade techniques, what did it matter if the divine techniques were revealed?

With that in mind, Qi Yuan used the Grand Master's jade slip to make a few simple modifications to the forum.

The modification was straightforward: when someone uploaded a technique through the interface, a progress bar would appear below.

Once the total progress bar reached 100%, Qi Yuan would reveal the divine techniques.

Qi Yuan was essentially using the divine techniques to collect the Divine Flower Society's techniques.

"People are selfish; some might wait and see, hoping others will contribute first."

Qi Yuan thought this plan had a flaw.

Divine techniques were enticing, but some might still hope to take advantage of others.

"So, everyone should also have their own personal progress bar!"

Qi Yuan murmured.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and he quickly implemented them.

Following the same template, he added another feature to the jade slip of the Divine Flower Society.

When techniques were uploaded to the page, they would enter the general pool.

But they would also go into a personal pool, with each person having their own progress bar.

Moreover, Qi Yuan thoughtfully set up rewards at 1%, 5%, 20%, and up to 100% to encourage people to upload techniques and earn rewards.

Only then would the members of the Divine Flower Society be more motivated to participate.

For instance, 20% would earn a Jade-grade reward, 40% a Mystic-grade reward, and so on.

"This alone isn’t enough, though. After all, my time is very limited. Cultivators like to go into seclusion, and it could take a year or two for them to see this message. By then, the time will have passed."

Qi Yuan pondered.

Time is money, especially his time, which was precious and shouldn't be wasted.

"Oh, I have an idea! To earn the rewards, just uploading techniques isn't enough; they also have to invite friends to help them out by cutting a deal!"

Qi Yuan thought he was a genius.

Want to earn rewards? It’s simple: invite others to help, to give you a cut!

Moreover, when inviting someone, it would also increase the progress bar to a certain extent.

Of course, one person could only help one other person!

"Great, let’s go with this plan!"

Thinking of this, Qi Yuan got to work again.

It didn't take long before he finished.

Then, Qi Yuan switched back to his Origin Celestial Sovereign account and posted another message.

[Shocking! Blood-Robed Sword God Is Giving Out Benefits and Sharing Divine Techniques!]

"It doesn’t cost 999, nor 998; just collect the techniques the Blood-Robed Sword God mentioned, and he will give out the divine techniques for free!
I’ve already donated a few techniques, and I got an incredibly powerful, explosive technique.

Why couldn’t I have found this sooner?

Want to know how to play? Come help me out and give me a cut!"

Qi Yuan had already decided to be his own shill.

First, he would create a persona for himself.

Born into poverty, he worked hard; his senior brother bullied him, his elders didn’t favor him, and his goddess-like senior sister ignored him. The sect's deacon made things difficult.

But with the techniques he exchanged from the Divine Flower Society, he finally struck it rich, obtained Heaven-grade techniques, and won the admiration of the sect leader's daughter, his junior sister, and the favor of the elders!

From then on, he could share his experiences daily, which would surely stimulate many people to come and exchange techniques.

“There’s strength in numbers.

Back in my previous life, that online shopping platform became so popular.

With so many people in the Divine Flower Society, crowdfunding a divine technique shouldn't be a problem, right?”

After posting, Qi Yuan felt refreshed.

“Everything is set!”

In the Wind and Thunder Valley, Qi Yuan also gained quite a harvest.

First, he obtained the jade slip of the Grand Master of the Divine Flower Society; later, he collected a pile of techniques.

There were also many techniques in Dark Sun. Just counting the Heaven-grade techniques alone, Qi Yuan obtained hundreds.

There were even some upper Heaven-grade techniques.

Qi Yuan naturally added these techniques to the Origin God Sharing Society and the rewards for the Divine Flower Society.

Even if the Yin Gods went all out, gathering their clan’s strength, and frantically inviting people to cut a deal to push their progress bar to 100%, he would say, "Sorry, there’s still 1,000% above 100%."

“It’s time to leave.”

After setting everything up, Qi Yuan left the Wind and Thunder Valley.


Shenguang Sect, Seven Colors Peak.

Jiang Lingsu took a sip of fish soup and burped in satisfaction.

“I can’t eat any more. I need to watch my weight and figure!”

After diligently cultivating, Jiang Lingsu finally reached the middle stage of Foundation Establishment.

Even in her family, she was considered to be progressing fast.

“I wonder how Senior Brother is doing now?” Jiang Lingsu thought of Qi Yuan, missing him deeply.

Today, her family had contacted her through Sister Jiang Ya.

The content of the contact was simple—just persuading her to return home.

After all, to the Jiang family, the Shenguang Sect was just a small sect, and Jiang Lingsu, being a direct descendant, would certainly receive better guidance at home than at the Shenguang Sect.

The Jiang family urged Jiang Lingsu to return.

Not only that, they had thoughtfully selected a low-born but handsome and highly talented… husband for her.

That’s right, someone who would marry into the Jiang family.

It showed just how much the Jiang family cherished Jiang Lingsu.

The Jiang family said that the young man was exceptionally handsome, highly talented, and was expected to reach the Nascent Soul stage within a hundred years. He even had a slight chance of becoming a Purple Mansion cultivator!

Jiang Lingsu flatly refused and added, “My Senior Brother has already reached the Nascent Soul stage, and that guy isn't even worth one of my Senior Brother's leg hairs!”

This upset her father greatly.

His daughter was only sixteen years old, but her Senior Brother was already a Nascent Soul cultivator.

In a small place like the Great Shang Kingdom, which Nascent Soul cultivator wasn’t a nearly thousand-year-old old man?

Listening to his daughter’s tone, it seemed like she had a favorable impression of this Senior Brother.

How could Jiang Zhihua not be furious?

He was still a handsome young man of just over three hundred years old, and now some thousand-year-old old monster wanted to take his daughter away? How could he not be furious, heading straight to the Great Shang Kingdom in the middle of the night!

After all, he was already a century-old Golden Core cultivator when he married his younger martial sister, who had just started her cultivation journey.

His daughter's Senior Brother probably had the same idea.

He was determined to teach that old fox a lesson!

Currently, Jiang Ruhua was on his way to the Great Shang Kingdom.

No longer thinking about these things, Jiang Lingsu sent her consciousness into the Divine Flower Society's jade slip.

Her expression immediately changed.

“Divine techniques?”

She looked at the overall progress bar showing 1%, feeling indifferent.

Divine techniques were too far out of her reach.

Her interest lay in her personal progress bar.

“If I exchange for a technique and give it to Senior Brother, he will surely be pleased!”

Moreover, donating techniques and earning rewards felt great.

But in the next moment, she saw a post, and her expression changed.

[Brothers, I exchanged another technique!]

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