My British Empire

Chapter 185: Proposal passed

  Chapter 185 proposal passed

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  After putting down these words softly, Faris had a sneer in front of him, seeing the discolored expressions of the MPs below, his heart became more and more disdainful.

  But the MPs below were beating drums in their hearts. If they were not at that time, they would not understand the status of the Tower of London in people's hearts.

  The Tower of London was built in 1078. It has been used as a royal palace, as a court, and later as a prison. The Tower of London covers an area of ​​7.2 hectares, surrounded by a thick wall of huge stones. There are many forts and arrow towers on the city wall, surrounded by a wide and deep moat. If you want to run to this kind of place, you can only ask for a dead end.

  As the king's prison, all the well-known political prisoners can be detained here. For example, Edward IV's son Edward V and the Duke of York, and even Princess Elizabeth was beaten into the Tower of London by Mary I.

   There is nothing scary about this. The most important thing is that not only is there torture here, but after entering, basically don’t plan to go out. They either stay until they die or are killed. There are only a few people who can go out.

   Even Princess Elizabeth was able to come out because Mary I left no heirs after her death. As the only heir to the Tudor royal family, she must come out.

   If you have to make an analogy, the Tower of London is equivalent to the imperial prison of the Jinyiwei in the Ming Dynasty, which is the sky prison in folklore.

   It's no wonder that the faces of these councilors are ugly, and Sir Moore on the side is also frowning, with a disgusted expression.

  This is still a minister blatantly threatening members of parliament, indirect threats, which brings a great shock to people.

  Of course, if you want people to do things, you have to have a big stick and a carrot in one hand, so that it will be effective.

   "As compensation, His Majesty the King believes that the Parliament has the right to supervise the implementation of the Privy Council, and has the right to impeach any official from the King. As long as the evidence is convincing, His Majesty the King will review, remove or punish him!"

  As compensation, Edward gave the power of supervision to Parliament, which was unprecedented in history.

  Of course, Edward still has his own thoughts on doing so.

  First, after the bureaucracy is established, there must be a strong supervisory agency. At present, the supervision within the bureaucracy is not effective and it is very easy to corrupt.

  As an independent institution, the parliament obviously fits this role. Its members are all urban citizens and local gentlemen and knights. Those who can be selected by the local area must be elites, and the supervision effect is great.

  The second thing is to let the parliament find something to do for the parliament, so that they can stand in the king's camp and become an assistant to the king's rule.

  You must know that the purpose of the establishment of the parliament is to limit the royal power, but if it is diverted to deal with the bureaucrats, then it will not have the energy to restrict the king, but will become a boost to the royal power.

   Moreover, the success rate is very high. Members of the parliament are local elites, they are not like the nobles who can directly participate in politics, and the parliament has become their only candidate for participating in politics.

  At the beginning of the sixteenth century, there were only 296 members in the House of Commons, but by the end of the century, it had reached 462 members. Local elites became more and more enthusiastic about entering the House of Commons and participating in politics.

  And Edward decided to give them greater rights, which has more privileges.

  In addition to freedom of speech, immunity, and self-discipline, Edward has to give them some.

   "Besides, in order to better allow the members of parliament to serve His Majesty the King, His Majesty the King will withdraw some funds from the treasury and the royal family every month as your allowance!"

   "And, His Majesty the King will not only establish the rights of freedom of speech and immunity and the right to voluntarily dispose of members of parliament, plus the right to directly ask the king and submit letters secretly!"

  With a high posture, Faris continued.

   "And, His Majesty the King will stipulate that no one and nobility shall insult or beat any member of parliament in public!"

   "And these, His Majesty the King will establish in the form of legislation to protect the rights of members of parliament!"

  For the parliamentarians, if the supervisory power is compensation, then the grant of allowances and the freedom to see the king are great surprises.

  And the last one, not to insult and beat the congressmen, made the congressmen feel the sound of nature, which greatly satisfied their vanity, and it also had dignity.

   You know, nowadays, nobles generally do not break the law when they kill people. Moreover, they are all citizens, gentlemen, and knights. In theory, they don't have the slightest sense of dignity in front of nobles, and they can beat, scold, or even kill at will.

  Of course, the nobles only need to pay a fine afterwards, and there is no such thing as a life for a life.

  These few words of Faris successfully bought the hearts of these congressmen.

  What is the right to tax, at most it makes the king uncomfortable, and he gets nothing.

   Besides, you didn't completely give up the right to tax, just gave up the approval of subsidies, and even if the king asks for it in the future, can you not agree?

   Moreover, to get so many benefits, even if you give up the right to tax, you are willing.

  The expressions on the faces of the congressmen became brighter and brighter, and they discussed happily one by one, and the atmosphere became more and more heated.

   At this time, Sir More looked at Faris on the podium in astonishment, opened his mouth, but did not make any sound.

  There is only one question in his mind: After the king reformed the House of Lords, will he start attacking the House of Commons?

  In fact, he knew in his heart that the parliament's control over the king was becoming looser and looser, and in the end it would definitely fall into the hands of the king and become his tool.

   In fact, the Tudor kings started the transformation of the House of Lords first.

  Firstly, the aristocratic upper house is integrated, the aristocratic members are turned into aristocrats, and the upper house is aristocratic, so that the nobles and the upper house are linked; secondly, the senior priests are slowly driven out of the upper house, so that the nobles occupy the main seats.

   Then the voting rights of legislative and judicial officials were abolished, and the House of Lords became a legislative body without judicial power.

   Seeing the excited expressions of the congressmen below, Faris nodded involuntarily. The passage of this bill is very sure.

  In fact, at the beginning, Faris was unwilling, maybe because of jealousy, that His Majesty the King gave these members of the lower parliament so many rights.

   But until now, he realized that if the parliament passed this proposal, then the parliament's suppression of the king would be lost in one fell swoop.

  Afterwards, with the permanent taxation power of the subsidy, after the parliament lost its biggest bargaining chip, the parliament's restrictive effect on the king was greatly reduced, and finally it could only be allowed to be abused by the king.

  Of course, there will be members who see the reason behind this proposal.

   After that, after 303 members of parliament voted, the proposal was finally passed with 267 votes in favor and 36 against.

  (end of this chapter)

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