My British Empire

Chapter 148: money loving scottish nobles

  Chapter 148 The Scottish nobleman who loves money

  ps: Chapter 1, ask for tickets, ask for subscription

   "My Majesty the King, you are really able to take my daughter captive for two years, do you still have the character that a king should have?"

  The queen mother approached Edward step by step, and her tone became more and more aggressive. The whole queen mother was full of power and began to oppress Edward.

  However, Edward felt that there was indeed an oppressive force. The two mountains came over like Mount Tai. He stared at the majestic mountains that were getting closer and clearer, and the color was also obvious. At least Edward didn't let himself lose his composure.

  Edward was already thirteen years old, and his height was about 1.5 meters later, while Queen Mary was about 1.65 meters tall, just when Edward reached her neck.

  He took a few steps back in a natural reaction, feeling his mouth dry.

   "Dear Your Majesty, Mary and I have reached an agreement on our marriage before, but you have chosen to go back on your word. This has forced us to take such an action!"

   "What's more, I also heard that you plan to send Mary to France to be betrothed to the French crown prince. Your actions like this are a betrayal of the agreement, and it is necessary for me to bring Mary back to England."

  Looking at Queen Mary who parted her red lips slightly, ready to refute, Edward didn't give her a chance.

   "Are you saying that the Treaty of Greenwich was not ratified by the Scottish Parliament?"

   "But the treaty not only has your signature but also has been recognized by France, which is of factual significance. The reason that the parliament does not approve it will not work!"

  Edward seemed to be stating a fact, well-founded, logical, and the Queen Mother was so blocked that she could only look at Edward quietly with a straight face.

"Okay, little king, you are not welcome here, I have something to say to Mary, please go out!" As soon as Edward finished speaking, Queen Mary turned around, leaving a plump figure for him, and then threw a sentence to hurry He hugged little Mary and talked happily.

  The little Lolita made a face at Edward, and then happily chatted with her mother.

  Edward felt embarrassed and left the room with an ugly face.

   "Remember, don't let the people inside escape, watch closely!" Looking at the guards who were standing still, Edward ordered in a deep voice, and then led the team to meet the Scottish ministers.

  Walking on the road, Edward thought about the reasons for England and Scotland in history.

  According to people's fixed thinking, if the Stuart royal family settled in England, then Scotland and England should be regarded as merged, but in fact, this is not the case.

  The two countries share one monarch and have the same royal family, but they each have a parliament and a privy council. They maintain independent positions in politics, religion, law, economy, etc., and they are still wary of each other.

  Moreover, after the Glorious Revolution, the Scots also joined hands with the French from time to time to plot against England. But later, there was an opportunity for merger.

  In 1695, the Scots established the "Scotland Trading Company to Africa and the East and West Indies". Shortly thereafter, the Darien Scheme for the colonization of the Central American Isthmus was adopted by the company.

  Darien is located in the current Panama Canal area, which is the main road guarding North and South America. The vision of this plan is to establish a colony on the isthmus, making it a commercial transit point connecting the Pacific trade circle and the Atlantic trade circle.

  In the spring of 1696, the propertied classes in places such as Edinburgh and Glasgow and most of the aristocrats poured all their money into this adventure plan.

  In July 1698, the Scottish Company's colonial fleet set sail full of the hope of the whole country, arrived at the destination the following year and successfully established settlements, and the whole country was full of joy. But then, disasters followed: the isthmus area was densely forested and rivers criss-crossed, making it difficult to open up trade routes. Hunger and rampant tropical disease kept the settlement's mortality rate high, and the Spanish attack and English inaction made the venture's fiasco even more irreparable. In 1700, the Scottish Company had to terminate the project.

  The failure of Darien's plan was a fatal blow to Scotland's already fragile economic system. Scotland lost 2,000 men and 153,000 pounds, about a quarter of the total circulating capital of Scotland. (When the currency system was changed in 1707, the total domestic currency circulation in Scotland did not exceed 411,000 pounds.) Scotland's hard currency had been consumed a lot during the famine period, and this disaster brought the economy to the brink of collapse.

  At this time, England took advantage of the situation and spent a lot of money to buy the nobles. In the end, the two countries reached an agreement that England would compensate the investors of the Darien Project with a lump sum of 400,000 pounds. However, the Scottish Parliament passed the merger bill of the two countries despite the opposition of the people.

In this way, England only spent 400,000 pounds to merge Scotland. The two merged into one. One of the provinces.

  Edward admired the act of the Scottish nobles who sold the country for money, but Edward thought of another act of the Scottish nobles who did not want the king for money, and felt very disgusted.

During the civil war of Charles I, the king couldn't bear it and went to Scotland for help, but the Scottish nobles reached an agreement with England's new army and sold their king to the English Parliament for a price of 100,000 pounds. He went to the guillotine.

  For this kind of weird Scottish nobleman, Edward thought of a good way.

   Came to a large hall, where all the nobles and MPs of Scotland in Edinburgh were here, a total of 232 nobles and MPs.

Pushing open the door, what caught Edward's eyes was this scene: a dozen or so Scottish masters headed by Earl Allen were standing in a corner with serious expressions, discussing something; Pray; the young and bored nobles have nothing to do, drinking tea, chatting, playing some games, boring.

The sudden opening of the door attracted everyone's attention. When they saw a young man wearing a crown and a purple cloak come in, all the people were surprised, some were happy, some were angry, and others Sad or not.

  The regent of Scotland, the Earl of Allen, had a complex look on his face at this time, and gradually, the sad atmosphere on his body became stronger and stronger.

  As the leader of the nobility, he had to express it.

   "Good day! Your Majesty the King of England!" (Good day, Your Majesty the King of England...)

   Following Earl Allen's bow, the other nobles put away their facial expressions and saluted one after another.

   Everyone please vote more?



  (end of this chapter)

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