My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 314

Chapter 314

Liza Went To Sleep

Leo always looked a size or two smaller when she was wet. And she now looked at me and sighed with exasperation.

You better finish soon and dry off Leo. Or you’ll catch a cold.

Well, I didn’t know if Silver Fenrirs could actually catch a cold.

“I have never felt hot water like this! It’s amazing!”

“Hahah, yes, they have hot water here.”

Once we had finished washing up, we soaked in the hot water together.

Up until now, she was drinking mud water, so a hot bath was a new experience for her.

She was surprised and delighted, which was nice to see.


“See, Leo. It’s quite cold, isn’t it? Do you want to get in?”


“Hah… Well, have Ms. Gelda dry you off then. You don’t want to catch a cold.”


I had suggested that Leo soak in the hot water as well, but she refused.

Did she hate hot water so much?”

Regardless, Leo nodded and walked away.

“It is getting hot…”

“Indeed. I suppose we should go too… Well, how about after fifty seconds?”

“Okay… 1…2…”

As she was young, she did not care to stay in the hot water for too long.

But as she counted, she stopped after reaching ten, and I had to remind her what came next.

She stumbled again when reaching twenty, and it ended up taking some time until she reached fifty.

“Ms. Gelda. Can you take Liza now?”

“Yes, of course.”


“What about you, papa?”

“I think I’ll stay a little longer. You go on ahead with Leo.”

“Uh, okay. I’ll go to mama.”

I called Ms. Gelda and had her take care of Liza.

While I had helped wash her back, Liza was able to to wash her head, hands and tail by herself, so she shouldn’t need any help.

Ms. Gelda had been waiting outside, as if expecting to be called, and I could hear Leo as well, as she must have been waiting with her.

And so I continued to soak in the hot water after Liza left. 

I did not want to let my body cool off.

“I feel so warm!”

“Hahaha. Because you were in the bath. It warms you up.”

“Wuff, wuff.”

After returning to the room, Liza still seemed excited.

I watched her and smiled.

Leo also nodded with approval… Though, Leo hadn’t even warmed up at all.

She had just stood there soaked in cold water.

Well, at least she hadn’t caught a cold, and seemed to be satisfied.


“Hmm? Are you sleepy?”


After running around excitedly for some time, Liza started to yawn loudly.

Well, it had been a very eventful day.

She had been surrounded by so many new faces, and there was not much time to rest… And so the fatigue had probably hit her all at once now.

Sometimes, children suddenly become tired as if their battery just died.

“I’m…fine…I will stay…awake…because…it’s fun…”

“…Did you have a fun day?”


Her eyes were already half closed and she seemed like she was about to fall asleep.

Considering all of the awful things that had happened, I was just glad that she had a good time today.

“Well, there should be plenty of fun things tomorrow as well. Well, you should go to sleep then, before it gets cold.”



I then put her on the bed and put the blanket over her.


“That was fast. But she seems comfortable.”


“Ah, you’re sleeping next to the bed too, Leo?”

“Wuff, wuff.”

“I see… Well, that way, she won’t fall off the side. Thanks, Leo.”


Leo answered that it was the obvious thing to do, and then she closed her eyes.

Liza was sleeping on what was the foot of the bed.

I didn’t want to move her, because she was so tired.

And there was plenty of space, as the bed was quite large.

And so Leo had taken position there, just in case Liza moved in her sleep and fell off.

Though, she seemed to be sleeping peacefully now, so I doubted that would happen…but you never knew.

And so I thanked Leo and climbed into the back part of the bed.

It really had been an eventful day. I thought back on everything that had happened in Ractos and in the mansion as I drifted off to sleep.


Slowly, consciousness returned as I opened my eyes.

It was bright outside of the window, and so I knew that it was morning.

“Hmm… I had a good sleep.”

I sat up in the bed and yawned.

I wonder if Tilura would come to see Leo… It was just as I thought of this that I remembered something.

“Huh…Where’s Liza…?”

That beastkin girl that we rescued…she was supposed to have been sleeping on the bed.

However, when I looked, there was no one there.

Though, the blankets and sheets were in disarray, so it was obvious that someone had been there.

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