My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 306

Chapter 306

Ms. Claire Was Concerned About Yesterday

“…What you really want to say, is that it’s because Mr. Takumi is requesting it…not Leo…”


“Mm…nevermind. In any case, it is official now. Liza will be a guest in this house. Liza, you may move around freely while you are here, understand?”

“…Yes…I understand…”


Mr. Ekenhart had muttered this observation, and had received a cold look from Ms. Claire in return.

He grimaced and then turned his attention to Liza.

I hadn’t really heard what he was saying, but he should know better than to poke the bear by now…

As for Liza, she also seemed a little confused, but nodded her head as if she understood.

Every time she tilted her head or looked puzzled, her ears and tail would move. When she did this, I saw that Ms. Claire, Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda all averted their eyes.

Perhaps they were restraining an urge to touch the tail.

I had a feeling that they would be doting on Liza pretty soon. I just hoped that Tilura wouldn’t get jealous.

“Now that I think about it… Why is Ms. Claire making the declaration? I thought that Mr. Ekenhart is the master here…”

“Heh. To ask that so bluntly. You are a strange one, Mr. Takumi. It’s quite simple. Because I have left all matters concerning this house to Claire.”

“I am the one responsible for this mansion. And that is not going to change easily, just because father has decided to pay us a little visit.”

“…While the servants here all work for the duke, they do so under Lady Claire. And so it is ultimately her decision.”

“I see.”

“I have already made the decision, and do not wish to confuse the servants.”

Is that right?

Since he was the head of the family, I had assumed that he was the main authority in this mansion as well.

I suppose he technically was, just that Ms. Claire was the one responsible for making decisions.

So it was a good thing that I had introduced Ms. Claire to Liza in the way that I had.

Mr. Ekenhart just did not look very impressive right now…that had been my main reason.

In any case, I was not surprised that Sebastian had forced his way into the conversation. He must have seen the opportunity to explain something.

After all, when I glanced towards him, he was smiling with satisfaction.

…Perhaps he would go easy on Mr. Ekenhart now.

“How are Tilura and Ms. Anne?”

After we had sat there and enjoyed our drinks for some time, I suddenly remembered something.

Well, it’s not that I had forgotten.

But usually, if Tilura knew that Leo was here, she and Sherry would come to meet her.

As for Ms. Anne… I had been thinking about what Mr. Ekenhart told me in Ractos.

Perhaps I felt a little sympathy towards her.

“Tilura and Sherry should be in the back garden now. She will be training until dinner time. As for Anne…she is still in her room. She hasn’t recovered from last night’s drinking yet.”

“…I see.”

Tilura sure worked hard.

She diligently trains even when Leo and I are not there… I suppose that was how much she liked to move her body.

As for Ms. Anne… Well, I hope she gets well soon…

I could not really say anything about that, as it would be awkward since Ms. Claire was here.

“Um…Mr. Takumi…”

“Yes, what is it?”

“I am very sorry…that you had to see that yesterday. I shall be more careful in the future.”

“Hahahaha! I’m sure you have reason to want to drink and relax once in a while. You really do not have to worry about me.”

“Still, I apologize. And thank you.”

Ms. Claire looked a little embarrassed as she bowed her head and apologized.

I suppose it wasn’t her most lady-like moment.

But somehow, I felt that such things were necessary for her.

You would get tired if you remained so tense all of the time.

“Well, I suppose we can introduce Liza to Tilura during dinner.”

“Yes. Tilura should be happy, since they are similar in age. And Anne…will probably be happy, since she is already fond of Sherry.”

“Hahah. Maybe.”

Tilura was not easily scared, and was a very curious child. So she shouldn’t have any trouble becoming friends with Liza.

I hoped that they would be able to play together.

And since Ms. Anne liked Sherry, it seemed likely that she would take to Liza as well.

Because of the ears and tail… Even Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda was staring at them…

…Though, Sherry was always more interested in Ms. Anne’s hair rolls.

“Everyone, dinner is prepared. It will be served in the dining hall now.”

“Yes, thank you. …Uh, can you add another person?”

“Yes. Helena saw that we have a guest earlier, and has seen to it.”

“Good. Well, let’s go to the dining hall then.”

“Thank you, Ms. Claire.”

“Not at all. This child…Liza. Is now our guest.”

“Thank you. Did you hear that, Liza? They have prepared something for you to eat.”

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