My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

"Haah... What am I even doing?"

Shaphiron sighed deeply, waiting for Harris in a clearing on one side of the academy with her team members.

Despite his confident talk, he had asked for a day to prepare, and yet, as the appointed time approached, there was no sign of him appearing.

'Just as I thought, that man... I don't like him.'

Harris, a man her proud father had picked up during his travels on the Ion continent, was in many ways not to her liking.

Every time she saw him, his lethargic, drooping face irritated her...

'Mercenaries, they're just... people who run errands for a bit of money and turn into thieves the moment things go wrong.'

Her knowledge was based on fragmentary information heard through stories and rumors, but that didnt matter much to her at the moment.

'Besides, he said he hasnt been learning spirit magic for long, so his skills can't be that great.'

For Shaphiron, born into a noble family and showing exceptional talent from a young age, the level of spirit magic was synonymous with power.

After all, in elven society, spirits were indispensable companions, so her thinking wasn't exactly wrong.

'Granted, he survived the harsh Ion continent, but that's just a barely educated savage.'

In her mind, any place outside the Elven Kingdom, where the World Tree resided, was nothing but a barren wilderness.

Of course, she was aware that other continents had strong powers.

Their size, and even their military might, was significantly different.

However, she took pride in the Elven Kingdom being the world's foremost in cultural aspects.

Music, art, architecture, literature...

'Of course, in areas like sculpture or architecture, dwarves might be a bit, just a bit, outstanding... But that's just a different direction, not because we're lacking!'

A thought process thoroughly soaked in cultural ethnocentrism.

Having grown up in a warm greenhouse, receiving nothing but consideration and love, and always hearing only pleasant words, it was somewhat natural for her.

Thus, Shaphiron had little interest in the song Harris was preparing.

How great could a song from such a cultural backwater be?

'But... why would my father and the World Tree favor such a man...!'

Thinking about it made her anger surge again.

She was a chosen being.

Her mother was from a prestigious family that had been with the nation since its founding, and her father was a high elf.

She too was born with the aptitude of a high elf, showcasing her talent from a young age and receiving everyone's expectations.

Therefore, she had no doubt that she would become a high elf.

She was definitely the center of the world, the protagonist of a new era!

'My father's bracelet is... well, that's one thing! It's distasteful that it's in the hands of such a man, but since it was a legitimate payment, there's nothing I can do.'

That was compensation for a task, and as such, it could be reimbursed at the national level.

What really angered her was something else.

'...I've never received that much attention from the World Tree! Hmph!'

Not even Cecilie, who already had the qualifications of a high elf, nor someone like herself who had only the aptitude, had received a branch directly from the World Tree.

'I am better than that man in every way...'

That was what fueled the strong jealousy in her.

She quietly calmed her anger, fidgeting with the ring on her left middle finger.

"Ah! There's Harris. You're late! We've been waiting!"

Just then, Timmer, who had been twisting his body alone between the brooding Shaphiron and a timid female team member, Curie, brightened up and waved his hand.

From afar, Harris approached with his usual languid expression, carrying something on his back.

"Ah, I'm sorry. It took some time to prepare in advance. I really apologize for making you wait."

"No, it's okay! We haven't actually waited that long. Just got a bit bored, that's all!"

Watching the two exchange pleasantries, Shaphiron felt her irritation twist further.

"We don't have any more time. We haven't even decided what kind of performance to prepare. Let's see what you've prepared first."

Saying so, she summoned a mid-level spirit of wind to block out the surrounding noises.

This was an act of goodwill in its own way.

After all, it was awkward to have a team member embarrassed in front of others.

She truly had no expectations for Harris.

Since he had prepared something, bypassing it without a look felt wrong, so she planned to check it superficially and move on.

'Accommodating is only meaningful to a certain extent. If he's decent, I'll just have to teach him the harmony, at least, so he can stand on stage...'

Serious about music, Shaphiron pondered how to make a novice not stand out and began to plan the stage by herself.

"Wow! What is this? I've never seen this instrument before; it looks a bit like a lute..."

"Ah, this is a guitar, used in my homeland..."

While Harris and Timmer were busy discussing something on the other side, Shaphiron, lost in her thoughts, paid no further attention.

"Thank you for waiting. I did bring an instrument, but to fully enjoy this song, it alone won't suffice."

Only then did Shaphiron stop her daydreaming and looked at him, arms crossed.

To decide how to arrange the stage, she intended to assess his level first.

"So, I've prepared a magical device to record the sound of the instrument. Of course, such a thing won't help in communing with spirits, but for now, it's just a demonstration."

Internally scoffing, she scrutinized Harris with a cold gaze.

He held a spherical magical device in one hand and slung the strap of an instrument, resembling a lute, over his shoulder.

'...Huh? What's that instrument? It looks pretty.'

Her expertise in instruments momentarily disrupted her focus, but she clenched her teeth and maintained her expressionless demeanor.

'I should have asked earlier! ...Is it too late now?'

Resigning herself to ask later when the opportunity arose, she focused on maintaining her composure for now.

"The title is 'An Adventure in Search of Myself.' It's a song by a famous bard from my homeland named Viz, a song my father was very fond of."

With that, Harris summoned his spirits, activated the magical device in his hand, and set it down to one side.

"Then, let's begin."


-Ziiing~ Jing~

A sharp sound started leaking from the magical device.

The very unfamiliar sound of the instrument momentarily furrowed Shaphiron's brows.

She had never heard of an instrument that made such sounds.

'And the progression of the music... It's unique?'


As the sound from the magical device flowed, it mingled with the sound of the instrument Harris played.

With every strum of his fingers, natural forces spread out, resonating with the surroundings.

And those vibrations gradually harmonized with the spirits summoned around him.

As the atmosphere gradually intensified...

"Over~ the white sands to the end~"

A lively song began with the music.

The powerful voice carried a resonance that made the surrounding energy stir and ripple.

The exciting music and its enchanting tone enveloped the clearing where they were.

The eyes of the other team members, initially puzzled by the unfamiliar style of music, gradually widened.

'Hmm? What's this...?'

And Shaphiron was no exception.

This music was completely different from anything they had done before.

It was revolutionary music that conservative individuals, who value tradition and formality, could only feel averse to.



Her heart rate began to increase involuntarily, synchronized with his powerful voice.

The lively rhythm made her shoulders move without her realizing, and the forceful sound resonated with the natural forces around, shaking her emotions.

'Wait, something's strange. My emotions are moving this much? Could it be...?'

Like spirits, elves are beings inherently influenced by natural forces from birth.

It wasn't for no reason that they worshiped the World Tree

and regarded spirits as companions.

However, the wave of energy that began with Harris exceeded ordinary bounds.

The emotions contained in his song spread through the natural forces, forcibly assimilating the elves, sensitive to such forces, into those emotions.

'Ah... How can just a song mobilize natural forces to this extent...?'

Unlike his usual lackadaisical appearance, Harris now radiated vitality with his entire being along with the music.

And the magnetic pull of his song ruthlessly shook the surroundings.

Emotions fluctuated wildly, and an inexplicable force seemed to draw her into the music...

And... she just felt exhilarated.


Lightning and fire spirits glowed brilliantly, while wind spirits swirled around, spreading sound.

The spirits, also engulfed in those emotions, synchronized with Harris, who wore a pleasant smile at the center of the stage, spreading their presence around.

"Oh! Wow!"


Before she knew it, the other two audience members, excluding her, were intoxicated with emotion, waving their hands and excitedly responding to him.

'...I acknowledge his talent, but still, the songs from our Elven Kingdom are more...!'

As she tried to maintain her composure.

Her wind spirit, blocking the surrounding sounds, began to flutter slightly in tune with the energy contained in his song.

Although not enough to disrupt the sound barrier, it was notable that a mid-level spirit, not even summoned by its own summoner, was reacting to someone else's song.

She frowned slightly.


But unbeknownst to her, her ears were perking up to the rhythm.

'...Actually, it's not bad upon listening. It's just a different direction! After all, it's foolish to judge superiority in art.'

She found herself negating her previous thoughts unwittingly, but now, that seemed a mere trifle.


'Wow, the elf's voice is really something.'

Harris inwardly marveled as he finished the last verse.

I felt he understood why they took pride in their songs.

Not only the timbre but also the structure of their vocal cords seemed different from humans, allowing them to freely navigate through vocal ranges.

My affinity, flowing through my voice, synchronized with the surrounding natural forces, amplifying the effect even further.

'Actually, it seems thanks to the "Child of the World Tree."'

My already strong natural affinity was further amplified through the medium of song.

Naturally, the original goal of communing with spirits was also very successful.

I could already feel the connection responding, as if ready to grow and wriggle at any moment.

'But I didn't expect it to be this effective.'

Even before coming here, I had practiced singing a few times, but this was my first serious attempt.

Due to the time difference with Earth, just recording the song on a magical device, acquiring a new guitar, and revising the lyrics had been a tight schedule.

"Wow! Harris, you're amazing! I've never been so immersed in a song before! The song is unfamiliar, but it's exciting and I love it!"

After the song ended, Timmer and Curie approached me with sparkling eyes, continuously expressing their admiration.

'I didn't expect such a positive reaction.'

There had been a lot of contemplation in selecting the song.

Given that most elven songs tend to be sweet and lyrical, I thought it would be hard to satisfy them with a similar genre.

'So I deliberately chose a lively song that hasn't been seen in the Elven Kingdom.'

Although I had performed the song in a spur of the moment of irritation with Shaphiron's attitude, I hadn't thought it would be possible to bring it to the stage.

After all, wouldn't it be more efficient for one to adapt to the three, rather than three adapting to one new song?

I just wanted to shock them with a different kind of song and show that I was capable of this much...

"Let's do this one, this! If Harris sings this song on a properly prepared stage, it will attract a lot of attention!"

Nodding vigorously!

"We can mimic the sound of the instrument using wind spirits and natural forces! I think I can produce the drum sounds!"

Timmer was making a fuss, with Curie silently nodding beside him.

Swept up in Harris's emotions, the song seemed to have firmly lodged in their heads.

At that moment, something flashed through my mind.

'Karma is given according to the impact made on the world.'

Then what is that impact?


Whether positive, negative, violent, or moderate.

Whether it involves force, political power, financial influence...

Or even if it's 'culture', anything goes.

'Dance and song are part of the elves' lives. What if it's possible to influence that? And not just stop there, but to spread culture throughout this world through them?'

As evident from their current reaction, the synchronization with natural forces through the "Child of the World Tree" was a talent that definitely resonated with elves.

If used on a proper stage, it could even forcibly set a trend.

I would become the protagonist, leading the world's transformation with art instead of a sword.

If done right, it could be an exceptionally efficient source of karma.

'This is... good?'

It all started with them.

Timmer, who kept babbling in front of me, and Curie, who was in tune with him.

And Shaphiron, hesitantly approaching from a distance.

A deep smile slowly formed on Harris's lips.

"Now, then... How about we seriously discuss how we're going to set up the stage?"

In the meeting that followed, the song to be performed at the festival was unanimously decided, and the stage design went very smoothly with everyone's cooperation.

Now, only 5 days were left until the festival.

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