Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 236: Plans for conquest.

Chapter 236: Plans for conquest.

Lelouch leaned back as he remarked:

"And even the Magus world is only viable system"

"But in terms of laws it only have capacity of creating one Rank 9 Magus at best."

His worlds attracted the attention of the crowd:

"This of course without the help of the Library."

"The different flaws inherent of that Universe would in theories be enough to create a near infinite set of different lawsThat could compose near infinite universes"

Braham smiled lightly:

"But even that would be somewhat laborious."

"The Imperial Codex would be formed relatively easily until it's hypothetical Rank 5."

"Although that still remain completely theoretical, because we have no idea what the Realms created by the Imperial Codex would be capable of."

Braham eyes were in deep contemplation:

"But it is sure than in the Realm of LawsThe Magus World is far away from being able to create a perfect law by the standards of the Library."

The Emperor eyes held a deep battle intent:

"Actually, in terms of laws and paths.There is a world who is inherently more complete."

Izuna's eyes gleamed before he laughed:

"I thought you said that world was too dangerous for invasion."

Lelouch also knew which world, and titled his head:

"Indeed, in terms of laws comprehension and magic interpretation nothing tops the 'First to Fifth Magics.' "

Marek sneered:

"Why would I would content myself with Heaven Feel's and Kaleidoscope.If I can get my hand on the 'root' itself!!"

Izuna laughed widely!!

"I see!! You are looking for a good fight everywhere!!!"

Lelouch took a deep breath:

"I hope you are already to have this kind of conversion with your Empresses and the Mother Emperess once again, your majesty."

The Emperor cruel smile seemed to stiffen quite a bit.


He titled his head:

"Note this"

"I, alone, will be in charge of the Nasuverse and Akasha."

"Only with this could the Imperial Codex advance rapidly."

"It would be a shame that our Magus advance too rapidly with the Imperial Codex and we then find ourselves in a new bottleneck."

Marek made the declaration and no one would dare refute it. Seeing the eager look on Braham's face, he somehow relented:

"Although some people could be allowed to accompany me."

Braham's eyes brightened!!

"I am looking forward to it, your majesty!!"

Marek laughed:

"Although, you would have to be patient"

"As The Nasuverse would be one of the latest worlds to access."

"But there is some worlds that you would be allowed to visit."

"To complement your knowledge and to find good and talented mages."

He titled his head:

"For exemple, the Witcher Universe could be a good choice for you to conduct your research."

Braham nodded, knowing he would have to wait for some time:

"The Black Clover World could be worth something too...."

The Emperor who seemed to be attending to Braham's woes like a little baby, finally turned his attention elsewhere and continued:

"But actuallyI thought of a much more pressing world to acquire"

His eyes were brimming with unabashed greed:

"The Master Teacher Continent."

As he spoke of it, it all became an evidence in the eyes of the Vizirs.

Euphemia nodded:

"The Existence of something like Master Teachers in the Empire would make the culture of knowledge even more relevant in the Empire. I am all in."


She had a brilliant smile:

"I am thinking about becoming one myself."

That statement surprised a good amount of peopleIt seemed like a perfect occupation for her and her position.

EvidentlyAll of them as heads of states couldn't stay this weak all their life. They need to find their own way.

And Euphemia seemed to have found hers.

Marek eyes were brimming with warmth. He reminisced about the lost girl who, just two months ago, was riddled with guiltHer temperament growing, and now, getting ready to found her own path:

"My Vizir, I will support your endeavor, with all I can."

Euphemia responded with a smile

"You already done so much, your majesty."

The Emperor continued:

"The Master Continent is a treasure trove in our situation."

"It is a world that values knowledge before anything else."

"And more importantlyIt is a world that possessAll kind of mystical knowledge"

"Be it on PhysiologyOn Alchemy, On Pill Making, on Beast Taming."

"It is a perfect world to conquer in second."

Schneizel nodded:

"Master Teacher itself is a terrifying concept, that is compatible with our needs."

"After all"

"It is from this world that the idea of Library of the Imperial Path stems."

Lelouch had a more bold ideas:

"If we take the Master Teachers and put them in the Dawn System"

"We reform the Universities to different specialties.And instruct the Master Teachers about the discoveries of the Researchers."

All the present here, already saw this beautiful scene in their mind. Marek nodded:

"Not badBut this would need from us great efficiency and organization"

"Our Master Teacher need to be Tier 9, to carry on this task"

"After thatThey would need to either be knowledgeable in Magic, Science or Dao or martial Arts to teach thoroughly."

Cornelia added:

"We also need to find good Master Teachers seedlings, to lead this project."

Marek then smirked:

"I already have a perfect candidate in mind."

"He is fierce, powerful, not overly fond of violence and have the patience and temperament of a scholar."

Marek then concluded:

"For nowThe Expedition on our agenda are"

"First, 'The Pocket Dimension World'"

"Second 'The Martial Teacher Continent'."

"And Third 'The Magus World'"

"If we process all of these three worldsWe would already have a good foundation for skyrocketing evolution."

He faced Hakuki:

"I would let you discuss with the generals the deployment of these expeditions"


"We would need to accelerate and expand our territories in the already existing worlds."

He narrowed his eyes:

"For the Shinobi World for example"

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