Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 207: Giant Vessel

Chapter 207: Giant Vessel

Hi!! Before!! We restart the narration! I would recomand to reread the chapters about the moves the Saharian and Atleasian Empire in the Primordial Realm

Also...What is modified about the bleach arc isn't the events but their current proximity with the Soul Society arc.


Land of Whirlpools

At the edge of the island of WhirlpoolsIn the midst of the torrential sea around the island.

Numerous noble warriors were gathered around the a somewhat luxurious carriageIn it a a middle aged man, with a short beard wearing the attire of the feudality was waiting anxiously in the shore.

A week ago he received a demand from the new appointed Daimyo of water to visit his country

This personWas unknown to him.From nowhere he suddenly became the Daimyo of water.

On the same timeThe news of the appointment of a New Mizukage was held at the same time. Such changes on a country bordering on his waters made him anxious.

'It's probably a coup'

'Something unfathomable must happened in Kiri and the Water'

From all the neighboring Daimyo he was the one who felt it firstSince the Daimyo of Whirlpool knew of his precarious situation the most. He always mainted some good contacts with the noble lords of the Water and Fire

It could be said that besides Konoha he was the one who understood the real ramifications of what happened in the Water the most.

'And since the attitude of the Leaf is unknownAnd that petty guy from the Fire won't answer my offerings'

The situation became more and more dangerous for his country. He then looked faraway at his back

A ninja wearing a monster mask was standing stealthly on a branchBut one could see under his hood some strang of red blood hair.

'If only those bastards, didn't act so selfishly all the time!!'

He tightened the grip on his fan until it broke.

On the other sideAnother group of hooded and masked men even more well hidden than the last batch observed all the happenings coldly.

"Danzo-sama was right.The Whirlpool is indeed in great danger."

Another one responded:

"A Shame for the Uzumaki clan tho"

The Leader of the team kept a calm demeanor as if nothing could faze him.

"Danzo-sama thinks that the Uzumaki clan is too dangerous"

"Such a powerful clan so close to our waters is a big danger"

"More importantly their loss from the war is way too little."

"If they are not put in their placeWe may have on our hand another Uchiha clan and Hyuuga clan"

Orochimaru also narrowed his reptilian eyes.Just from looking at the Red Haired ANBU he could feel immense chakraHe licked his lips

"So that's the Uzumaki ClanInteresting."

Suddenly a commanding voice interrupted them!

"Silence! Our investigation concerns the upcoming nobles"

"Keep a cool head"

The rest of the Root team was a little rattledThey were all jonin.Was it really necessary to mobilize them allFor just noble lords

Of courseEven if the Daimyo changed it doesn't much in the eyes of the ShinobiAfter all even if the Daimyo was good, this will only concern the rest of the citizen of the Country

As for Shinobi? They were war weapons who would care about their wellbeing?!

As long as the war funds and the mission keep coming their way, is his identity that important?

Orochimaru on the side also had the same opinionStill he knew, that there was more to it than it appeared to be

Weird things continued to happen in the world. And the calm in the world became an auspicious sign. He could feel itNeither his Sensei nor Danzo could keep their usual calm.

Suddenly, they felt a deafining sound coming from above their head!!!

The Shinobi all looked simultaeonously!!!

And so did the Daimyo and his followers

Orochimaru eyes widened as he could see a shadow in the sky

Suddenly under everyone's gaze.A Gigantic White Vessel was cruising the sky, in a rather mild speed.

Not too fast nor to slow.

The Vessel was 1 km wide, and 10 km tall, it became more and more spectacular as it was modified by the Saiyan Engineers

If things landed on earth it would crash everything and everyone.

As they looked up at the engine, all the Shinobi gulped down.

"What is this thing?!"

Suddenly as if answering their question, the engine descended on the nearby waters, but stayed afloat above it.

The whole thing looked as a prehistoric beast of dark technologie. Its golden and elegant ornament didn't make it less domineering, and only made it more noble and unreachable!

Finally as, the Daimyo who already got off his carriage looked, with complete surprise.

The gigantic front door opened up!! And a Set of White colored stairs imbraided gold, majestic and holy as if they were stairways to Heavens!!

Orochimaru observed at the mysterious engine and his inner curiosity could help but take the better of him as he approached silently

His heart who was calm for a long time began to beat widelyHe didn't feel this rattledSince

'Since that day!!!'

An imposing presence appeared in his mind.

He still rememberedHis two other teammates may have put that day on the back of their mind.

But he always was obsessed with'That person'

His strength, his comforting yet steering words as if he was speaking to his inner self, his calm and knowing eyes.All of itMade the young Orochimaru fascinated!!

Since then he has been thinking deeply about that person.And he came to a conclusion

He always felt that the man he met that time

Was from another dimension altogetherSimply a passerbyWho visited a backward world and wanted to have some fun.

Yes he already felt that there is some things in this world that transcend this Shinobi World!!

He also never forgotThe words that man once said.

"If one day your environment shackles you."

Since thenHe secretly researched for tracesyearning to meet this kind of existence once again!!

His hope was ignited now!

Orochimaru is the type of person to get obsessed with the things he can't understand and can't have. So the earlier meeting had a deeper impact on him.

Today.This Vessel that seemed to hold the traces of unreachable civilizations put a fire in his heart!!!

It also confirmed his supscions.

'There is a much advanced civilizations!!'

His eyes lit up with greed and desire!!

So much.He already forgot about his mission!!

His feline eyes were concentrated on the stairsEvery minute seemed to last a decade!!!

As everyone present held their breath!!


Two people walked side by side.Those people seemed to only be regular civiliansBut no one dared to treat them as such!!

Because what they exuded, definitely surpassed normal nobility by several levels

A Blond Haired Man, with a Blue and White Caftan, gentlemanly helped a Fushia Haired Beauty, descend the stairs.

The Fushia Haired woman looked quite wild; a faint blood aura seemed to shroud her.

The Scene seemed to come out directly out of a fairy tale!!!

The two made their way to the ground.

The blond-haired man, came calmly to the Daimyo of the Whirlpool who was still mesmerized.

"I greet your Highness."

"I am the Daimyo of the Water. Schneizel el Britania."

"Thank you for welcoming us in your beautiful land."

With a suave voice Schneizel woke the Daimyo from his daze.

Th Daimyo responded hurriedly:

"Your Highness is too muchHow can I afford to not welcome the great Daimyo of the Wind."

He then spoke as he designed a carriage:

"I prepared a humble carriage for your Highness. I hope it is to your convenience."

Schenizel still had a gentle smile on:

"Of course"

The two immediately made way to their own carriage as they rode to the Capital of Whirlpool.

Immediately as they entered and sat in the carriage. Schneizel spoke to the air.

"How many of them are here?"

A Voice responded:

"3 From the Whirlpool, 5 Root from Konoha and"

The voice paused for a moment, attracting the attention of the two.

"And Orochimaru."

Cornelia narrowed her eyes as a smile appeared on her face:

"AhThe Rumored Orochimaru."

"Sarutobi sent him."


"I really want to see what he is likeFor his Majesty to want him so much."

Schneizel sighed:

"It is a good opportunity indeed.For first contact."

"After allThe Position that his Majesty foresees for Orochimaru hold quite the importance."

Cornelia narrowed his eyes:

"Oh? I never heard him mention itIt seems you have guessed it on your own."

Schenizel sighed:

"It is not that difficult to guess."

".From the Three of themHe is the one with the most obvious talents."

He finally spoke to the voice, his voice was indifferent:

"Kill the 5 Root of the leaf without alerting Orochimaru."

"Put him under genjustu if you must. I want him to keep following us."

"Yes, your Highness."

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