Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 144: Dreadful Hypothesis

Chapter 144: Dreadful Hypothesis

Bakuki continued:

"But the appearance of a god, is extremely unlikely. Let alone, an army of those."

"We have a much plausible hypothesis."

"That needs confirmation of course."

The Members of the Council were all suspended to his tongue. Madara's indifferent mood turned into rejoiced happy one.

"I am all ears. War Minister."

Bakuki responded calmly:

"As we analyzed those appearances and manifestations, they were either 'summoned', or their magic 'used' as God Slaying Magic."

"Or in certain cases, used as targets of Take over."

He sighed:

"The fact that they are summoned, suggest that they are coming from somewhere else."

Madara narrowed his eyes.

"We believe that there is probably more dimensions than the Three Edolas, Earthland and Elentear."

"We think that there is probably a Hundred of such worlds in the more optimist of scenarios and infinite universes in the most pessimistic ones."

Madara had a shocked light in his eyes.

"And we believe that above all those worlds. Stand in Hierarchy, another one."

"This one is above all else, rules over concepts in the other ones, and is composed of beings that represent these concepts."

Madara's face distorted in a wicked smile:


Bakuki continued, as the other vizirs were completely taken aback by such speculations!!

"These beings are probably bound by some kind of restraints. And are unable to fully descend on the lower worlds."

"They made their name known, and transmitted some of their might to their followers."

"And the manifestation of power all the people of The Three Worlds have ever seen may only a shred of their actual power."

"Probably the maximum they could leak, to those worlds."

Madara suddenly laughed!!

"Good!! Good!! Those are some good conjectures!!!"

There was a glint of bloodlust in his eyes.

"Then I, Red Falcon, Madara Uchiha, shall accompany the generals to this expedition!!"

He smiled wickedly:

"If those God have any way to bypass their restreints, and dare appear before me."

"I will make them dance until they regret ever leaving their mighty Panteon!!"

His red eyes landed on the Minister once again:

"In this configuration, what is your estimate? War Minister Bakuki!!"

The War Minister smiled back roughly:

"I think you already know the answer."

"Your excellency the First Marshall."

Madara responded, happily:

"Then it is settled."

"Are the Soldiers in the Training Ground?"

Bakuki responded:


"Give them more training time than the others. Tell them to prepare in the incoming weeks."

"In 3 Weeks, they shall march on the Guiltina Continent and take over the whole continent from the MNP Magic Council."

Lelouch nodded in acknowledgement:

"There is the problem of the intervention of the Ishgar Branch."

"I will go there on a diplomatic mission."

Madara didn't have any complains.

This was of the resort of the Grand Vizir after all.

The Guiltina Territory conquest was obviously a priority of the two Heads of the State.

The Whole EarthLand is a land with extreme magic concentration. Ishgar is the smallest of the Three and had already a lot of Etherano.

Guilitina is much bigger, it's size is probably twice the Eurasian Continents.

Such Magical Resources were pivotal for the current state. And the conquest of Guilitina would lead to the conquest of other worlds like Edolas and Ethlantis.

A Foothold on the Continent is important.

The Emperor also knew of this little conjecture from Ren Pa and Ou Ki.

If this was rightThen that means that the safe world where he thought he was leaving his Empresses is a den of silent monsters.

His knowledge of the Future only ends on the original work's.

But this was a real world!!

And his Empresses will continue to face a harder and harder challenges! Even after the end of the original. Sooner or later, especially as Erza continue to grow, she may face these beings.

And if in the original he was sure they would come out on top, he had no guaranty after that.

Maybe these beings are not meant to be messed with by these mages. So he needed a foothold in this world.

He needed a base from where he could ensure the safety of his Empresses.

The excitement and the worry of both Madara and Marek should be a big enough indicator.

These Gods may be on near the level of Universal. Like those of the Warlock of the Magus World.

In the same wayThe Otsutsuki were surprisingly powerful in endgame.

These Gods could rival them.

In many ways. This conquest is pivotal. If the Emperor was here, he may even move some of the Janissaries!!

Lelouch then turned to the other Vizirs:

"EuphemiaHow are the things in the Ancient Empire territory?"

Euphemia had an elegant smile:

"The reconstruction and restructuration of the Empire is in march. All corruption has been uprooted at that night."

"The reforms are also in works. We need after all the Ancient Empire to be at the same speed as the other regions."

"I am already working on passing a new set of legislation for the regionWaiting for the Emperor to pass it as his own."

"The Revolutionary army are becoming more and more favorable to our existence."

"Some sceptics are always there. But they are few."

"Najenda have been extremely helpful on that front."

Lelouch nodded, approval in his eyes:

"Good. You will probably need to accompany the First Marshall, to the DxD World"

He had a mocking smile:

"I have an impression the Devils loves you more than me."

All the members chuckled at the same time. As Euphemia sighed:

"Of course, Grand Vizir."

He then faced his eldest brother:

"Schneizel. Did you begin the operations in the Land of Whirlpools?"

He nodded:

"A diplomatic visit is already scheduled to discuss some regional matters with their Daimyo."

"Of course, we already discovered. That contrary to the relation between the villages. The relationship between the daimyo of the Whirlpools and the Fire are quite estranged."

Lelouch smiled:

"It's seems the mystery behind the future destruction of the Whirlpools is getting somewhat clearer."

Schneizel smiled back:

"The Whirlpools are a strategic archipelago. That gives direct access to the Land of Fire. The funding of the creation of a large commercial port there will be a strategic move, for both countries"

"I have no doubt the Whirlpool Daimyo will be of the same opinion."

Lelouch chuckled:

"I don't think the Daimyo of Fire will be that thrilled about it."

Schenizel kept his poker smile:

"Since when do we need his approval

"We happen to have a powerful Mizukage, who lusts after blood more and more, each passing day."

"And we are not afraid to use it."

Lelouch expressed his approval:

"Good. Then deliver the orders."

The council briefly ended afterwards. And the Empire's run towards its fated glory was as quick as it always had been.



I also set up a Patron account, so that I don't get burned out as easily as last time. /ThunderDawn

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Finally we are back on the Empire. As I said before the absence of the MC will let the other characters shine a little more. We will be back on the political intrigues and the conquests!!!

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