Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 288 - I choose first option Ms. Grey

Chapter 288 - I choose first option Ms. Grey

Jasor gulped his saliva and couldn’t believe his eyes... why in the world his sister’s friend should be Jean Grey... the only person he fears to his death after the elders of family.

"So, you are the bitch who is helping this insignificant idiot to snatch my wife away" Henry walked towards Jean and is about to grab her chin.

Jean smacked his hand away and kicked him in his abdomen. Her knees brutally shoved into his flesh and he yelped.

He looked at Jasor fiercely and yelled. "Tell your men to beat the crap out of this s.l.u.t. How dare she hit me"

He got embarrassed in front of his future wife and it is by this mere and fragile woman....

Though he want to retaliate against Jean, he is not a fool not to understand that she is more way more stronger than this.. Meghan will surely laugh at him

Whereas Meghan and Jake looked at Jean incredulously....she is unbelievable.

Jasor pursed his lips and slumped back on to his chair. His legs no longer can hold his stressed body...

"Jasor.." Henry yelled at him angrily as he noticed the changes in his face.

"Are you afraid?" he shouted

This is Jean’s turn to laugh devilishly.....

"Haha... Mr. Williams, you can’t expect help from that poor man. He is probably pissing now" Jean laughed again.

Whereas others looked at Jasor who shivered but didn’t retaliate back...every one are too confused who this vixen is... she has audacity to humiliate their ruthless master...but magically he succ.u.mbed to her like a submissive.

"Aren’t you Jasor?....but as much as I hate you I couldn’t deny that your sister is actually sweet and kind" Jean said and walked towards him.

"How about I give you two choices...let your sister marry Jake or... you know the next one better than me" Jean hissed.

Henry swiftly made his way to Jean and yelled at her frantically.. "You.. Who are you to tell it, do you know who I am or at least do you know what I can do to you and your mere commoner life" he snarled

Jean raised her eyebrow mockingly and laughed again.

"Oh.. Do you want to play in that way. Fine then... Jasor, can you please tell this dumb man who I am and what I can do" Jean chuckled.

"Hey....Henry, don’t blame me. It is you who started talking about background and influences not me" Jean shrugged innocently and made her way to Meghan who is shivering uncontrollably.

"Jake....your wife is shivering here. Come and hug her" Jean said and this made Henry to fume with rage.

" can you sit quietly. Can’t you see what that bitch is doing...I want to sue her" he shook Jasor’s shoulders roughly.

Jake nodded his head and wrapped his arms around his woman. Meghan shivered at his touch but snuggled involuntarily.

"Oh.. God you both are looking adorable. I can’t wait to see you marry each other....come on Jasor, tell me your choice" Jean squealed in delight.

Except for her no one are relaxed and happy...she is totally weird but extremely dangerous.

"You...I am going to crumble your family and career " Henry yelled and is about to advance towards her with a knife when Jasor yanked him suddenly.

"I choose first option Ms. Grey" he answered submissively

His sister looked at him with wide eyes and tears started rolling down her face with happiness.

Is she dreaming?....

Only one word from Jean is enough to make her brother tremble.... Who exactly is her mysterious friend.

"You... Jasor...what about our business deal. I will severe my projects with you. You will lose billions" Henry yelled. "Why on the hell you are afraid of this woman." He asked again and glanced at Jean with detest.

Jasor sighed and rubbed his forehead. "If I loose our partnership I might loose only some billions. But if I go against her my whole company in fact my whole family will go bankrupt" he said.

"I don’t want to offend her, Henry. Same applies to you also. Listen to Ms. Grey and leave calmly, as a friend I can only suggest you this" he patted his shoulder.

"But why... what can a mere woman do" Henry asked. He can clearly see that his friend is not joking now...he is actually terrified of her, for real.

Jasor has this habit of playing with his prey before he kills till now he thought he was just acting

"You idiot...she is the woman I told you about...CEO of INA and the woman who has my fate on tip of her fingers" he hissed.

All the others snapped their heads and looked at Jean incredulously...She is the CEO they are dying to find about... it is true that she is really a ruthless person.

She is yawning as if she didn’t notice more than fifty pair of eyes gaping at her..

"Hff... so you know about me. Ok....let us cut some crap out of our discussion Now. As I said Meghan will be marrying Jake as soon as our exams get finished. And to have your company on safe side I want you to transfer twenty percent of shares under your sister’s name so I can trust you that you won’t plan against them again. Until they get married they will be in my protection, then you, yourself have to prepare a grand wedding for them" Jean’s attitude drastically changed into serious and business like.

"If any mishap happens...your company will be bankrupted and your secrets will be revealed to your it is better you compromise your pride for reputation sake" Jean warned and Jasor nodded his head hurriedly.

"Good" Jean smiled and looked at Henry who is gawking at her.

"Mr. Williams as you are from country X I think you are well aware of what INA can do to company which is in bad side to them. So, forget about Meghan and look for other women....never dare to harm them or else I am warning you, your company is already in my hit list and I can guarantee you that you will face the same fate as Wen corporations" Jean patted his shoulder and turned towards her friends who are looking at her with wide mouth

"Come on guys... Let us go to my place so we can have a proper party" Jean dragged them along with her.

As they reached to the entrance two cars are already waiting for them.

Scott climbed out and hugged Jean worriedly. "Honey, you fine" he looked at her from top to bottom and then sighed in relief.

Raymond came and hugged her tightly "Liz, dare to do this type of stunts again we will ground you" he choked up.

Meanwhile Scott and Lucas chuckled... who have audacity to ground Jean... he is fooling them

Jean giggled and nodded her head like a obedient sister.

Lucas sighed softly. "OK come on let us go..."

Then they went to Scott’s villa nearby...and slept peacefully.

Meghan smiled and had a proper sleep after a long month. She will surely help Jean if she really can do it..

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