Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 215 - Dear, rest in peace

Chapter 215 - Dear, rest in peace

Mean while when Vanessa and Thomas are talking in the garden, unknown to them there are three pair of eyes looking at them from shadows.

After listening to their whole conversation, their eyes became even more deadly than Vanessa. If she thinks herself as tigress, then these people are her ancestors. Far more powerful and dangerous than her.

"Captain, our suspicion is indeed correct. They are trying to attack our target. Do you want us to shoot them or kidnap them?" One of the person holding sniper gun talked into his communicator connected to his sleeves.

"Yes, captain we copied. We will follow your orders." He pressed his communicator off and dismantled the sniper gun professionally.

"Chief." The other person beside him stared at his boss confusingly.

"Plan aborted, we are moving. Get the chopper ready," he ordered his team and continued packing his weapons.

"What about our target?" The third person frowned, disappointed that his first mission is cancelled.

"We do what we are told, if you want to live longer, then keep this in mind. Our boss will look into this personally. The persons down there must be someone powerful or important to our boss," he patiently explained to the new recruit.

"Or, might be much more powerful than us," he grunted and turned around disappearing into the dark.

He nodded his head and followed them into the dark.

Somewhere in other country...

At mid night...

In graveyard...

A tall and sturdy looking silhouette kneeled in front of the tomb, with his eyes closed and trembling hands, gazed on the name written on the stone.

He placed some chocolates and fruits, rather than using flowers to respect the dead people. His face is emotionless, but his eyes slowly brimmed with tears which quickly made there way down his cheeks.

He didn’t wipe his eyes nor tried to stop his eyes from producing tears. This is the only place where he will be himself, a human with heart and emotions.

Whenever he read the name carved on the stone, the pain that throbs in his heart make him feel alive. An indication that he is not a total monster, that he still have a feelings called emotions.

Minutes passed into hours, night slowly dawned into gloomy morning, when he stood up from his kneeling position. His expensive pant was glinted with blood from his knees, but he didn’t care. His bare foot turned white as ice, but that didn’t stop him from walking five miles all alone with his lonely heart that bled with the lack of love.

Except for the tomb, nothing can be sighted around the five miles radius except for various trees and lake. It is especially for that only person who died many years back.

The person whom he trusted to his life, to whom he handled his beloved to take care of, betrayed her and killed her on the spot...helpless and lifeless all alone in the howling forest.

Before he opened the huge metal gates that takes him back to the heartless world, he once again stared at the direction where his beloved rested..... "I will avenge you. I will kill the whole group including ’him’, whom you trusted most with your life. If I fail she will, she will sure revenge you. Dear, rest in piece," he gulped his saliva controlling hard not to choke up.

As soon as he exited the field, his face drastically changed into evil and stoic person. His lips curved up darkly and his eyes dilated with fierce anger.

There are more than hundred people waiting for him patiently, all are dressed in black and bullet proof suit and vest with the advanced guns hanging on to their shoulders.

He ordered them with some series of orders and commands, then embarked into his chopper and flew to his private island...waiting for "some particular one" to call with the good news.

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