Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 243

Chapter 243: Vol. 4 – Chapter 42

The Passing Festival, Part 3: Satsuhiro

Seeing everyone like this was surreal. 

Just a few months ago, Satsuhiro had believed that what he’d signed up for, or rather, what Varcon had dropped on his lap, was the task of training Ash up to have some knowledge of magic and sorcery and that after that, she’d be sent off to some other Savior and he wouldn’t have to see her again. That Keiko would simply be a part of that Savior training squad, and that Kaori would be some well-remembered hero for years to come. 

Now, however, due to the various circumstances that had led to them sticking together like this, as Ash cheered Keiko on while the Zayama danced up ahead, Satsuhiro realized that they were all just as much a part of his life at this point as anyone he’d met before. 

Now, whenever he saw Ash, and how confident and powerful the woman had become, and whenever he saw Keiko, and how determined she was to assist those she cared about, he felt proud of them. 

But, when his thoughts circled back to Kaori, who was currently unconscious and missing out on all of this, he felt a slight jab of pain in his heart. 

Even then, his job was over. Ever since that Nightmare had taken his leg from him, all Satsuhiro could realistically do was watch from the sidelines and offer up information whenever he could. 

It was funny, though, how when this all started, Satsuhiro had hated Ash, the Royal Council, and everyone else who’d taken his retirement away. Now, however, he wished he could stand beside them when the next fight against the demons inevitably came. 

“O-Okay, that’s enough for me,” Keiko said, and Satsuhiro snapped out of his thoughts. 

“Hm? Alright. Good job, though!” Metsumi told her.

“Thank you.” 

With that, Keiko walked back to where the rest of them were, while Metsumi and Opah continued dancing ahead. 

“Well,” Keiko said. “I think I’ve made enough of a fool of myself for today.” 

“Eh, at least it was fun to watch, though,” Ash shrugged. 

Then, Keiko looked up at Satsuhiro.

“Did Metsumi ever make you do anything like this?” She asked with a little smile and Satsuhiro turned toward her. 

“Hm…” One memory quickly came to his mind, and Satsuhiro sighed. “Yes.” 

“Really? I can’t imagine it,” Keiko responded. “What was it like?” 

“… It was at our wedding,” Satsuhiro thought. “I think that’s the last time I danced, actually.” 

“Oh, how did that happen?” Keiko asked. 

“I’m guessing you haven’t been to a wedding, then?” Satsuhiro asked. 

“Nah, Zayama’s tend to have theirs outside the compound. Outside the city, actually, and I’ve spent most of my life back there.” 

“I see,” Satsuhiro nodded. 

“Actually, I’m kinda curious,” Ash asked, leaking back against the metal gate of the Manor. “What did you and Metsumi do?” 

“Hm… It was right before we had Opah, actually,” Satsuhiro sighed, and he looked up at the sky. “I remember it all too well.” 

Nine Years Ago 

Satsuhiro had known Metsumi for just 1 year, and in that time, she’d changed his life just as much as the crystal that had chosen him to become a Savior had done. The two had met in the middle of his training, fell in love, and when the couple found out that Metsumi was pregnant, Satsuhiro took some time out of his early training then to solidify his relationship with the strong woman, and that had led him to where he was today. 

Drinking in a small bar at Jade, dressed in a black suit, and with a cold anxiety in his stomach. At his waist, his Savior’s Weapon was hanging from his belt, as was evident by the bartender’s eyes wandering to it every few seconds.

“Another one, sir?” The bartender asked him and Satsuhiro nodded. 

Just one more,  the Savior thought.  Enough to get me through this mess, anyway. 

Social gatherings like these had never been something Satsuhiro enjoyed. He was far more accustomed to sitting around in a dark library and keeping his eyes glued to pages full of dense text. Laughing, singing, and chatting wasn’t something he was good at, and even though he loved Metsumi, that wasn’t going to change. 

So, he downed a second shot and wiped his lips before standing up and stretching. 

“Thank you,” he threw a few crowns on the counter and the bartender bowed. 

When the Savior walked out of the bar, he saw the streets of Jade heavily illuminated in the nighttime by bright lanterns and torches, all placed there as a part of his wedding. He hadn’t even asked for this, rather, Varcon had used this moment in his life as a way to raise the morale of the citizens, and wanted to make a huge event out of it.

Even though he hadn’t planned for this, Metsumi was more than happy with the idea, hence why they didn’t refuse. 

The streets were mostly empty since everyone was gathered at the Public Square, where the wedding was being held. Satsuhiro appreciated this, however, as it allowed him a moment to breathe before he was going to be drowned in the praises and singing of strangers. 

He could only stall for so long, though, and soon, he rounded a corner and was met with a packed crowd and loud music forcing its way into his ears. Scowling a little, he cut through them, looking for the woman that he was set to marry. A few statues of Lumina were placed around the area, looking down at everyone. Satsuhiro continued walking around until, after a moment, he found the woman he was looking for. 

“WOOO!” Metsumi cheered a few maidens on as they chugged down drinks from glass mugs. 

The sight brought an amused smirk to the Savior’s face. People stepped aside as he walked over to where she was and as soon as Metsumi found him, she grinned. Metsumi, who was wearing a brilliant crimson dress, walked up to him and snaked her hands around one of his arms, pulling him away. 

“Hm?” Satsuhiro gave her a confused look. “Where are we going?” 

“Somewhere more private~” Metsumi told him as she dragged him over to an empty alley. Everyone was so distracted with their ongoing festivities, that no one caught them as they escaped the scene. 

They walked a little further until the only thing they could hear was the music in the distance. Once they were here, Metsumi turned toward him and held out a hand. 

“Oh,” Satsuhiro realized what was going on and asked, “so, this is why you took me out here?” 

“Yes,” Metsumi said with a smile and a nod. “I know how much you hate embarrassing yourself out there. But, I really would like a dance with you tonight. So, if you’d entertain me a little, I’d appreciate it.” 

“…” Satsuhiro looked away. The sounds of fast-paced instruments could be heard just a small distance away, lending their moment a bit of background music. Metsumi walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and, honestly, that was all it took. “Sure. But, don’t misunderstand, you’re going to be very disappointed.” 

“As long as you don’t run off, trust me, there’s no way that’ll happen.” 

The Present Day 

“Yeah… That was the last time I danced.” 

“Whoa,” Ash replied to his story. It gave him a strange feeling, thinking about something that had happened so long ago. In a lot of ways, he had changed, and yet, in many others, he was still the same man who moved awkwardly to the rhythm of the distant songs. 

Ahead, Metsumi was still as lively as ever, though the streets had now been filled by small wooden vehicles carrying people wearing strange masks. Satsuhiro guessed they had some symbolic meaning, but he didn’t know it. 

“… Alright,” Satsuhiro said. “I’ve just about had enough. I’m heading back inside.” 

Without another word, the retired Savior turned and walked back into the Manor. He’d seen enough already, and reminiscing like that had put him in a strange mood. Tapping his cane along the clean floor, Satsuhiro went all the way to the garden behind the Manor, where he sat down at a bench and looked up at the sky. 

What he did next, well, maybe he just wanted to feel a bit of that power he’d worked so hard on growing, before his retirement. 

Satsuhiro closed his eyes and tried to remember the incantation to what had been his favorite, and most powerful, spell during his duties. 

“Dragons of the golden era, roar for the memories of those who’ve challenged you. Soar

for the spirits of those who’ve worshipped you. And breathe for the sake of

those who still defy you. Surge!”

As he finished the incantation, his arms were covered in fire, and he aimed them up. Then, a dragon made of flames materialized and began flying up, surging out of his palms. His hands shook briefly, almost as though his body was surprised that he could still do that, and he watched the flaming dragon dissipate into nothing above him. 

Letting out a long breath, he hunched forward and looked down at his hands, as he heard someone speak to him. 

“Satsu?” Metsumi asked as he looked up. “Are you alright, hun?” 

“Yes, yes,” Satsuhiro replied. “Go with the others, I’m fine.” 

“I could use a break,” she told him, sitting next to him. “Ah, I don’t have quite the same amount of energy in me that I used to, though I’d like to think being in my early 30s doesn’t make me that old.” 

“I’d definitely like to think so too, considering I’m in the same spot,” Satsuhiro replied. 

“Eh, well, if we’re old, then, at least we’re old together.” 

“…” Satsuhiro smiled a little when he heard that. 

“Sometimes, I almost forget you can do that,” Metsumi told him with one of her own. 


“Whatever,” Metsumi shrugged, as she leaned on him a little. 

Satsuhiro, for some reason, a question came to his mind. 

“… Did I do enough?” He asked quietly. 


“When I was a Savior, I mean. I definitely helped a few people, but, I don’t know. Maybe I retired too early.

“Where’s this coming from?” 

“Just… Thinking a lot, I guess. Sitting around, doing absolutely nothing, especially in these times, has gotten me wearier than when Ash was just starting. 

“I see… Well,” Metsumi chuckled. “Considering how I literally can’t go a few steps in any neighborhood we used to live in, back at Jade, without people talking about how awesome you are, I’d say you did you enough.” 

Satsuhiro laughed a little when he heard that. 

“People talk about me?” 

“You’re a damn Savior, of course, they talk about you.” 

When he heard that, Satsuhiro felt a little better. 

“Hmph. Well, now I’ve only got one job left. And, that’s to help Ash get to that same point.” 

“I, for one, think she’s already well on her way,” Metsumi replied, and the two of them sat there for a little bit, in a peaceful, comfortable silence. 

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