Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 193

As the two of them sat on this hill, Ash looked back, to make sure no demons were still chasing them. All the while, the pair continued to think of a plan. 

"In short," Ash said, "we're kind of fucked."

"I see."

"There's no chance we get through this without being poisoned again," Ash said as she searched the land for any dry spots. "And those demons are buffed, so neither of us can take them down as easily as normal. On the bright side though," she pointed ahead, "it shouldn't take too long to reach those things. So, if we figure out a way there that isn't too bad, we'll be fine." 

"What do you suggest then?" Yumi asked. "I... I never experienced a problem like this at the shrine. I heard of poisonous swamps in this book I used to read, that my handlers left for me, Souls of Darkness, but I never thought I'd actually be in one." 

"I don't know," Ash muttered. "We have a few problems. First, there are way too many demons around," she pointed at a few of them. "I can see some over there, to the left. I can hear a few to the right. I imagine there will be more up ahead. Wherever we go, we can expect a fight. Second, the poison. You have almost no Con in that water, and the poison weakens me enough to close the gap between the demons and I." 

"Ah, I see. The Strength reduction means you can't brute force your way through them?" 

"Yeah, and that means that their numbers advantage starts to matter a hell of a lot more." 

"... But," Yumi said as she put a hand to her chin, "are they immune to this poison? I see no reason why they should be. I had speculated for a moment that demons are immune to such things, but, well..." 

"Yeah, I'm half of one and it still affects me," she finished Yumi's statement. "Well, yeah. If they aren't immune to this, then they'd be poisoned too." 

"And that would mean the power gap between you still exists. Additionally, it would make killing them slightly easier for me, since their physical stats would also be lower, but my Dexterity has remained unaffected." 

Nodding, Ash continued to search around them. 

"So, it sounds like we have a pretty good shot at fighting them... If we can find a dry spot, and if they aren't immune to the poison which, well, why would they be?" She shrugged. 

"Precisely," Yumi agreed. "And, of course, there is also the chance that we could be terribly wrong and rush into our deaths." 

"... Yeah, that's definitely something that could happen," Ash chuckled. "Doesn't feel like we've got too many choices here though." 

Well,  she thought, there is my Demon Form. But, I can't activate that myself, I'd need to fight some of these things and let them activate it for me. Unless I... I mean, yeah, if Yumi and I fucked then I'd go into my Lust Demon Form, but... 

She snuck a glance at the other woman. 

Yeah, no. I'm not about to say, "hey, Yumi, I know we're in the middle of the grossest place either of us has been to, surrounded by a bunch of terrifying demons, but how about you eat me out real quick? I really could use some tongue action right now." I refuse.

However, the more she thought about it, the more sense it began to make from a strategic point of view. 

I mean... I guess if I were in my Lust Demon Form I could just fly us through this mess. Unless Niven sent his own Lust demons to fight me but, we could probably do something about it, since my spells would be enhanced too... Plus, the Demon Form buff would at least make the Poison effect be a little less damaging. 

As Ash continued to ponder this, Yumi stood up. 

"Hm? What's...?" 

Ash stopped when she saw Yumi take her shirt off. She froze as the Zayama casually sat back down, folding her shirt up neatly and setting it beside her. 

Ash was stunned. It also didn't help that Yumi wasn't wearing anything underneath. 

"Oh, my apologies," Yumi said, "wearing that wet shirt felt awful. I suppose I'll put it back on when we get moving but, ugh, I needed a moment without it." 

Ash gulped. 

"So, listen," she opened, "I have this power..." 



Scientific and security purposes.

That was all.

What Eliza had just done had been purely for scientific and security purposes. Never mind the way her legs were trembling, the way her heart was beating quickly even now, ten minutes after she'd walked out of the palace's dungeon area, the way her body could still remember the creature's cold touch. Logic and reason were all that had prompted her to take a visit there. 

And, the only reason she was sitting here, on her bed, her hands clutching its edge with a white-knuckle grip, was because she needed a moment after so much time spent planning the defense of her city. The time she spent conversing with the officers from Jade, informing them of what was happening in the city and where their forces would be best used. 

It was a lot for one woman to handle. So, clearly, she needed a break. 

... You did it, it's done, just move on,  Eliza told herself.  Now, in the event that these demons should manage to break through the Grey Chamber's gates, you will be protected by one of them. That's it. 

The door opened and Eliza flinched. One of her handmaids walked in holding a glass of water and some bread, looking ashamed of herself. 

"O-Oh, sorry, milady, I forgot to knock..." 

Eliza took a deep breath. 

"Do not worry," she raised a hand as she stood up. "I could definitely use some water right now, thank you." 

And a shower, probably. 

"Uh..." The handmaid sniffed the air. "Milady, you... I mean no offense, but you smell strange." 

"... Thank you for the water and bread, my dear, but I need a moment to myself." 

"O-Oh, of course, I apologize, enjoy." 

As the maid walked out, Eliza crossed her legs and took a sip from the glass she'd been given. She sat in silence for a second. 

"... Fuck this, I need wine," she muttered, standing up and walking out of her chambers. 



Yumi had been staring at Ash like was crazy for the past five minutes. Ash stared right back, determined. 

"... Are you serious?" 

"For the third time, yes," Ash nodded firmly. "I'm not lying, joking, or just trying to get you to have sex with me. Well, I am, but, you know what I mean." 

"..." Yumi blinked. "Tell me if I am understanding this correctly," Yumi took a deep breath, "what you are telling me is that if you and I... Well, you know," she blushed a little, "you will take on a more powerful form? And, there's no other way for you to take this form?" 

"Yeah," Ash nodded. "Like I said, I'm half-Lust demon. When I have sex with someone, I transform into a full Lust demon. And, with that, my stats get increased and my spells get stronger. Not just that, but, I can fly, which would be pretty convenient here." 

Even to her own ears, Ash sounded like the sort of shady merchant who she'd occasionally run into in Jade, trying to sell her random rocks as "priceless enchanted artifacts". But, she wasn't lying, and it really would make a lot of this easier to do. 

"I... I suppose that makes sense but..." Yumi looked away. "Is that truly needed to take on this new form? Is there no other way?" 

"The only other way is to fight, and have the fight last long enough to make the transformation happen on its own. But, that version of the Demon Form can't fly, which is kind of the point of what I want to do. I want to fly us to the beams," she gestured at them, "and once we're there we can just take the portal down and leave." 

"... When you put it that way it sounds so simple," Yumi laughed. 

"It is," Ash said, "we just fuck, fly, and leave. Easy, right? It doesn't even have to be a big deal or anything, it's just magic at work, you know?" 

Nodding, Yumi remained silent. 

"... I will be honest," she said, "sex had never really been a prominent part of my thoughts. A decade of isolation will do that to you. But now, hearing you say this, I can't help but be slightly caught off-guard." 

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, it was just a suggestion anyway, I'm not saying that's what we should do, just-" 

"But, you're right," Yumi took a deep breath. "If... If this form of yours works as you said it does, then that would be the most intelligent route to victory." 

Ash stopped. 

"So... Does that mean...?" 

"..." Yumi silently took the rest of her clothes off right in front of Ash. Then, without saying a word, she turned towards her and spread her legs in front of the half-demon.

Ash took a sharp breath. 

"I suppose," Yumi mumbled, "in this matter, I am the student. How do we do this?" 

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