Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 823

823 asking abdon

The mechanical fortress slowly rose into the air.

Troy’s voice sounded.

[ attention to everyone in the mechanical fortress, the spaceship is starting to rise. Please do not move around and wait for the status to be removed before moving. ]

The players were extremely excited.

This time, the wasteland Expeditionary Force was recruiting more members, and most of the names submitted by the major forces were players.

The originally desolate resting area finally brought the scene that they had imagined.

Half of the rooms in the resting area were already taken.

There were very few people walking around in the square, but the rooms were full of people.

The players leaned on the porthole, listening to the loud noise of the mechanical fortress lifting, and their eardrums trembled.

However, these discomforts could not stop the enthusiasm of the players. Looking at the home that they had lived in for more than a year through the porthole, they had the ambition to go out and see the world. Coupled with the feelings of leaving their home and the excitement that they could not hold back, all kinds of emotions were intertwined and difficult to describe.

The NPCs ’emotions were equally complicated. They had made so many preparations to defeat the alien planet, and had allied with the forces of several planets on planet Fandi. Whether they could completely eradicate the alien planet would depend on this!

The mechanical fortress quickly rose into the air, and the wasteland under their feet shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. The area outside the porthole was filled with the lonely darkness of the universe.

When the mechanical fortress broke through the gravity constraints of the wasteland, the new players felt weightless for the first time.

But this feeling only lasted for a few seconds.

Some of the players who were on the mechanical fortress for the first time were tempted.

Some were floating upside down in the air with their hands behind their heads, looking extremely comfortable.

Some were swimming in the air, enjoying the novel experience of weightlessness.

There were also some who rolled on the spot.

A few seconds later, when the mechanical fortress’s self-gravity device was activated, a powerful force dragged these players who had become playful, and they fell to the ground, whimpering in pain.

As for some of the old players who had been in the group earlier, they covered their mouths and laughed wildly when they saw this scene. They had even activated the recording program in advance and recorded all the embarrassing scenes of these newcomers.

Travelling through space was a fresh experience for these newcomers, especially when they arrived at the warp gate. The huge and vast scene that appeared in front of them shocked them to the core. Although the players had posted pictures and videos of the transition gate when they were testing the waters, seeing it through a video and seeing it in person were two completely different experiences.

That kind of majestic and Grand feeling directly choked the rookies until they couldn’t speak.

If the grandeur of the transition portal had already shocked the newcomers, then the grotesque and grotesque transition scene after entering the transition portal made them even more speechless.

On this day, all the rookies that boarded the mechanical fortress, be it players or NPCs, the most common word they said was ” wow “. Most of them were dumbfounded. the place where they spent the most time was the porthole.

However, the players ‘enthusiasm and curiosity were like sexual desires, they came and went quickly.

In less than a day, they were already as calm as old Buddhas in meditation or scumbags who had entered Sage Mode.

as the number of npcs on the mechanical fortress increased, so did the number of missions.

Although most of the missions were for NPCs to run errands or to familiarize themselves with the environment, the players were not idle. They could also familiarize themselves with the structure of the mechanical fortress while doing the missions and obtain wasteland expedition contribution points. Wasn’t that great?

After Helen’s successful development of the spatial memory device, this state reached its peak.

As there were too many players on the fortress, almost everyone who boarded the fortress had prepared a set of materials for the spatial storage device.

Therefore, in order to avoid competition and to ensure the stable progress of the laboratory production and delivery work, penny and Helen worked together to design a queuing system.

Anyone who needed the product only needed to connect to the mechanical fortress ‘wireless network to register, and then the system would automatically line up according to the number of wasteland expedition contribution points these Inhumans had. When it was someone’s turn to receive the product, Troy would send out a notice. It was similar to a semi-self-service delivery system. All the players had to do was to submit the materials and choose the model. Then, they would wait for the material to be built and contact them to collect the goods.

As for the NPCs, there was a special line of connection, and a part of the production capacity would be allocated to meet the needs of the ” insiders.

There was no charge for making spatial storage, and players only needed to bring their own materials, but the online submission line would charge contribution points.

One had to know that the contribution points of the players were related to the basic necessities of life in the mechanical fortress.

They had to pay a sum of contribution points for the houses they rented every month. If they did not have enough contribution points, they would not be sleeping on the streets but in the universe.

Previously, some players had refused to believe it and wanted to see what would happen if they did not pay the contribution points.

In the end, he refused to hand it over after being informed repeatedly and was directly expelled, sent to Victoria. If he wanted to come back, he had to pay the ” room fee ” and earn reputation points in andor city in Victoria City before he could use the teleport portal.

When the other players saw that someone was trying out the game, they gave this ” real warrior ” a thumbs-up in their hearts. This guy was using his own future to create game effects!

After that, the players were all very careful, afraid that they would not be cleared out in time after paying the rent.

This was exactly what link wanted to see. He wanted to turn the wasteland Army’s contribution points into hard currency. This way, even if the players had a wide vision and went to do missions in the universe, they would only be able to spread their branches. The core of the game would still be under his control.

Of course, the initial stages were still in the areas of clothing, food, shelter, and transportation. Slowly, it would lead to a higher level of demand.

This time, the spatial storage device was clearly Penny’s second move.

Once again, he would instill the importance and superiority of contribution points into the players, laying the foundation for the future.

Think about it, contribution points were closely related to food, clothing, housing, and transportation. After obtaining the spatial storage device, the players ‘contribution points had been reduced by a wave. The sense of urgency to be kicked out of the fortress arose spontaneously, and they would only be more active in future missions.

While penny was busy buying the core currency, link did not appear. He was currently chatting with someone in the lounge.

if it were me, after discovering the enemy’s plan to overturn the nest, I would have arranged for a Suicide Squad to directly charge at the first-order’s mother planet, Mustafa. When the time comes, we’ll directly do an ultimate exchange, and we’ll definitely profit! It’s a pity that there’s probably no one as bold as me on the alien planet now.”

the person who said this was abaddon.

Fu’s [ Temple of Darkness ] was open, and Abaddon was expressing his opinion on this war.

as the most threatening existence to the first order in his previous life, if he had not been so unlucky as to meet chris, the captain of the military police of stars harbor, abdon’s surprise attack plan would have been as he said.

“Are you so sure that no one on the alien planet will admonish Thanos about this plan?”

Abdon waved his hand. No. Abu, old and incompetent. He’s good at keeping things, but he’s not very open. yegush was just thanos ‘loyal dog. in terms of strength, he wasn’t much stronger. he was only equipped with equipment that was given to him by thanos and made by saffron. In terms of personal ability, he could not convince the masses. There were originally a few promising war emissaries, but they were all killed by you, my Lord. The rest of them will only lead alien army A up there. They don’t know any tactics and rely on brute force.”

Abaddon pointed out the situation and commented on all the middle levels of the alien planet.

In the end, the answer he got was-other than me, everyone else here is trash!

if he didn’t have his memories from his previous life, link would definitely think that abaddon was boasting.

then, what do you think we should do to maximize our benefits if the first-rank and the alien planet start fighting in wormall? ”

“We’ll only be able to see the situation clearly if we fight in womil. However, based on the distribution of the Warmill Army and the terrain, I personally prefer the Northwest. The terrain in the Northwest is dangerous and uneven. If they engage in a confrontation and battle with the alien planet, their biggest advantage in scale will be lost. This is also where our advantage lies-powerful individual combat ability and small team cooperation ability.”

Abaddon’s analysis was very serious, and even link listened with great interest.

” the old saying is right. often, the person who understands you the most is your enemy. ”

Abaddon’s short words had directly summed up the advantages of the players.

I’m now under the wasteland Expeditionary Force. The alien planet is my real enemy!

Abaddon gritted his teeth. His physical body had been worn out, and only his soul was left. If not for Fu’s timely discovery, even his soul would have completely dissipated!

When he was on the alien planet, he had been completely loyal to the alien planet. He had even been willing to submit to the alien and offer his power core to spy in the mechanical fortress. However, after saferon learned of his plan, he had directly taken over his body and treated him as trash that could be thrown away and sacrificed at any time. This had completely collapsed Abaddon’s faith, and he had begun to hate him.

His emotions peaked when Fu saved his soul at the last moment.

He had thought that he would be completely destroyed, but he did not expect the enemy to save him at the last moment.

From that moment on, Abaddon’s heart was filled with an extreme desire for revenge.

He wanted to personally take revenge in womir and let saffron witness for himself how strong the trash he had looked down on was!

“alright, since you’ve already submitted your’d application’, i won’t say much. let’s move on to the next topic. it’s about helping you recover, yingluo.”

Abaddon didn’t know what an “application” was, but when link mentioned his most interesting topic, recovery, his eyes immediately burned with passion.

Before, he had felt that there was no rush to recover his body, but after learning that the first order had joined forces with the wasteland Expeditionary Force to launch an attack on the alien camp, Vomir, Abaddon became anxious!

It was true that he wanted to plan for link, but he wanted to appear before Safron’s eyes when he was defeated and see his regretful expression.

“please speak ~” abaddon gestured.

Though he was desperate, he couldn’t rush link.

“I know that you want to have a body during this war, so you can tease him in front of him. I have good news and bad news for you, which one do you want to hear first?”

Link crossed his hands in front of his chest and looked at Abaddon with interest. He wanted to know what Abaddon would choose.

“I’ll hear the bad news first.”

the bad news is that the progress of your body’s rebirth plan isn’t very smooth. I haven’t been able to find a suitable body for you.

A trace of regret flashed across Abaddon’s face as he consoled himself,”It doesn’t matter. This kind of thing requires timing and luck. If you look for it specifically, you often won’t get the answer you want. What’s the good news?”

the good news is that graves ‘recent study of the runic box has yielded some results. He seems to have found another form of’ possession’.

Abaddon didn’t know if he was happy or sad. He couldn’t control his expression anymore, and he was eager to know the answer.

The opportunity in front of him was gone in a flash. He firmly believed that after losing him, the alien planet lacked strategy and only knew how to act rashly. They would definitely not win this war.

Their new master, link, was now infinitely close to the two alien Kings in terms of power and aura. With the first-rank personnel present, the battle was over before it even started.

Once the first order and the wasteland Expeditionary Force completely eradicated the alien planet, he would forever lose the chance to take revenge in front of saffron.

there was only one chance, and now that he heard that there was still a chance, abaddon was like a drowning man grasping at the last life-saving straw, refusing to let go.

“you can think about it and make your decision after i’m done.”

Link adjusted his tone and said,”I couldn’t find a suitable body, but graves recently found a new way-weapon spirit. Combine your soul and your item. The price of doing so was that you would lose your sensory abilities. You will lose your sense of smell, taste, and touch, and it can not be reversed. If one were to talk about benefits, then the artifact would not be destroyed and the consciousness would live forever. This could barely be considered one. however, this is also a negative thing. if the items are destroyed, your soul will also be destroyed.”

“I’ve told you the pros and cons. The rest is up to you.” Link crossed his hands in front of his chest.

Abaddon fell into silence. After a moment, he asked, ” “if it was the head of state, what choice would you want me to make?”

“I hope you don’t choose,” link said seriously.

a smile gradually appeared on abaddon’s face. the way he looked at link changed, and his eyes seemed to be flickering with excitement.

“I’m telling the truth. The price of losing your sense of smell, taste, and touch is too great, and it’s not temporary, but permanent. This isn’t the best choice for you. It’s more like a curse.”

Abaddon considered for a moment, and his eyes gradually became firm.

Though he was speechless, link already knew his choice.

“What’s the point of this ~”

“Because I’ve thought it through. My life now is purely given by the head of state. Originally, the name Abaddon would have disappeared with the wind after the spy failed, but you gave me a chance to start over. other than serving the head of state, the main driving force of my life right now is to witness the destruction of an alien planet and saffron’s shocked face.”

if I lose this chance to take revenge for a better body now, then no matter how prominent my status is or how powerful I am, I will always have an inner demon in my sleep every night, and I will regret my current decision for the rest of my life.

” losing some of my senses is not a curse to me. being unable to personally take revenge and being tortured day and night by my inner demons is my curse! ”

“So, I’ve made my decision!”

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