MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 58: Historic

Chapter 58: Historic

'Those two are monsters!' Seth thought to himself as he watched Adam and Ron fight each other.

While Ron was clearly stronger and faster, Adam was equally impressive. His Unarmed Combat techniques were very high level. It was clear that he had prior experience.

It made Seth feel small and insignificant. He had never fought before going to the tutorial. Not even in school. He never brawled with his friends or classmates.

'Brother, how could I possibly survive in the New World if there are people like Ron around every corner?' Seth gulped, fear slipping into his mind. 'I-I don't think I am cut out for this.' His glasses, covering his dark blue eyes, reflected Adam's unfazed expression.

'I am not like him, and I am not like Donald or Ramon. They're all special. I am... nobody...'

He then heard some whispers from nearby players.

"Maybe we should attack while Ron is distracted?" A short-haired player suggested to his friend.

"As if that would work." His friend scoffed at the idea. "Ron has ears like a fox and a nose like a dog. He can hear us coming from a mile away."

'A sneak attack, hah, that has already failed so many times...' Ron looked at his hand, which was holding an ordinary pitchfork.

'In the third floor, I dealt some damage to Kuruma, but that's pretty much my only contribution to this tutorial so far. Will I even be able to become a mercenary as I am now...

'Brother, mother, father, I am their final hope. I was supposed to become mercenary, become rich, and get out of poverty. I don't think I can do it. I am weak...'

Seth's hands trembled, and his nails dug deep into his palm. He bit his lip, spilling blood down his chin. He looked up at the sky, tears streaming down his face.

'I hate this. Why did my brother have to fail? I didn't want this responsibility. God damn it!'

Seth screamed to himself and slapped himself in the face. The nearby players looked at him with strange expressions. They didn't understand what the hell was going on with him.


Ron picked up his sword and shield from the ground.

"So, what're you planning to show me?" He laughed as he raised his weapons.

Adam looked over Ron's shoulder, caught sight of someone, and then turned back to Ron.

"This is my pinnacle." Adam took a deep breath, placed the shield in front of him, and softly opened his eyes.

His heart started pounding against his chest as if it were trying to burst through. His legs and arm muscles swelled, the veins bulged, and danced around his forearms like fiery serpents.

'Little God Style, I Am Thee...' Adam's eyes slammed open, and he then flashed forward with a speed that surpassed any human capability, leaving only a blur of motion in his wake. 'The Cycle of Life!'

Ron's eyes slammed wide open, and he quickly side-stepped. In that very instant, Adam struck a powerful blow that shattered the ground where Ron had just been standing.

Ron barely managed to dodge out of the way, just in time.

'What the hell is this power?' Ron thought to himself in shock. 'This is not what Coinfeeder should be capable of doing.'

"The Cycle of Death!" Adam rushed after Ron and thrust his sword toward him.

Ron put his shield up just in time to block the blow. BOOM. The impact rocked the shield and shockingly made Ron take a single step back.

'What in the world?!' Ron's eyes shook furiously. 'He pushed me back?!'

"I have a favor to ask." Adam said, catching his breath. "Can you do that for me?"

"What is it?" Ron asked with a frown.

"Can you give me the Flask of Setting Sun and the Flask of Rising Moon?" Adam asked with blood draining from his face.

"Why?" Ron asked with a strange look.

"Because after this..." Adam chuckled and grinned. "I might die."

Ron's heart sank as he realized the seriousness of the situation.

'What kind of person is he? What was he taught? His own body can't handle the power of his techniques. Is he a pupil of one of the legendary Martial Arts schools that has already gone into seclusion?

'I don't think any other place can create this kind of monster...'

Ron pulled out his interface and brought out two flasks-one had grayish liquid while the other one had golden-they were the Flasks of the Setting Sun and Rising Moon!

He tossed them over to Adam, who caught them and stored them inside his inventory.

"I appreciate it..." Adam coughed uncontrollably, blood dribbling down his chin.

Ron moved out of his fighting stance and brought out his timepiece. There was only one minute left.

"I enjoyed this; I indeed did." Ron said and then sighed. "I guess I still prevailed."

"Did you now?" Adam wiped the blood off his lips and took a deep breath. "I haven't gotten this far just to fail at the finishing line."

Crack-with a powerful stomp, Adam vanished from the view. He moved around the platform with such speed that not a single player managed to see him, except Ron.

Ron looked around with his hawk-like eyes and managed to keep track of Adam. He still had to agree that he was quite fast. Still, he was faster.

As Adam was about to launch an attack, Ron vanished from sight and appeared right in front of him. He moved with such speed that he even created an afterimage that tricked Adam into thinking he was still where he had been.

"Not bad!" Ron said with a smirk and a twinkle in his eyes. "I bet you didn't see this coming." He then grabbed Adam by his collar and brought him back down to the ground, laughing triumphantly.


After the dust cleared, Adam coughed blood; his health had dropped all the way to the bottom. He only had a few health points left.

Ron stood over him in victory.

"That was a nice fight." Ron laughed and checked his timepiece. "And... the time's over."

He was about to offer his hand to Adam to help him stand up, but then everything around him started to look hazy and disorientating. Adam and all the players looked like they were fading away into nothingness.

The sky turned green, and all the stars seemed to glow brighter than ever before.

"Eh, what the hell is going on?"

At that moment, Ron's vision turned dark.

"Oh my god!"

"What the fuck!"

All the players shouted in shock all around the platform. They were all in shock. Everyone

watching couldn't believe their eyes.

On the ground, Ron's eyes looked blank, and he was drooling from his mouth. Adam, on the other hand, had his legs wrapped around his neck, squeezing tight.

Adam had put Ron into a triangle hold without him noticing a thing and now, Ron's eyes looked blank as if he was unconscious!

"Ahahaha..." Adam stared into Ron's unconscious eyes and laughed. "I am actually pretty

good at grappling. I tricked ya. Checkmate, Ron..."

For the first time ever, on the Fourth Floor, the 'Boss' since the destruction of the Respawn

Crystal had been defeated!

Adam, as Coinfeeder, had defeated a powerhouse of Grandeur Rank!

The Fourth Floor erupted into cheers and applause.

The most shocking thing in the history of the tutorial just happened!

In the history of the entire Mortal Online, this was something extremely rare!

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