MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 179: Revolutionary Techniques

Chapter 179: Revolutionary Techniques

The crowd outside watched as Oath managed to land the first hit.

His friends laughed among themselves, not even really keeping eye on the match as they knew how it would end.

It would most likely end in a couple of seconds.

Alice bit her nail nervously.

"See," the person behind her shook his head. "It's not a shame to lose to Oath. He is the champion of the Highlands. There is no one in this country that is better than him."

Alice ignored him and focused her gaze on the screen.


Oath started his famous rush attack.

It was an ever-changing series of attacks that usually left his opponents scrambling to keep up until finally the attacks landed with a devastating blow.

Adam moved his swords as fast as possible, barely able to block the strikes that were coming at him from every angle.

Some of the attacks aimed at his legs, so he had to jump and dodge in order to avoid being hit, which ended up making the fight quite awkward.

At last, one of the swords cut into his light armor, but luckily it only left a shallow cut on his


Oath shot his right arm forward, the sword stabbing through the air like a blade of wind.

It was heading straight to Adam's chest, but then, with a reverse grip of his sword, he brought the blade down on the incoming sword and slammed Oath's blade into the sandy ground, causing a loud clang to echo through the arena.

Then, with his other sword, he slashed towards Oath's face, but he also had his own second sword and brought it up to block the attack just in time.

Adam pushed Oath a step backward with all his might, then took a step forward to enter the close combat and grabbed him by his wrists to try to disarm him.

Oath didn't let go of his swords and instead kneed Adam in the abdomen with full force.

Adam gritted his teeth and slammed his forehead against Oath's face, causing both of them to stumble back.

The blood dripped down Oath's face as he growled with an uncomfortable look.

After a second of stumbling, they rushed towards each other again and entered another exchange of blows-blade against blade-each strike more fierce and determined than the last.


Oath's friends quieted down, and one of them dropped their cigarette on the ground that lost its flame.

The crowd's jaws hung low in awe of the intensity of the fight happening before them.

"Come on, come on..." Alice tiptoed closer to the screen, her heart beating like a drum.


Adam's stayed stern while avoiding Oath's sword strikes. He wasn't swinging his swords anymore and was just dodging.

'It didn't work.' He thought to himself.

As he headbutted, he tried to use influence on Oath.

It failed, and Adam knew why.

'Oath wholeheartedly believes that he is better than me. He doesn't think that even in a million years I could beat him, so the influence didn't work because of that.

'I thought it would shock him if I managed to land a proper hit on him, which would cause his confidence to show some cracks, but it didn't.'

Oath's face was bleeding, but it didn't seem to matter to him as he kept rushing in, his sword slashes becoming faster and more aggressive.

Adam jumped backwards, barely in time to dodge those slashes. He made a big enough distance between them to catch his breath.

'I'll need to crack his confidence, and there's only one thing I can do.'

Oath let out a single breath and then jumped straight after Adam.

His fighting style was very aggressive, and his former opponents knew that he would keep pursuing his opponents relentlessly until they were too exhausted and defeated.

At that moment, Adam tapped his feet on the ground three times-so fast it looked like he never even raised his feet-and then he disappeared like a speedster.

There was only a faint blur of movement left in his wake.

'Where?' Oath's eyes widened in shock.

Then, something cut through his armor, around the waist, and left behind a bleeding wound.

"What?" Oath looked at his waist with a frown. "The hell?"

As he turned around, he saw Adam standing around ten meters away from him, one of his swords bleeding with Oath's blood.

"How can he move so quick?" Oath asked from himself. "Hacker? Impossible, this is not his own machine, so how could he hack?"

'Speed Step.' Adam thought to himself. 'Technique found in the future. A bug in the game's system allows moving at extreme speeds if you just step on the ground three times in quick


After it was discovered, it was never patched either, so all the players had to learn it in order to stay competitive.

It wasn't as easy to learn as it sounded.

Adam again stepped on the ground exactly three times very quickly. This time, he moved in a straight line and stabbed his blade deep into Oath's chest.

"Argh!" Oath collapsed on the ground and lost the grip on his swords.

The sword had gone straight through Oath's heart, and he was slowly dying.

"H-how..." Oath whispered weakly, his eyes filled with confusion.

Without having time to hear the answer to that, his consciousness left his avatar as it died.


[Winner, Silent!]


"Ah..." Adam slowly opened his eyes and heard the excited scream of Alice, who suddenly

entered his embrace with a warm hug.

"You did it!" Alice screamed in excitement.

The crowd looked shocked and confused. They had no idea what happened in the fight.

They didn't understand how Adam could move at such speeds.

"Y-you cheated!" Then, friends of Oath, angered beyond belief, shouted towards them.

"Huh, no, he didn't, sore losers!" Alice said and showed her tongue. "How could he cheat if he

didn't do anything to the machine? Explain that sore losers!"

"No one could move like that!" Oath's friends shouted. "It's obviously cheats!"

The crowd also seemed suspicious at the way Adam won.


At that moment, Oath rose from the machine and told his friends to quiet down. He then walked around the machine and looked straight at Adam, who was also climbing out of the


"How," Oath asked. "You didn't cheat. So how did you do it?

"I call it the Speed Step." Adam said, not planning on hiding anything since he wasn't even planning to play Arena Online after this.

"Speed Step?" Oath frowned.

"If you tap the ground three times-exactly three times-so quickly that it only looks like one step, the game misunderstands your real speed, allowing you to move like I did just


The crowd exclaimed, and then fell silent in awe of that discovery.

They hadn't heard about it, and since even the fourth-ranked player in the world didn't know

about it, it must be a very new discovery!

They looked at the machines, wanting to test it right away!

"Wait, for real?" Oath looked shocked. "Three times. Not two or four?"

"Two is too little, and if you do four, it's a thousand times harder to do." Adam said.

Oath touched his chin, then nodded and went to one of the machines and went straight back to

Arena Online, wanting to test it.

Then, one member of the crowd ran to the other machine while the rest of the crowd surrounded the screen, excited to see whether Oath could do it.

While they were busy with that, Adam walked away with Alice, humming a song under his


"Did you discover that by yourself?" Alice asked curiously. "It sounded like a revolutionary


Adam just smiled.

In fact, it was discovered by him in his past life.

It was one of his proudest moments of his life, as his discovery completely changed how

Arena Online was played.

While in Mortal Online, he was mostly taking credit for other people's discoveries in this life.

However, he didn't have to do that in Arena Online, as in his past life, he was one of the

greatest legends there as he discovered a total of four revolutionary techniques.

Speed Step was just the first one.

He doubted that Oath's mind would be able to handle the other three.

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