MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 175: Night Forest

Chapter 175: Night Forest

The fire burned strong and bright inside the tree monster's body.

As it took a step forward, the fire channeled itself through its arms and shot out in all directions, igniting everything in its path.

Adam covered his body with his brilliant wings and then flew through the fire like a phoenix.

The fire couldn't reach him.

As soon as he emerged from the other side of the fire, the fire-clad roots smashed down at him like whips of flames, but again, Adam put the wings around himself to protect him from harm.

The whips didn't reach him, but the brute force of those whips sent him flying back into the flames.

With the wings protecting him, he flew through the flames and landed safely on the other side.

Immediately after, the tree monster ran through the flames, its wooden body completely on fire like a raging inferno.

Its leaves had already turned charred and ash.

The hundreds of burning roots whipped down at Adam's wings, scorching everything on their paths, but the beautiful wings held strong against the fiery assault.

The underground cave caught the fire and quickly began to fill with smoke, making it difficult to see anything.

It was near impossible to breathe with the thick smoke clogging his lungs.

Adam couldn't help but think about how this fight would've gone if he didn't have his wings. With his former defensive power, he would've been dead hundred times over already.

These wings were life-saving and most likely also in the future, as he could always fly away from the fights that he couldn't win.

With each passing moment, he fell more in love with these wings, as they were the perfect defensive and offensive weapon for a Tank such as himself.

'There're two more powers left in the Little God arsenal. I wonder what those are...'

"Cough..." He suddenly coughed because of the smoke and used his wings to fly further away from the black smoke.

It was very annoying to fight now in this smoke-filled cave.

However, he didn't want to leave this place, as the tree monster wouldn't be able to follow him.

The boss and minor bosses of the floor had their own designed area, which they couldn't leave.

This cave was one of those designed areas, and the tree monster was basically trapped here.

Adam wanted to kill it. The escape wasn't an option for him!

'I didn't fight for hours just to escape near the finishing line!'

Adam's eyes bulged wide open, then, with wings in front of him, he rushed through the black smoke and arrived near the burning tree monster.

Everything around the tree monster was burning with tall, scarlet-red flames that were reaching the tall ceiling.

Ignoring the flames, Adam flew straight through with his steel-bladed sword in hand and slashed through the burning bark. The tree monster let out a deafening screech of pain.

The burning roots followed after him like a hunting pack of fiery serpents.

With his wings carrying him into the air, Adam flew around the tree monster, delivering hundreds of quick slashes into the monster's body.

Some were shallow as a paper cut, while others cut deep into its bark-like skin.

With another loud screech from the tree monster, it whipped down one of its burning roots and slashed deep into Adam's chest.

Instead of an ordinary flesh wound, the flesh started burning and sizzling like it was being cooked from the inside out.

"Aargh!" Adam screamed in a horrible pain, then another whip of fire landed on his wing and sent him flying to the back end of the cave, eventually crashing into the wall.

[HP: 111/650]

[-5 HP]

[-5 HP]

While his chest was burning, his health dropped with every passing second.

Adam took out a water canteen from his inventory and spilled it over his burning flesh. It caused terrible pain to him, but it also helped to soothe the flames and the burn.

The charred flesh looked terrible, and he was still losing health at a slow pace, but not as much as it did when it was still on fire.

The tree monster stomped towards him, its fiery roots dancing around him like living whips. The wings carried Adam back into the air, and it looked like he was airwalking, stepping on the empty air as if it were solid ground.


The fire crackled and popped as it spread throughout the cave.

While that happened, the burning tree monster and the winged young man exchanged a long


Both were injured and exhausted from the battle, but there was also mutual respect and understanding in their eyes.

The tree monster, while still being Chaosbeing, was much smarter than the previous monsters Adam had faced.

It could think and feel fear and pain.

It wasn't as smart as humans, but not too far either.

While it thought this young man was easy to kill at first, it didn't take long for it to realize his

strength, and Chaosbeings respected strong ones.

The wings on Adam's back spread wide like blooming flowers.

The burning tree monster just laughed in a deep, guttural voice.

Then, the burning roots appeared around the monster, looking almost like extended limbs.

"You," the tree monster suddenly spoke. "Strong..."

After those words, the burning roots moved as if they had a mind of their own and lashed out towards the winged young man.

The wings wrapped around Adam, like a mother's arms protecting a child, and protected him from the fiery assault that didn't seem to have an end.

Behind the wings, Adam's lips curled into a slight smile, and then the wings burst outwards and sliced through the burning roots with ease, freeing him from the fiery assault.

The wings then flapped with such power that the flames were extinguished in an instant.

The dancing flames around the tree monster's body vanished into thin air, leaving behind only a charred wood creature.

Wings sprouted wide, and then Adam soared through the air, his sword slicing through the charred creature's remaining limbs with ease.

The health bar that was floating on the air reached zero. It turned red and then shattered into

a million pieces, signaling Adam's victory.

The tree monster collapsed on the ground into a pile of charred and ashes.

[You defeated Minor Boss, Crazy Lashing Tree Monster!]

[1000 XP!]


[Level 4-5]

At the pile of ash, a treasure chest emerged that was great contrast to the destruction around


It was a silver chest with gold engravings around it.

Adam picked up the chest and stored it inside his inventory. He didn't think that this was a

good place to open it.

He then walked away from the smoke-filled cave, climbing up to the ground above.

As soon as he reached the fresh air, he noticed that it was dangerously dark.

The sky had turned dark, and the sun was nowhere to be found.

It was nighttime.

As soon as he noticed that, dangerous howls echoed from the distance, and he felt like there

was danger everywhere around him.

"So, I am not out of the danger yet..." Adam chuckled as he thought it was funny and then

stood up, his wings spreading wide.

Wherever he used Kiryoku, he felt bloodlust coming everywhere around him.

It felt like he was completely surrounded, but he couldn't see anything with his bare eyes, except a dark forest with trees standing eerily still.

Adam's gaze turned cold, then he tightened his grip on his sword and started walking into the

forest, the wings on his back giving off nice light.

And just like that, he, too, disappeared into the dark forest, but unlike the thousands of victims that have died in this night forest, he had a strength that belonged here.

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