MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 172: The Wings of Berserker

Chapter 172: The Wings of Berserker


Adam's memories got completely rewritten.

It was like he had returned to that day. The day of the betrayal.

"It's fine!" Noel tried to calm down his panicky friends. "He can't use any of his skills. We should be able to still kill him with ease!"

"Y-yeah, you're right..." Jake nodded hesitantly.

Renee licked her dry lips, but then heard something behind her.

She turned around slightly and saw the roots of the tree slither like snakes in the darkness.

'What's that?'

"Renee, focus!" Noel screamed.

"A-ah, I am sorry!" Renee turned to face Adam and held her thin-bladed sword tightly in her hand.

Adam, with sword in right and shield in left, took a strong step forward.

Strangely enough, his veins were pulsing around his arms like snakes slithering beneath his skin, emitting reddish radiance as if his body were on fire.

His current state was not unheard of. It had happened to a couple of people before, but it was still a rare phenomenon.

It had received the name of Berserker State or Lethal Rage.

In this state, a person wouldn't be able to tell friend from foe, and those who had undergone this state often had no recollection of their actions afterward and instead found all of their enemies and friends brutally slain afterward.

Thus, both names were quite fitting.

The back of Adam's jacket ripped open, and his exposed back looked like it was swelling, and then strange wing-like appendages burst out from his skin.

Those "wings" started to look more like the petals of a flower-red and orange-and around eight of those petals sprouted from his back, making him look like some kind of mystical creature.

Ding, ding!

[Second Mystery, Berserker Rage, has been unraveled!]

[Berserker Rage: Its state originated from the Little God, who was once known as the Angry God of Tantrums. Whenever He threw a temper tantrum, the world trembled in fear, and disasters would befall the land.

[During His tantrums, no one could calm Him down, not even the other gods. Those tantrums often lasted thousands of years.

[When He finally reached adulthood, the Angry God of Tantrums mellowed out and became a peaceful deity, eventually receiving the title of the Little God.

[While the Angry God of Tantrums no longer exists, His famous Berserker Rage is still part of every single living human being]

[Third Power Unlocked!]

[3rd Power: The Wings of Berserker]

"W-what the fuck are those on his back?" Renee asked, thinking that those wings looked very beautiful. "He wasn't supposed to be able to use any skills!"

"Did the Sleepwalker Poison fail?" Noel felt frightened and started backing off.

Unfortunately, while this place was hidden nicely, there was only one exit, and Adam was currently standing right in front of it!

There was no escape!

Noel then saw Terry on the ground, as shocked as the rest of them, and then picked up him, and placed him in front to act as a meat shield.

"Don't move an inch, Adam, or your friend will die!" Noel screamed.

Renee and Jake also moved behind Terry.

"Amelia, you betrayed me for these kinds of people?" Adam said while looking at Terry. "How funny."

'Amelia?' Terry didn't know who that was. 'Is he talking to me?'

Adam put his arms close to his chest, and then his wings sprouted outwards, and with one leap forward, he soared across the cave like a majestic eagle.

"I'll really kill him!" Noel shouted while placing his blade against Terry's throat, but soon noticed that Adam didn't seem to care even the slightest!

Adam placed the flower-petaled wings in front of him like a shield and rammed straight into the four people, sending all of them flying through the air like ragdolls.

Their backs crashed against the enormous tree, leaving them dazed and confused on the ground.

"I-I need to escape..." Renee stood up with her jelly-like legs, barely able to stand. "We'll die..."

One of the orange, flower-petaled wings shot forward and impaled through Renee's chest, nailing her into the tree like a bizarre crucifixion.

"A-ah!" Renee gasped in pain and shock.

"Renee!" Jake shouted in anger and ran towards Adam with his broad-bladed sword in hand.

Then, the left-sided wings unfolded and slashed through Jake with their razor-sharp edges, leaving him lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

He was still alive-barely.

"How is this possible..." Noel clumsily took out the rest of the poison needles from his pouch and then tossed all of them over to Adam.

He hoped that at least one would hit.

The left-sided wings opened up in front of the needles and blocked all of the hundred tiny, poison-clad needles.

The wings were so durable that none of those needles managed to break through, thus the poison didn't manage to do anything.

"Calamity, I didn't expect you to be this weak."

Adam said, then, with his unfurled wings, flew at Noel, grabbed him by the throat, and

slammed him against the tree with ferocious force.

Noel gasped for air as he struggled against Adam's grip.

Adam pulled back his head and then headbutted him straight on the nose, breaking it and

causing blood to gush out.

The three friends were now all gasping in pain.

Renee, still impaled by one of the wings, felt her life slowly drain away.

Jake was nearly unconscious. If left unattended, he would die in a couple of minutes.

"G-god damn it..." Noel mumbled through clenched teeth as he struggled to stay conscious and figure out what to do next.

Adam revealed his steel-bladed sword and impaled Noel through the chest. He left him there, dangling there with his feet off the ground and sword in the chest.

"Now, one last person~" Adam turned to the tied-up Terry, a look of terror in his eyes.

He tried to scream for Adam to stop as he realized that he wasn't in the right state of mind as he was clearly thinking that he was someone else!

However, not a single word of his came that sounded understandable. Instead, all that came out was muffled shouts.

Adam pulled out his sword from Noel's chest, letting him fall to the ground, and then

crouched in front of Terry, ignoring his tied-up state, and just coldly looked down at him

while his wings moved behind him in a mesmerizing dance.

"Amelia, I should've seen it. I should've known that you were a snake. Why was I so blind?"

Terry tried to scream, but again muffled.

"Amelia..." Adam frowned and lowered his head with an unfocused look. "Wait, didn't you just join Crimson Hounds? No, we're part of Platinum Mercenaries, or am I?"

Slowly, the face of Amelia vanished, and it was replaced by Terry's teary visage. "Terry?" Adam looked at him in shock and quickly removed his mouth gag. "Are you alright?"

"Ah..." Terry breathed in relief. "Y-you remember me? What the heck was that?"

"Uh..." Adam touched his head, and it felt like he had a pounding headache.

When he turned to look at the other three-he still saw Calamity, Nikholas, and Lisa.

"What in the world is going on?" Adam frowned and then turned back to Terry.

With his sword, he cut off his ropes and set him free.

As he was about to stand up, he felt something heavy on his back, and when he turned around,

his eyes turned wide in shock as he saw his beautiful flower-petaled wings.

"Wings? What the fuck..."

"Let's leave." Terry said, after finally being cut free. "You've been poisoned!"

"Poisoned?" Adam asked, feeling a sudden wave of dizziness washing over him. "Right, I am

feeling quite sleepy..."

"The teacher can still cure you; we need to go now!"

Adam stood up, but before leaving, he turned to look at the three bleeding bodies lying on the


He was still seeing those three faces that had been haunting his nightmares for too long. He had a feeling that if he let them live, they would only come back to haunt him again.

"Adam, we need to go!"

At that moment, the whole cave started shaking, and the roots of the tree burst out from the

ground. They moved like whips and started lashing at everything in sight.

"What the fuck is that?!" Terry screamed and backed off towards the exit.

Adam frowned.

Near the enormous tree, a healthbar interface appeared out of nowhere.

[Minor Boss, Crazy Lashing Tree Monster]

[HP: 100%]

"A minor boss?!" Terry screamed. "This place is a hidden boss room?!"

"Terry, leave." Adam said, tightening his grip on his shield and sword.

"What about you?" Terry asked.

"Go and don't look back," Adam replied sternly.

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