MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 167: The Killer and Detective

Chapter 167: The Killer and Detective

At the headmaster's study.

Dylan looked blankly ahead at the candle on the mahogany desk.

It was, for some reason, blue and flickering slightly, even though there was no breeze in the


The door then opened, and Renard entered the room, his footsteps heavy and slow.

While his gaze was on Dylan, he walked around the desk and took a seat on his comfy seat with its high backend and plush cushions.

"Do you know why I've invited you here, Dylan?" Renard asked, his voice oozing with coldness.

"I am not too sure, headmaster." Dylan replied.

He had black hair like night and looked like a depressed puppy with his big, sad eyes.

It was clear that he didn't enjoy people's company and preferred to keep to himself. "What were you doing during the dinner?" Renard asked.

"I was at the library, reading," Dylan replied.

"Oh, is that so?" Renard tapped his finger on the desk. "Anyone can vouch for you?"

Dylan shook his head and said, "I was there alone. I suppose the librarian was dining as well." "Hmph..." Renard scoffed at the explanation. "Someone was killed today."

"Oh?" Dylan lowered his head and said weakly. "That's horrible."

It didn't sound like he truly meant it-after all, he wasn't really close to anyone in the institute and didn't really care about people's lives-as for him, this was just a video game. "What a convincing tone." Renard said sarcastically. "You fit the picture of the killer. You weren't in the dinner when the killing happened; you're stronger than most as you've taken the tutorial test, and you're intelligent enough to not get caught."

"If I were the killer, why would I kill someone during the dinner?" Dylan said with a frown. "It would be easy to narrow it down to the ones who weren't participating in the dinner."

"Because I am smarter than you, and I discovered your trick." Renard said with a scoff. "What?" Dylan frowned.

"You tried to frame Johnson's little assistant, didn't you?" Renard said with a smirk. "He was the main suspect at first, but then I pondered deeper and realized your devious plot!"

"What?" Dylan looked lost and confused.

"Don't act confused!" Renard screamed. "It was all part of your plan to frame him and divert attention away from yourself!"

"No, no..." Dylan shook his head. "That doesn't make a lick of sense."

"It does, and I've caught you." Renard sat back down and said. "Therefore, you're officially expelled from my institute. Pack your stuff, and leave immediately!"

"W-wait." Dylan said in a hurry. "I didn't do anything!"

"Quiet down, and I'll be sure to tell your guild master what you did, killer." Renard waved his hand. "Leave; I get sick by just looking at you!"

"Listen to me, I didn't do anything!" Dylan shouted. "I am sure if you investigate further and check out the other murders, you can find out that I was nowhere near those when they happened!"

"I don't need to; I already know the truth." Renard stood up, pulled out his Floor Orb and pointed it at Dylan. "Send the student to the lounge."

"No, wait!" Dylan shouted, but then got sucked inside the orb and was teleported straight to the bottom floor of the tree.

As his foot touched the lounge's marble and wood floor, he collapsed onto the ground in shock.

"That fool..." Dylan gritted his teeth. "If he had just investigated further, what a fucking fool. The librarian could've vouched for me that I was nowhere near one of those murders!"

It frustrated him to the end, and his hate for the headmaster deepened.

The headmaster always thought he was the smartest person in the room, but in Dylan's opinion, he was the most arrogant and ignorant person he had ever met.

"I'll tell my guild master the truth, and I am sure he will contact the headmaster to get the truth of this matter..."

Dylan stood up, looked back to the top with hate in his eyes, and then walked out of the door, heading to the exit of the tree.

As he walked down the wooden hallway, he kept muttering to himself about how he would make Renard pay for what he did.

'That idiot only cares about his image. He doesn't know who he's dealing with. I'll ruin him by discovering the true identity of the killer!'


Like a sudden thunderbolt, a blade of silvery steel pierced through the back of his neck, went cleanly through his throat, and emerged from his mouth.


Dylan's eyes widened in shock as he tasted blood and steel. His heart started racing like a racing horse galloping towards the finish line, which in this case was death.

"Thanks for taking the wall; I'll appreciate it." The killer spoke in his ear, "I could always count on the headmaster's ignorance~"

Dylan's eyes widened in shock as he recognized that voice.

He wanted to say the killer's real name but couldn't utter a single word because of the blade in

his mouth.

"You won't remember any of this either way. You won't even remember that you got


The killer whispered, then pushed a bottle of Forget Powder down Dylan's throat.

'Forget Powder, no!' Dylan's eyes shook. 'I'll forget everything, no!'

"Bye, bye..." The killer chuckled in his ear, then took the steel blade out of his mouth and

sliced through his head, severing it from his body.

Dylan collapsed on the ground, headless, and while he was slowly fading away from existence, he could still hear the killer's laughter echoing in his mind.


With that, his eyes turned blank and his life slipped away.

The killer's laughter slowly faded away as well as he disappeared into the darkness, leaving

behind a lifeless body.

The hallway was now empty except for the bleeding corpse.

However, since it would take another four to five hours before the night fell, the corpse would disappear way before the two guards, Ilkin and Willibert, returned from outside.


A pleasant piano music played from a music box resting on a nearby table. It worked with the Magick Energy crystals powering it.

While the music made the atmosphere comfy, Renard, wearing a bathrobe and slippers, took a seat on his reclining chair while enjoying a cup of warm chamomile tea.

"Lalala~" He sang alongside the piano music and then took a sip of the tea.

He was in a very good mood after, in his opinion, discovering the culprit of the killings

basically single-handedly.

"A fool tried to trick me; haha, I am not that stupid." Renard smirked and put the tea on the table next to his book.

'I would be great detective, solving crimes left and right,' he thought to himself with a


At this moment, the door opened with a gentle creak, and a long-legged woman entered the


She had quite heavy make-up on her face, which made her look slightly older than she probably was, but she had a great body and was dressed very professionally.

"Headmaster." The woman's voice was very high-pitched, and she seemed slightly out of

breath as she spoke. "Good work today."

"Bertha, take off your clothes and join me in the bath; we've got a lot to celebrate today." Renard said with a smirk and emptied his tea cup with one long sip.

"I'll be right there." Bertha bowed with a shy smile and went to the other room to undress. 'Detective Renard has a pretty good ring to it.' Renard smirked.

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