MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 158: Singing Skeletons

Chapter 158: Singing Skeletons

Click, click!

A sound of clicking reverberated throughout the foggy cemetery.

It soon started sounding like a lyricless song, haunting and eerie in its melody.

"So, this is the famous skeleton song." Terry said with a gulp.

The skeletons rose from the soil, their teeth chattering.

As soon as they stepped into the fog, the mist clung to their bones like a ghostly shroud, and after stepping out of the foggy veil, they took a hold of rusty swords and rusted shields.

"S-shit..." Terry backed off in fear after seeing that the skeletons were clearly approaching them.

"Alright." Then, Adam patted him on the shoulder and said, "You know about the way of the aggro, right?

"Aggro?" Terry looked at him and nodded nervously. "Yes, the simple-minded Chaosbeings have aggression mechanics. The Tanks job is to keep their attention focused on them, while the DPS takes them down one by one."

"That's your job." Adam said. "Attract their aggro, and bring them there."

He pointed to the only building-like structure in the cemetery. It was rock-made and looked like a tomb.

"Inside?" Terry asked, and Adam nodded. "Won't I be trapped there?"

"I'll handle that. I'll be waiting for you inside."

As Adam started running towards that tomblike building, Terry shouted. "How do I garner their aggro?!"

"Aren't you a good student?" Adam shouted while running away. "What do the Singing Skeletons hate the most?!"

'What do they hate the most...' Terry licked his dry lips and looked at the skeletons that weren't that far away from him anymore.

He then cleared his throat, trying to appear calm despite the fear rising in him.

"Y-your..." Terry took a deep breath and then opened his mouth wide. "Your song sucks!" The words came out as a strong shout, and all the skeletons heard it.

The clicking of their teeth halted for a moment as they turned to stare at Terry with their hollow eye sockets.

They didn't have eyes, but Terry could feel their rageful stares piercing into his soul like knives.

At that moment, the Singing Skeletons started running towards him, their bony fingers wrapped around the hilts of their rusty swords.

The clicking of their teeth returned, and this time, the music was with a faster tempo, intensifying the sense of impending doom.

"Oh, shit!" Terry turned and started running as fast as his legs could carry him, desperately trying to escape the skeletal horde.

He was indeed much faster than the skeletons, and even had to slow down his pace; otherwise, the aggro on the Singing Skeletons would lessen and they would stop chasing him.

Terry was able to stay very clear-minded, and even though he didn't have any experience as Tank, his talent was his intelligence, and he immediately knew what he needed to do.

However, he was still worried about the rest of Adam's plan.

They would get stuck inside the rock structure as there was only one entrance and exit.

'Whatever, he must've some kind of plan!'

"Come on, follow me, you shitty singers!" Terry continued shouting, slowly backing off into the stone structure.

The skeleton horde walked up a small hill, then arrived at the entrance of the tomb and stepped through one by one.

It was

narrow entrance, so they couldn't enter all at once.

Terry looked inside the tomb and saw dusty coffins lined up against the walls. The coffins appeared to be centuries old, untouched and undisturbed.

At that moment, he saw Adam sitting on top of a coffin at the end of the tomb, and joined him by his side, nervously gazing towards the skeletons.

"W-what now?" Terry asked.

"You did good." Adam said with a smile. "You attracted their aggro like a master."

Terry scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile. "It was pretty easy, but I am sure there are monsters that are not as easy."

"Yeah." Adam chuckled. "The intelligent Chaosbeings are pain in the ass, but even they are vulnerable to the aggro. You just need to know what buttons to press."

"I see..." Terry whispered and felt surprisingly ecstatic.

It felt amazing to control this skeleton horde, like he was a puppetmaster.

It was the first time in his life that he did truly something amazing, and he was proud of himself.

"What do we do now?" He asked as the skeletons stepped through the entrance and gulped. "We're very trapped here."

"That's the thing with these environments; they're your ally." Adam looked up at the flimsy


It was all cracks, dust, and spider webs.

Adam reached out his hand towards the ceiling and said, "Pull!"

The ceiling started shaking weakly. Nothing really happened.

The skeletons have mostly entered the tomb and were approaching the two men. They were

only five meters separated.

"Adam..." Terry gulped. "Hurry!"

"Damn..." Adam gritted his teeth, and sweat rolled down his forehead. "Pull!"

He focused his pull on a small stone slab at the ceiling that seemed to be looser than others.

The dust fell out of the ceiling's cracks, and suddenly the slab gave way.


The ceiling fell apart and crashed over the skeletons, burying them under piles of debris.

[You killed 22x Singing Skeletons!]

[220 XP Acquired!]

[XP: 1947/2500]

"Y-you did it!" Terry laughed happily. "That's amazing, Adam!"

"Whew..." Adam breathed heavily, but then said. "It isn't over."


There were Singing Skeletons left outside who didn't enter the tomb.

Adam couldn't afford to wait for them to enter, as the tomb seemed full enough, and if he waited too long, the skeletons would've reached them and killed them.

"What do we do now?" Terry asked urgently.

"Fight." Adam grabbed Terry by his arm and pulled him out of the crumbled ceiling that was

now their only exit.

They arrived at the only remaining part of the roof that was still intact.

They looked around and saw around ten skeletons surrounding them.

"So many left..." Terry's expression looked ugly, but then he saw Adam pick up his sword and


"You're really going to fight them?"

"Yes, it's much more doable to fight ten skeletons than over thirty." Adam said.

"What will I do then?" Terry asked. "Attract their aggro again?"

"You already did great, but leave the rest to me."


At that moment, Terry watched as Adam suddenly leaped into the air and started falling

towards the skeleton horde, who were staring at him with their hollow eyes, their rusty

swords pointing upward.

"He is crazy!" Terry cried out in horror.

Adam suddenly put his shield in front of his body while he was falling and shouted. "Shield


The shield went through the rusty swords and the skeletons below, then slammed against the


The ground shook, and all the skeletons stumbled away with a loss of balance.

[You killed 2x Singing Skeletons!]

[20 XP Acquired!]

[XP: 1967/2500]

"Eight..." Terry whispered.

Adam swung his sword in a wide arc and slayed another couple of skeletons.

[You killed 3x Singing Skeletons!]

[30 XP Acquired!]

[XP: 1997/2500]

"Five." Terry's eyes widened in shock as he couldn't believe what was happening.

Adam pointed his hand at one of the skeletons and shouted. "Pull!"

The skeleton started floating above the ground and slowly floated in the direction of the

young man, and at that moment, Adam sliced through the air with his sword, cutting the

skeleton in half.

[You killed a Singing Skeleton!]

[10 XP Acquired!]

[XP: 2007/2500]


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