MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 142: The Demoness

Chapter 142: The Demoness

Dawnwatch, a corner alleyway near the market place.

A yellowish tape with stop written on bold, black letters surrounded a smoldering, destroyed building that was located deep inside the maze of alleys.

Its walls, ceilings, and floors were charred and crumbling, giving off a strong smell of smoke and ash.

Everything between the rubble and debris was eerily silent and still.

After a couple of weeks of endless smoke, it settled down, and the Watchmen were finally able to quench the flames.

Those flames were strange. They burned night and day for weeks.

After killing the flames, the Watchmen put the yellow tape around the crime scene and left it alone. There was no evidence to be found.


A faint thumping sound came from the debris.

Then the rubble started moving and toppling over as a figure, clad in ashes, rose from the wreckage.

With her clothes burned off, she was completely naked, with ash stuck in her body like a second skin. She looked around with wide, panicked eyes, trying to orient herself and understand what had happened.

"A-ah..." Loya panickedly whispered, feeling the heat of the flames still lingering on her skin.

She didn't understand how she survived it.

It was like a mirage.

"Mirage..." Loya touched her chest, feeling the rapid beating of her heart. "The God saved me."

She was smiling from ear-to-ear.

"God? No, it was me."

Loya flinched and climbed off the rubble in panic, only to see that she was alone. The voice seemingly came out of nowhere.

"Who just spoke?"

"I did."

Loya touched her own mouth. It was moving without her wanting to.


For a split second, Loya's panicky look turned into that of ridicule. She wasn't even able to control her own facial expressions anymore.

Her mouth moved, letting out words that she did not want to speak.

"We are together now, Loya Young."

Loya tried to close her mouth, but it continued to speak on its own.

She started to feel fear. She started to feel like she wasn't in control of her own body.

"W-what do you want?" Loya asked.

Her mouth started to move.

"Look up to the sky."

Without allowing her to do it herself, Loya's head unwillingly turned towards the sky.

The sky was blue and cloudless with a yellowish wheel of fire in the center-the sun was bright as ever.

"A-A sun?"

"Yes, go on and swallow it."

Loya hesitantly looked around, not sure what the voice meant by that. How could she possibly swallow a sun?

The voice continued to urge her, saying, "Trust me, you'll feel better once it's done." "B-but, that isn't possible, and if the sun is gone, won't the world get destroyed by the freezing cold?"

"Haha, no need to worry. That old bastard in the Kingdom won't let His precious world be killed that easily. The sun is just a dinner for us to give us a good enough starting point to get stronger."

"I-I don't want to do that." Loya said fearfully. "I love Him. I don't want to go against Him."

"Foolish one. This is a chance of a lifetime. Don't you want to meet Him? I can take you there, to the Kingdom."

"Kingdom?" Loya gulped. "Is that where He lives?"

"Yes..." the voice said. "Would you like to meet Him?"

"B-but..." Loya struggled with the decision. "Won't He be angry at me?"

"No..." the voice said. "He can always make more suns."

Loya looked at the sun with its heat radiating down on her, and she nodded slowly.

"Okay... How can I do it?"

The mouth started to smile creepily. It wasn't Loya smiling. It was the creature that was poisoning her mind.

"A ritual is needed."

"What do I need for the ritual?"

"Five sacrifices is enough," the voice said. "Luckily for you, there's five sacrifives near you."

"Huh?" Loya looked ahead, past the fork in the alleyway and at the building with square windows that lined the street.

Through one of those windows, she saw a family of five-mother, father, and their three children-dining together.

"H-huh?" Loya gulped. "Are you sure?"

"Their children are already at the age of an adult. Those are perfect candidates for the sacrifice, especially since all three of them are virgins."

"But their parents aren't."

"Yes, but that's fine. Their bloodline is the same. It'll make the sacrifice strong."

"I-I am not too sure whether I should do this." Loya shook her head. "This is not right." "There's so much suffering and pain in the world. You want to end that, right?"

"Y-yes..." Loya nodded, realizing that the creature that was in control of her body was also

able to read her thoughts and memories.

"With one conversation with God, you can make Him fix all of that. No one has to suffer


"R-really?" Loya asked with a hopeful gaze.


Loya looked at her ash-clad hands and formed two fists.

"Alright, I'll do it."

"Good, use this."

A blade appeared in her clenched hand. Its hilt was made out of crimson bone, and the silver

blade was curved like a fang.

"You'll need to finish the sacrifice while the sun is still in the sky."

"Alright..." Loya nodded, then approached that building, still buck naked and a blade in hand.


Crimson Hounds Residence.

A cozy lamp hung by the window, lit up with the Magick Energy crystals, casting a warm glow

over the room.

On the bed, with a sword laying in front of him, Adam sat cross-legged in deep thought.

Then, with his hand, he grabbed the sword by its hilt and softly opened his eyes.

At that moment, a strange glow appeared on the blade-it was faint and white in color-it was barely noticeable, but it seemed to be growing stronger.

Adam couldn't help but to smile.

He learned Kraft!

It took him nearly an hour, which took longer than Magick, but still, it was incredibly fast, and

if Digby learned about this, he would probably pass out in a shock!

Now, Adam had finished learning the first stage of every Three Powers!

At that moment, a wave of sleepiness washed over him, and his eyes turned heavy, like they

were suddenly weighing a ton, and then his head hung down as he drifted off into a peaceful




A powerful rumbling of thunder wreaked havoc across the nightmarish landscape of the Old


Adam shook awake by the rumble and saw that he was sitting on the cliff, overlooking the crimson sea with boiling blood and floating skeleton parts.

"Huh, why did you bring me here?" Adam asked in annoyance. "And why in the middle of the

fucking day?!"

"Something serious happened." Alastor walked up the hill towards Adam, then stopped by

the cliff, taking a deep breath.

"What is it?" Adam frowned.

It must be very serious if an evil god such as Himself was looking so serious and urgent.

"A demoness has woken up," Alastor said. "The Queen of Bitches."

"Huh, a demoness?" Adam's eyes turned serious and panicky.

He hoped what he was thinking was not true.

'Don't tell me it's her...'

"The world will succumb to darkness if she is not stopped." Alastor said.

"I thought that was what you wanted?" Adam said in ridicule.

"That's not exactly what I had in mind," Alastor rebutted. "Her understanding of darkness is different. She plans on swallowing the sun, engulfing the world in cold and darkness." "Sounds like you two would make a perfect match," Adam said. "So what's wrong? Why don't

you want that to happen?"

"I don't want the world to be destroyed," Alastor said. "If the sun's truly gone, there's no

recovering that."

'Weird, if I recall correctly, King Moriarty recovered the sun and restored the warmth to the

New World...'

"You'll have to stop her." Alastor said. "You know where she is. She is in control of a young woman named Loya Young. Kill her."

"You expect me to defeat a Primordial Demoness?" Adam asked with a twitching eyebrow. "You sure have faith in me, don't you?"

"She doesn't have her power yet," Alastor said.

"Your opponent will be Loya Young. Once she swallows the sun, she'll gain power slowly over

the course of a few years until she reaches the level of a God.

"At that point, no one can stop her. It's better to kill her when she is still in her infancy."

Alastor waved his hand and shouted. "Now go; she is preparing the sacrifice. Stop her!"

With the wave of his hand, Adam was tossed out of the nightmarish landscape and back to the New World.

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