MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 137: Ruthless Request

Chapter 137: Ruthless Request

Adam fell down on his knees, looking at the churning crimson sea with his eyes shaking in shock.

He didn't want to believe any of it, but after seeing the red respawn crystal, he didn't have any other choice but to believe it.

He had a strange connection with the red respawn crystal. Once it was destroyed, he felt like a part of himself had disappeared.

"I have a task for you." Alastor said and sat on the edge of the cliff, one knee bent and his hand resting on his sword.

"What is it?" Adam asked weakly.

"I'll leave the task of resurrection to you," Alastor said with a chuckle. "My children failed, unfortunately, but I have faith that you'll succeed."

"Hahaha..." Adam laughed. "You really think I'll resurrect you?"

"I don't," Alastor said, turning to him and smiling. "I know you will."

Adam frowned and stood up. "That's the last thing I'll do in this life. Even if I die, I won't resurrect you, no matter what happens."

"We'll see about that." Alastor said. "It's morning already, so I suppose it is time for you to leave."

Adam frowned, and then Alastor snapped his fingers, the surroundings disappearing quickly. "Wait!" Adam shouted and quickly asked. "Who is really in control of the body? You or me? Is that why you are so confident?"

"The body, mind, and everything between are yours." Alastor said with his arms behind his back. "I am just a passenger. I can't see, feel, hear, or do anything with your body. I am sealed in here, in the fake Old World."

Adam stayed closed as he slowly vanished from the nightmarish world.

He didn't know whether he was lying or not, but he had a hunch that he was speaking the truth.

However, he wondered why he was so confident that he would betray humanity to resurrect him. It's something he would never forgive himself for.


Adam clicked his tongue and then remembered one thing.

'Calamity must've been a vessel of Alastor in the past. After my death, did he resurrect him? How did the world end up after my death? Did Star Faction win or lose? So many questions...'



Adam slammed his eyes open and felt the warmth of the sun on his face, the rays filtering through the window.

It was morning, and he was still sitting in the same position as before he fell asleep.

He unbuttoned his shirt, then tugged his shirt down just enough to see his chest-the black heart symbol was still there-this confirmed that it wasn't a dream after all.

"Damn it..."

He buttoned his shirt, moved to the edge of the bed, and stood up, feeling the weight of the day on his shoulders.

"Two levels in exchange for a curse." Adam shook his head, feeling idiotic for going for the respawn crystal.

However, there was no way he would've known-it was something Calamity never mentioned, and it wasn't a surprise.

If anyone had found out that he was harboring an evil god in his heart, everyone would've gone after him in an instant.

Knock, knock.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Zahn opened the door, and his hair was disheveled. He had a sleepy look on his face. He was definitely hungover.

"Yawn, we are leaving." Zahn said and rubbed his eyes. "The ship's ready by the dock." "Alright." Adam picked up his backpack and checked the time on his timepiece.

The time moved in that nightmarish place differently-it was already three hours past dawn.

After leaving the room, everyone was already gathered downstairs, and after Adam and Zahn arrived, they bid farewell to the town of Kuroshima and then walked straight to the harbor. All the buildings were being emptied, and servants were doing final clean ups while the mercenaries were heading to the harbor.

The ships continued to leave the docks, one by one.

They soon arrived by the dock-it was packed to the brim, so they had to squeeze through, making their way towards the ships.

Five minutes later, they finally reached the gangplank of their ship and made their way up, soon arriving at the deck of their crimson-sailed ship.

The hull was fixed, somewhat. It was enough for the ship to sail back to the mainland, but they definitely had to pay for proper fixes there.

A couple of days wasn't enough to repair all the damage that had been done during the fight.

"Let's get the ship ready and leave as soon as possible!" Digby shouted.

Adam leaned on the same railing from where he fell to the ocean and looked out at the horizon with a distant expression.


A black-sailed ship was docked in the harbor, surrounded by ships of all shapes and sizes. The black-sailed ship had a flag of a scytche slicing through the heart-it was Necroman

Guild's ship.

"Hurry up and pull the anchor!" Necroman barked orders.

The wind was quite good at the moment, and he wanted to take full advantage of it before it

was too late.

"B-boss, here." Karma, with a bruised face, handed him the drink he had requested.

His face was still bruised, but it looked much better than it did yesterday.

Necroman took the drink from him and drank it all in one go.

Karma humbly lowered his head, but his eyes were heading in the direction of the crimson-

sailed ship. He was boiling with anger.

A Mercenaryman trash humiliated him in front of the entire mercenary community. It was the biggest humiliation he had ever received.

His nickname had become Swollen-Lip Karma.

He wished to go to that ship and rip off Adam's head and put it on the front of his ship.

"The deck is dirty; where the hell are those two?!" Necroman asked with a loud shout.

The hatch of the lower decks opened up, and two young men came with a floor scrubbing brush and a bucket full of dirty water.

"Right away, boss!" Ramon started scrubbing the dirt off the deck, while Hannibal started mopping up the dirty water.

"You're always late, aren't you?" Necroman asked and tugged Ramon by the hair, dragging him down to the deck. "Can't you think by yourself? Or do you need me to hold your hand

through everything?"

"N-no, boss..." Ramon answered through gritted teeth while having his face on the dirt.

Hannibal silently kept mopping, tight-lipped, and continued to look at the deck with an

emotionless gaze.

"Look there." Necroman lifted his head and made him face a certain crimson-sailed ship some distance away. "A friend of yours is doing much better than you. Because he is better

than you. You're trash."

Ramon's eyes shook, slightly brimming with tears, and he was somewhat able to see the

distant outline of Adam.

Not long ago, they were in the same tutorial group, but in just a couple of months, their lives

became so much different.

"You want to change places with him, don't you?" Necroman asked.

"N-no..." Ramon weakly replied. "I-I am happy here..."


Necroman slammed his head on the deck, and blood began to trickle down his face.

Then he pulled the head back and made Ramon look directly at him.

"Strength can only be achieved through pain." Necroman said with a grin. "Do you want



"I am giving you a mission," Necroman said. "I'll give you a freedom to enter the dungeon,

but you must bring his head to me."

"Whose?" Ramon asked, hope filling up in his eyes.

He had dreamed of returning to the dungeon. It was a hundred times better than staying in

the New Karma.

"Adam's, of course." Necroman said.

Ramon's eyes shook.

"H-how can I do that?"

"Become strong through pain." Necroman said. "What? Are you saying that you cannot do


Ramon gritted his teeth.

This request was ruthless.

He would have to become stronger than the S-ranker recruit. They came from the same

tutorial group, but Ramon had to somehow surpass him.

B-ranker versus S-ranker.

"I'll... do it..." Ramon said deviantly. "I'll kill him. I'll do everything in my power to kill him!"

"Good..." Necroman grinned and let go of his hair. "Now, start cleaning up, trash."

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