Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 213: 213 Invasion of the Demon Empire

Chapter 213: 213 Invasion of the Demon Empire

      The establishment of the Datang Region and the establishment of the Imperial Protectorate State went smoothly. Civil affairs officers have entered service. Remove the original nobles from their positions, Entering government administration instead.

Especially the Datang administrative region. They are fully integrated. Has made reform of the administration of State affairs to be the same as the central. The same nobles were arrested and sentenced to an offense. There is a judge from the judiciary in charge.

As for the Southern protectorate state, The government has relaxed control. Sent only thirty percent of the officers Gradually let every part accept the monarchy of the Empire.

Military officers led by the Army sent several infantry divisions. Stationed in various areas, They have carried out the mission successfully without resistance from the locals.

But some problems arose at the imperial border Area of Datang and the Demon Realm.

Datang and the Demon Realm had a continuous territory. And it is the part where some of the demonic tribes have invaded the most fierce.

Traditionally, Datang Royal Court has been protecting this part of the border for thousands of years. Absolutely but the annexation of the Empire is causing the border guards to disappear, Allowing the demonic tribe to invade.

At the western border of the empire Datang Township. This place is stationed with an army force. With the 4th Infantry Brigade and the 6th Infantry Brigade Too, with other support units Led by a well-known army commander after Lieutenant General Li Fengyang. That person was Major General Song Zihua.

Major General Song Zihua was assigned an order from the Military Commission. To take over the most problematic border.

If counted according to the border of the southern protectorate together, they were considered that two problem areas bordered the Empire.

The first part was the territory of Dali County, adjacent to the Five Element Sect. But this part of the border was separated by a vast, scorching desert. It was the largest desert on the Great Yan Huang Continent. That even the Martial Artists did not want to pass by. Agreed to use the sea route rather than across the desert. Causing this part of the border is not much of a problem.

The second part was the Southern Protectorate State Border of Dajin that bordered the Demon Realm in the north. But this border has never experienced any problem of aggression before.

Therefore, the most challenging part is in Datang County. The Military Commission accordingly dispatches the people they trust the most. They have assigned Major General Song Zihua to be the general command of the Second Army Infantry Division to protect the border.

At the border of Datang, next to the Demon Realm barred by just a river But if overlooked, there will be no anomalies on both sides of the border.

The Demon Realm had an environment similar to that of a human being. It is a plain covered with big trees, shady atmosphere Suitable for a vacation. However, Major General Song Zihua, who led the Army, met for the first time.

"Roarrrr!!" a rumble resounded throughout the area until the surrounding trees trembled by the sound of the sound.

When viewed from the other side of the river, Will sees a large number of demonic tribe forcesemerging from the forest behind.

If the Datang Army came to see this situation, They would not be surprised. They have been pounding at this border for millennia. Knowing the enemy's origin like a worm in the stomach, The demons saw that the initial part of the Great Da Tang Army had changed. They hardly missed the opportunity, snatching a beat into an unexpected attack for now.

"I saw the presence of unknown forces. The other party is not human. I repeat the other is not human." At this time, the spies observed the movement on the other side of the forest of the river. They were causing them to report to the top line of command immediately.

Western Border Command, Major General Song Zihua, quickly received a report from the spies as a commander.

"Showing me the image," Air Force Song Zihua commanded. Right now, the Empire is not short of technology. Generals like him no longer need to be on the front line by themselves. Able to view the battlefield with clear images.

The staff quickly followed the order. The headquarters room had a picture of the enemy on the riverside of the forest.

"Is this a devil?" Exclaimed Major General Song Zihua. Even though he had already made some sense that This place was the fierce battlefield of Datang and the demons. But when it comes to seeing it with your own eyes is much more remarkable.

Like a fantasy movie, Countless monster hordes have emerged. More than three meters tall, a gigantic monster had horns on its head with a giant hammer weapon.

      A monster that looks like a leopard But three times more significant Thousands of giant birds appeared in the skyblocking the sun to darken, Which looks different from the magic beasts in the middle of the great continent.

The difference between a demon and a magical beast That is, these demons would not have any energy stones in their bodies.

Major General Song Zihua, who saw this, knew that the situation was in a critical state. Previously, there was almost no pre-invasion signal to detect. This was an unexpected attack.

"Command all soldiers on the front line." Major General Song Zihua gave a severe expression. If they fail to defend from them, The western defense line will collapse immediately. Since the soldiers of Datang were able to save this land for a thousand years, The imperial Army can do it too.

"Open-air defense systems Protect the airspace. The enemy has an air force. Bring them all down." Major General Song Zihua didn't forget that his opponent had a giant two-headed bird monster.

"All units, on the battle station."

The imperial soldiers who were resting and hearing the order immediately picked up their own weapons.

"Go to the third front line, Troop 309 to the fourth line." The squad leader dispatched an AK47 and ammunition at the command.

The front line is full of barbed wire. Foot soldiers quickly deployed the front line, and The soldiers deployed the MG42 machine gun as well. The reaction of the front-line soldiers was remarkably swift.

They are prepared anti-aircraft machine guns. Complete installation All fronts can fire at any timethe lack of field artillery that the footman soldiers had not yet installed because of the extreme haste.

"Ready to engage," the Border Guard Battalion, under the 4th Infantry Division. More than three brigades have finished.

"Anti-aircraft machine gun aircraft ready."

"Communication systems ready" throughout the battlefield are equipped with radios to communicate with the headquarters at all times.

Every front sent a signal back to the Western Command. Ready for any action.

"Will the general await an order from the central command?" Said, one soldier.

"Not in time. We will not wait for the central command. Let us start an independent combat operation," said Major General Song Zihua.

The demons suddenly attacked. Even when preparing, there is no, Not to mention reporting up to the capital. I'm afraid that you will have to wait at least half an hour to get an order for approval, which is the situation at the forefront right now. We can't wait any longer.

"Give this to the Imperial Military Command as well." To find a way to cope in the future.

At least for the moment, The capital must be aware of the preliminary situation as well. In particular, I had to inform the emperor of this matter first.

While the imperial forces were moving on the front lines, The demons at the border have also moved clearly.

"General, the demons are crossing the river," the official said.

A large number of demonic forces Were crossing a river that blocked both sides of the border To invade the Empire.

      "Don't let them step in for a single step. Every unit fire at will !."

Major General Song Zihua gave the order. For the glory of the Holy Dazhou Empire, A border defender general who has just entered service on the first day, He must not disappoint in his country.

"FIRE AT WILL!!", commander of the front line infantry battalion. When receiving a green light from the HQ, They immediately started reacting.

The distance of the demon horde was eight hundred meters. It was at this time that they activated the MG42 machine gun. The distinctive sound of a giant saw sounded.

Hundreds of MG42 machine guns Have thrown hundreds of thousands of bullets per minute quickly. The MG42 machine gun opened the curtain of battle. Tens of thousands of foot soldiers were not waiting. They have also launched out an AK47 machine gun.

The demons cling together tightly. You don't have to worry whether you will get hit or not as long as you just throw the bullets away. To stop the movement of the opponent.

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