Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 197: 197

Chapter 197: 197

On the side of the imperial embassy in Chang'an, he was welcoming the Datang delegation. But the delegation in this negotiation was different from the royal nobles, who were puzzled who was negotiating with the Empire.

The principal negotiators of the Empire were none other distant. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei, traveled by himself.

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei was promoted to Major for his skill in international negotiations, which had the results to show well.

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei and foreign ministry personnel accompanied the Army Helicopter Squadron. It had just arrived in Chang'an just a moment ago, where the whole situation in Chang'an was in the control of the Army.

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei was welcoming a negotiating representative from Datang in the embassy meeting room. Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei extended his hand forward to greet the opponent.

"Sir Cheng Li, I am very pleased that you are joining us today," Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei greeted. The person in front of him was not someone else far away Chancellor of Datang, Cheng Li

He is a close person and likes Emperor Li Lianzhong's right hand. Came back to stand in the imperial embassy without anyone knowing before.

"The Minister is too polite. I think we should go into negotiations." Cheng Li had a smiling face without gloom. He invited Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei to sit down and negotiate.

"First of all, I have to thank the chancellor for the past. Your cooperation has helped us a lot," Lieutenant Li Wei said thank you.

"Minister, don't be too formal. I have always admired Emperor Zhao Lingxin. He is the savior of the greatness of mankind," Cheng Li fawned on the distant Zhao Lingxin. This time, Zhao Lingxin sneezed out.

Cheng Li's words were sincere, not fake. He saw the rise of the Empire rising in the east. Under the leadership of Zhao Lingxin, the Empire was equally capable of comparable to that of the seven great Martial Sects.

With Cheng Li's intelligence, he had predicted that one day the Empire would expand territory. Nobody can be able to prevent it, so it is good to disobey and resist.

After the signing of the treaty was not justified. Cheng Li had become the head of an underground movement and some of the more advanced nobles, secretly sending information to the Empire through various channels. The embassy staff was well aware of this fact. Cheng Li had thus become an important piece that the Empire had placed in the middle of the regional power center.

Cheng Li, too, was the one who conveyed a message about Martial Artists to the Empire. Cheng Li's negotiations on this trip represent one of the powers in Datang who wanted to keep the power in their hands.

Everyone knows that by integrating into the Empire, not everyone will survive with the same power. This will require some sacrifice. Which Cheng Li would not be willing to be a selfless person. He moved quickly towards the Empire, acted as the highest bargaining power, utilized the position of chancellor to the advantage, maintaining his power base.

Inside the hall, as everyone started to panic because they could not find a way to deliver news outside the palace, many people began to notice that inside the palace. There was no Cheng Li.

"Where did he go?" Besides, many people found that some of the nobles had also disappeared from the palace.

"Damn, we have been sold." The nobles are not fools; they are just political. They know what happened.

They were thinking of selling the emperor, but instead, they were sold by a chancellor to sell them one more time, causing great anguish.

Emperor Li Lianzhong, who was sitting on the throne, heard the whole incident. Now he put everything on, and what will happen, he is ready to accept.

This time in the imperial embassy, Chancellor Cheng Li is negotiating on determining the fate of Datang Province.

"Regarding the annexation of our territory, there is no problem," Chengli agreed. This topic is already inevitable. The Empire showed a great interest in Datang's area. So Cheng Li didn't even mind bargaining for this part.

"But I want the empire to assure the safety of our lives and property," Cheng Li negotiated, asking the government to release them without touching their property or any other property.

"This way, we can do it. But we have one problem," Lieutenant Li Wei said. Then began to explain.

"I have to remind you first. Datang owes the Empire a huge amount of money. We would not be able to give these debts a bad debt. In this regard, you must find a good solution for us. "

The Empire lent millions of yuan to Datang to maintain infrastructure, mainly from the domestic private sector.

If the government annexed this part of the territory, all of Datang's debt would immediately become the responsibility of the imperial government. And it is a debt that the government cannot refuse because the lender is a domestic private bank. That the Empire does not pay its debts will create shaky confidence in the government.

With this money, the government does not want to pay a single yuan. It is the duty of Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei to find a way to negotiate for the best interest.

Cheng Li knew that this was the most important topic in negotiations. He had to give out the best conditions to satisfy the other party. Cheng Li decided to sell his professional colleagues who were being held in the palace.

"Most of the nobles in Datang were extremely rich. They have accumulated wealth for thousands of years. Many families are long-established families. Even the royal family has many personal possessions," Cheng Li hinted at. He believed that the Empire would recognize the meaning that he had conveyed.

The matter that Cheng Li had said was extremely true. The ancient noble family had enormous wealth from thousands of years of corruption. Moreover, Datang was a great power. Every year a huge amount of money was embezzled. Chancellor Cheng Li knew this very well because he was also one of these embezzlement movements.

According to Cheng Li's guess, if the Empire took possession of these ancient noble families, it would generate a huge amount of money in the millions. Maybe they can pay off all debt and still have the change left.

"I really like your idea," said Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei. Realizing in the eyes of Cheng Li, they had already come to a conclusion.

"We will use all our power to control the situation and then send power to you,"

Cheng Li offered to use his influence and the participating nobles to persuade all parts of the Datang Province to surrender. No need to let the Empire get tired. After that, Chengli will hand over the ruling powers to the imperial army to merge them together.

The negotiations reached the final stage, and the two sides concluded agreements with each other.

The Datang Kingdom will no longer exist. The Emperor's power will be deprived. The Datang region will be merged into the Empire.

The executive power of internal affairs will be directed to the Prime Minister with the cabinet responsible for

Datang region will have to accept imperial citizenship, and from now on, there will be no more Datang name. The whole territory will become an imperial territory.

Next, the Datang Army had to surrender, lay down weapons, and let the imperial army take control of the situation. If resistance is found, the imperial army has the right to retaliate as appropriate.

According to the agreement Cheng Li had proposed, one more was the existence of Datang name from disappearing. Therefore, the Empire divided Daang into five parts, the central region of Chang'an, the name of the Daang area.

Gave some administrative powers to the nobles who joined the Empire and appointed him to hold positions in the Datang Township. It is to share power with the original forces. It is a consolation to reduce resistance in this region.

"Let's sign the treaty," Lieutenant Li Wei drafts up a document. Waiting for the two, representing the negotiators, to sign for the treaty to take effect.

Cheng Li used the Chancellor as a rightful representative to sign the Chang'an Treaty. Stop a great country called Datang. It has now become the Divine Dazhou Empire Province.

Lieutenant General Li Wei shook hands with Cheng Li to congratulate him.

"Congratulations, we are both citizens of the same country now."

"I will do everything for the Emperor. Long live Emperor Zhao Lingxin," Cheng Li said without stumbling, as though he had been practicing for a long time.

This time, the people who were imprisoned in the Grand Hall had no idea that Datang had passed away. By virtue of the supreme rightful authority, Chancellor Cheng Li signed the Chang'an Treaty without the slightest bit of knowledge.

But that matter was no longer necessary as a group of soldiers had already invaded the palace.

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