Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 194: 194 An another one

Chapter 194: 194 An another one

      Previously, Zhao Lingxin had issued an order approving a nuclear bomb to attack the giant tortoise. Neither Zhao Lingxin nor the government wanted a monster that was the size of a city. Break into the empire's boundary.

The empire immediately thought that the cannonball could hardly do anything to the monster. When compared to a large size is like just poking the itch a little.

Therefore, Zhao Lingxin immediately thought of killing the giant tortoise demon.

"How is it going?" Zhao Ling Xin asked about the results. He watched the monitor screen showing the smoke of a giant mushroom. That everyone knows each other well. This was the first time the empire revealed this weapon to the people of the Great Continent.

"We are investigating," the officer sat down, trying to examine a large number of satellite images. To confirm the situation of the giant creature.

"Found life signs The giant turtle monster is not dead," the official reported.

"Buildings on the shell of a giant tortoise have disappeared due to the power of a nuclear explosion."

Zhao Lingxin nodded in satisfaction. At least there was still some good news killing Martial Artists living in a massive fortress on a giant turtleback.

"Your Majesty, the giant tortoise monster is now seriously injured. If we dropped another nuclear bomb,  we could take it down." Lieutenant Li Fengyang suggested a guideline.

"Hmmm, I agree with this idea. Ordered to approve one more nuclear bomb." Zhao Lingxin accepted the advice from the commander.

After Zhao Ling Xin had already used the first nuclear bomb, it's like opening Pandora's box. This world will never be the same. Zhao Lingxin felt a tremendous destructive power and superb comfort.

It was just issuing a single order. Can create mighty destructive power. At a price that is not so expensive Imperial nuclear bombs can also be produced.

Zhao Lingxin was highly addicted to the use of nuclear bombs. Just by issuing a single command, we can resolve all problems.

Under the command of Zhao, Lingxin issued the order. The B52 did not carry a single bomb. Pilots circled around the giant turtle beast. Before dropping the nuclear bombs, at that moment, Xiao Murong began to prepare his own defenses.

The second nuclear bomb started a self-igniting mechanism. There was a flash of light again. This time, the people watching on the city wall finally regained consciousness, hurriedly looking for shelter and shelter from the strong wind waves. That can be exported tens of kilometers.

The giant tortoise demon wailed. Its sound trembled throughout the area. Until damage to the building, Chang'an City wall has cracked up.

On this second ignition, the Martial Artists were injured in the previous explosion. They couldn't endure the wounds and died immediately following each other Martial Artists to death.

Only Xiao Mu Rong remained at the center of the enormous explosion. Under the body armor and hundreds of magic items circled around him. To prevent him from being injured.

"Gritttt!!!" Xiao Murong clenched his teeth. He was bursting out the energy of Qi that exceeded the limit.

Urged the power to cover the whole body Turned into dozens of layers of thick armor.

All around, there were hundreds of magical objects circling his body.

Including the Lightning Flag, Holy Pill, Kirin Sign, the Magic Sword, and the Wind, the Spirit Armor, all kinds of magic. He was swirling around his body, sending a protective force from this enormous explosion.

      Even with many magical things to protect his body, Xiao Murong was still able to feel the enormous heat of millions of degrees that had spread that he had goosebumps all over his body. Suppose he has only taken one step wrong.

Today history will inscribe the arrogant King of Fire. Being burned by the flames to discredit the title very much, Xiao Murong then poured out his whole life to prevent himself from dying in such a miserable way.

However, many magic items gradually dissipated one by one. Which each magical weapon is city-worthy.

The price is exceptionally high on the horizon and is also in a currency like a soul stone.

Xiao Murong's heart ached as if a knife had slashed in the middle of his chest. But this time, there is no choice. Life is more important. Xiao Murong saw that this complicated the situation. Many magic items started to disappear one by one. So he poured out all the magical things out of the spatial ring. He was sent to receive the force of a nuclear explosion.

Not only this, but Xiao Murong also poured out large amounts of spiritual stones. Absorb it all at once. To fill the energy flow to be constant, Maintain the state of armor to survive.

Xiao Murong was an Emperor Profound Realm. There were so many magical things that were rich in spirit stones until he was a billionaire. But today, he may have to run out of bankruptcy.

He lost many spirit stones. Not only this, the magic items that have been collected over hundreds of years. They were melted into vapors and returned to nature.

Xiao Murong almost cried out in blood. He hurried to hold on to endure with all his might, taking on the shock of the nuclear explosion.

The shock "BOOMMM!!" crushed many magical objects in a blink of an eye. The ten layers of body armor were shattered like glass, turning into the sand on the ground. The impact hit Xiao Murong with full force.

Although he escaped the heatwave, it could not withstand a severe shock until the body was blown up like a string of flax kites torn apart.

So far away.

The smoke of the mushroom cloud appeared again. This is the second time around the same time. That the people, nobles, and emperors of Datang Have seen two nuclear bombs at the same time. They also set fire to their own territory.

Many people didn't even dare to look up.

This was the first time that Emperor Li Lianzhong had opened his eyes to the High-level Martial battle. In the competition at this level, they couldn't even put their hands in it. He can only watch and look in the distance.

      After a while, the smoke of the mushroom cloud dispersed. The remains of a giant tortoise demon beast appeared. Who died without leaving the battle Disciple of the King Devil Slayer Palace. Not even a single person lives.

Only a gigantic remnant of the Turtle Demon. Prominent outside the city of Chang'an.

Under the wreckage on the shell of a giant tortoise, Which is now without the previous state, There is only a wasteland. With the naked eye, there is absolutely no way to detect radioactive concentrations in this area.

Xiao Murong slowly stood up and rose from the ruins. Now, he no longer has the condition like before. My hair is messed up all over. The explosion tore the clothes apart, and barely-there were pieces so good that they were almost naked. It covered his face with black soot that he could no longer tell who he was.

"Hey, did I survive?" Xiao Murong said to himself unbelievably. This visit to the east almost took his life.

The qi energy throughout his body almost completely disappeared. The destructive power of the nuclear bomb caused Xiao Murong to throw everything out.

The precious magic that has been accumulated throughout life no longer remains. Even no clothes left. He had already broken the magic stone from the impact. Fortunately, the body of a Profound Realm Martial Artists helped him survive.

But now, Xiao Murong's condition was no different from a beggar. His property was left as if bankruptcy was.

He didn't want to be in this place for a single second. He tried to return to his own sects. Safest land, and all the disciples who came this time all died.

Xiao Murong suddenly remembered the state of Huang Fu Zhong of the Five Elements Sect. Previously escaped Xiao Murong had some guesses that the other party had to face some serious issues. But looking at it from his condition, he was afraid that he was much more unlucky than Huang Fu Zhong. The giant tortoise demon was already dead. Left no one, he was alone.

"I don't want to be here anymore." Xiao Murong gathered a little of the remaining strength. Support his body to soar into the sky. Fly back to the west slowly. The aim is to the King's Devil Slayer Palace.

Leaving only debris and dust, The surrounding environment turned gray. The Martial Artists' body and corpse were not intact. Outside of Chang'an, it had become as lonely as the end of the world.

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