Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 186: 186 Missiles Attack

Chapter 186: 186 Missiles Attack

      The sound of a loud explosion awakened the Martial Artists from the enchanted reverie.

Huang Fu Zhong looked at the front row of airships that were burning with flames.

The explosion of a close-range missile. Immediately killed some Martial Artists. They died quickly without even awareness.

The fore part of the airship was heavily damaged. The Martial Artists of Five Elemental Sects can no longer fix that. The missiles destroyed some of the airships. Gradually fell to the ground.

The Martial Artists who cast the flying sword technique quickly escaped from the airship. They slowly watched their airship fall and hit the ground until a flame burst into the sky.

The situation went fast. That most people cannot be able to set themselves up in time. Huang Fu Zhong stood in the center of the airship, his gaze examining the enemy intrusion.

"Strange, where are the enemies?" Huang Fu Zhong uses his strong Qi. He is extending its sensing power by several kilometers. But the existence of the enemy was not found, as though there was no one around this area.

Other Martial Artists did not hesitate. They quickly switched on their airship defense system while detecting enemy movements.

Ma Teng, Airship Commander of the Five Elements Sect, Flew to Huang Fu Zhong.

"Senior brother, we lost five airships. There were three slightly damaged ships. More than one thousand seven hundred people died." Mateng went to investigate the damage and reported it to Huang Fu Zhong.

"Damn, who is this humiliating on us?" Huang Fu Zhong felt ashamed as if someone had slapped him in the face. Although he is not in command of the fleet, he is the one with the highest qi power. Has the duty to protect and protect disciples from the sects. But was humiliated by unknown enemies to them like this.

Of course, they didn't know the enemy they were looking for. They were far away from them, almost a hundred kilometers away.

"The attack was successful. I repeat the attack was successful.

" Satellite images show the damage taken by the enemy. In the first wave of attacks, the Martial Artists of the Five Elements Sect had lost almost 10 percent. That's a very good number.

"The second set of attacks can begin." Lieutenant Li Fengyang took the opportunity to continue attacking.


Missile launchers stationed at Datang received orders from HQ.

"Close range continental-to-air missile SS12 BF4 enters the ready state."

Soldiers and field personnel have prepared a second set of missiles, one hundred more.


The operator launched a second missile into the air. Head towards the target, Hundreds of rockets were propelled rapidly. Through the trajectory, the system accurately determines the travel position to attack.

      On the Martial Artists' side, They temporarily stopped the movement of the airship. Observe carefully, Somebody who can attack them with such fierce attacks. Must certainly not be an ordinary person.

"Or is it the Devil King Slayer Palace?" Huang Fu Zhong began to doubt that the Fire King would be the cause this time. During that time, Huang Fu Zhong heard a loud voice of warning.

"The strange bird has come again. Take care of yourself at once," the frontline Martial Artists warned. Using the profound technique to make a thousand li sound, Spread the message for people to hear clearly.

Huang Fu Zhong, look forward to it. He finally noticed the attack of the enemy. The other party looks like a long stick. With flames gushing out from behind, It was something he had never seen before. If the number of views has been counted, There are hundreds of forces rushing at high speed this way.

"What is that speed?" When Huang Fu Zhong took a careful observation, he found that the strange bird's speed is breakneck. Even if he had reached the highest level of Qi, it was twice as slow as this.

Huang Fu Zhong admitted that even he himself had the speed not to catch up with this.

"All units, attack," Mateng issued an order.

The Martial Artists grabbed the flying weapons. They threw it away and made an attack on the missile.

They counterattack with tens of thousands of flying swords floating in mid-air from the Martial Artists on the airships. Spiked from the airship like tens of thousands of needles, It was an extremely frightening sight.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" the flying sword has destroyed the missile. Prevent invasion, But there are still five parts of the rockets. The Missiles, some of them, breakthrough the attack of tens of thousands of flying swords to collide with a convoy of airships.

This time, the airship has opened defense magic. A blue curtain wall appeared to withstand a large explosion.

"BOOMMMM" despite having a defense formation magic, But the tremors of the bombs still reach the hull, clearly shaking.

The haze from the explosion reaction gradually faded away. It was seen as defense magic. It can work very well. Missiles can no longer cause damage.

"The enemy attacks have been ineffective. We were able to embrace it successfully," Mateng said gladly.

The Martial Artists shouted with joy. The sect of Five Elements specialized in magic formation. When these are enabled, Enemy attacks are instantly worthless.

"The attack last time came from the east. That means the enemy is that way." Huang Fu Zhong looked towards the direction the missile was attacking.

Immediately headed that direction, I'll give it back to them." Huang Fu Zhong said in a cold tone. His hands held the sword tightly. They were aiming to prepare for battle.


"Heading full force towards the east," Ma Teng spread the order.

The convoy set off again.

Military satellites have been closely detecting the outcome of recent attacks and have sent the results back to the imperial command center.

"The attack failed. Repeats the attack failed. The enemy is not damaged. At this moment, they are heading at a speed of 400 km / h. Towards the empire, it is estimated that in two and a half hours, the enemy will reach our borders," the official reported the battle results to the military commission.

      "It seems that the missiles will not have any impact," said Colonel Ma Chun.

"Not at all in vain. Heavy attacks can damage defensive magic formation. I think we should withdraw from the front to defend the face, waiting for the Air Force's support. Right now, the missile launch unit is too close to the enemy," said Lieutenant General Li Fengyang.

First, the Military Commission is optimistic. They were beautifully expected that a thousand missiles would be able to stop a Martial Artists. But it is clear that the dream is now imagined. The attacks continued to lose the missiles in vain. They need help from an attack from the air force to support this mission.

"The Air Force is ready," Air Marshal Xiang Mu said.

Lieutenant General Li Fengyang, the commander of this battle, received various comments from the army leaders. He quickly issued an order.

"Withdraw the front line forces to retreat six hundred kilometers. Reinstalling the missile system, waiting for the next command."

As soon as he issued the command, the missile installation unit immediately withdrew its forces. They retreated closer to the imperial border. That place had arranged a large force to deal with.

"The Air Force, I have entrusted it to you, too," Lieutenant Li Fengyang turned to speak to the Air Force Commander.

"Roger That, I will immediately give an order."

At the imperial border - Datang, There have been a large number of troops settled here, and there is also a large airfield of the Air Force.

In a courtyard, thousands of people lined up in an orderly form. They were waiting for the command of the commander.

"The HQ the command came down to us. Our mission is to protect the empire with all our lives. We must be sacrificing our's life, preventing Martial Artists from entering the imperial border even a one step.

The commander encouraged the soldiers and described the mission for the soldiers.


"Go on for a mission," the commander said in a loud voice.

"Long live the empire!!."

"To the Emperor!!"

Thousands of airborne troops Run neatly to the airport runway. Parked with three thousand fighters with full firepower, Field personnel is available to refuel and prepare weapons for the mission.

There are more than three airports at the border. To accommodate a large number of military aircraft Was made for this mission in particular.

This is the largest aerial operation of the Air Force since its inception.

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