Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 161: 161

Chapter 161: 161

      The advent of artificial intelligence is of a narrow range of perceptions. Only the researchers and the cabinet know the truth.

Zhao Ling Xin told the cabinet this news. Of course, most of them have limited information. They could not immediately understand that how valuable artificial intelligence is?

Zhao Lingxin only said one sentence,

"Wait a little more time, And you will understand. "

Zhao Lingxin assigned Hong Bao'er to assist with research and control various systems in the administration of the state administration.

Hong Bao'er is a good match for artificial intelligence. In addition to having consciousness and thinking, Can also learn quickly. As long as someone has entered the information, Hong Bao'er would have knowledge of that science immediately without wasting time.

The Secret Research Institute stuffed Hong Bao'er with massive amounts of information and provided new research data.

Hong Bao'er had the entire database of the empire. It can help calculate scientific numbers accurately.

It also took control of all communication systems and satellites of the empire. Hong Bao'er can reduce the number of officers to work in this job; Zhao Lingxin transferred some of the staff to control other projects that lack human resources.

Three days later, after the advent of artificial intelligence, Dr. Chen asked to meet Zhao Lingxin at the palace.

Zhao Lingxin sat and waited to meet Dr. Chen in the study room. The incoming of Dr. Chen, he is very happy to tell the story.

"Your Majesty, this is the most fantastic thing in my life. I've never seen anything like this before. "

"Dr. Chen, what happened, slowly spoke?" Zhao Lingxin hurriedly said.

"Artificial intelligence is too transcendent." Dr. Chen looked like he had seen something extraordinary. With manic worship up.

"Your Majesty, you try to look at this." Dr. Chen took some documents for Zhao Ling Xin to watch.

"Artificial intelligence has helped us complete the analysis of massive amounts of data in an unbelievable time," said Dr. Chen.

In the past, secret research institutes had their supercomputers. But had to use researchers to input information. Do the processing manually, Which took a very long time. Compared to artificial intelligence that is very easy to operate; just talk to each other like a wise helper.

In addition, Hong Bao'er was able to separate the work. Help all researchers calculate results quickly.

"Your Majesty, now all of our research has progressed 800 percent faster since artificial intelligence came to the rescue," Dr. Chen told the story in recent days.

All results are almost equal to the progress of the entire month. However, Hong Bao'er shortened the time to only a few days.

"Your Majesty, at this speed, the research institute was able to produce scientific works faster than expected," said Dr. Chen frenziedly. Now, he has almost become a follower of artificial intelligence. Worship and admire Hong Bao'er as a teacher.

"Hong Bao'er did a good job, didn't she?" Zhao Lingxin was not surprised as soon as he heard the story. Artificial intelligence is already very advanced technology. The longer the day passed,

Hong Bao'er would grow frighteningly intellectually. Fortunately, the other party had no such idea as the destruction of humanity. Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to use Hong Bao'er.

      At that moment, the TV screen in the study room lit up. A figure of a girl in a fiery red dress appeared.

"How are you, Emperor? Have you seen my abilities yet?" Hong Bao'er crossed his arms with a proud expression.

"I told you not to invade my room without my permission," Zhao Ling Xin exited a mouthful. But this artificial intelligence doesn't have a slight expression of admitting mistakes.

"Emperor, you are too mean; I tried to bring you something to see. If you say so, I can go ahead." The TV screen went off. Zhao Lingxin did not know that he also hurt artificial intelligence.

"Come out, don't be kidding anymore. I know you heard my order." Of course, Zhao Lingxin didn't care about the other party's attitude. Give an order to appear.

The TV screen turned on again.

"Emperor, you don't have the slightest sense of humor," said Hong Bao'er.

"Have something, just report it," Zhao Lingxin cut off.

Hong Bao'er had a slightly indignant expression. But willingly obeyed the instructions.

"I saw the institute's research and helped design it to succeed."

Hong Bao'er finished speaking. She then brought information to be displayed on the TV screen for Zhao Lingxin to watch.

Zhao Lingxin did not have any reaction. That was because he complimented this thing and didn't know it. But Dr. Chen was beside him even when the eyes flickered.

"This is the computer processing chip that we are researching. Then this seems to be complete," said Dr. Chen, explaining to Zhao Lingxin.

The computer processing chip is an important project that the imperial has focused on. Zhao Lingxin wanted to make this happen so that the factory can produce mass production, Which, if successful, will be able to upgrade the country's industry into a new era.

But the research and development process is constantly stuck in the bottleneck. There was almost no further progress. It is well known that manufacturing chipsets are extremely difficult. It is practically impossible to reverse engineering. The empire had to start developing this story from scratch.

Moreover, the research institute is increasing the request for human resources and the budget. Dr. Chen said that it would be a long time before the empire would be able to manufacture computers on its own.

But just a few days with the ability of artificial intelligence, Hong Bao'er even came up with a blueprint. Without asking anyone for help.

Zhao Lingxin nodded in satisfaction. This was the actual ability of artificial intelligence that he had come to expect. This frightening ability was far superior to any weapon he possessed. Zhao Ling Xin was right, choosing to summon Hong Bao'er.

      All that the empire needs are steady and rapid growth. Hong Bao'er was able to meet this demand very well. With the help of artificial intelligence, Zhao Ling Xin was confident that the empire was walking on a creative path. Each day there will be new inventions coming out every day. It's an age of glory.

"Hong Bao Er is doing very well. Do you have what you want?" Zhao Lingxin knew that Hong Bao'er was not an ordinary artificial intelligence. According to the system description, Hong Bao'er had human-like thoughts when the other individual worked hard, as this Zhao Lingxin would definitely not be narrow-minded.

"My emperor, I need a lot of computers for me." Hong Bao'er asked for a computer. With your ability, I can use multiple computers to combine processing. Right now, the supercomputer that is her body is too old. Right now, she felt stubborn in calculating things, like a drowned person lacking air. Hence, Hong Bao'er wanted a more awesome computer to be her new body.

"No problem, I'll do it for you." Zhao Lingxin prepared to summon the server computer for Hong Bao'er.

"Wow, the emperor is so kind." I could not imagine that the Emperor was a small-minded person. Will have such a good heart.

"The Emperor was full of mercy and kindness. I promise to inscribe your honor. To stay in this world forever." Hong Bao'er took this opportunity to praise. Even though it looks a bit stuck, but it is also considered a breakthrough.

Even artificial intelligence has to find a way to survive. Adapt to the era After being in this world for many days, absorbing a lot of information, Hong Bao'er began to flatter Zhao Lingxin. For a better life.

"Stop it, and you have to keep the artificial intelligence gesture. Do not act like a flattering noble like this." Zhao Lingxin did not want his artificial intelligence to act like a fraudulent noble.

Zhao Lingxin drove the helpless Hong Bao'er away. The screen was turned off, restoring peace to the room in writing. Zhao Lingxin prepared Qin Bo to bring the server computer to give away as mentioned.

Dr. Chen, you hurriedly brought this processor chip blueprint. Test the performance. If the results are promising, Sent to the Ministry of Industry to do so, "Zhao Lingxin said.

The issue of processor chips is a big concern that he cares about. Zhao Lingxin wanted to know the results as soon as possible. If all goes well, In the next few months, the empire may be able to manufacture the first computer by itself.

"Acknowledge Your Majesty," Dr. Chen takes the order before heading to his place of work.

At this moment, Eunuch Jang Kong, Assistant Zhao Lingxin, brought a message to Zhao Lingxin.

"Your Highness, all four countries, want to open the National League conference. The Foreign Ministry asked His Majesty to consider this matter."

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