Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 153: 153 An invader

Chapter 153: 153 An invader

      Zhao Lingxin was quickly brought to the underground shelter from the black-clothed Royal Guards. This is the second time Zhao Lingxin has been brought to this place. The first time was in the year that the Martial Artists had air raids on the capital of Shenzhou.

The Royal Guard took Zhao Lingxin and the Eight Princess Zhao Min. Come to the underground bunker with the highest security enhancements. It has the capacity to protect against nuclear bombs.

The bunker has concrete walls over three meters thick. It is filled with premium dense metal for maximum protection, with more than six months of subsistence and a satellite communication system That could easily command across the empire.

Throughout the empire, there were many such shelters throughout the country. For the safety of Zhao Lingxin, All locations are kept private. Even Zhao Ling Xin did not know the exact number of shelters.

Zhao Ling Xin and Zhao Min were separated. To live in a different bunker, the empire reserved this place for Zhao Lingxin. Even the other cabinet members do not have the right to enter. The royal guard in black clothes is the person who has the right to do anything for the safety of the emperor.

Zhao Ling Xin had already sat in the bunker. There is still some daze. But I could have guessed that there was going to be an emergency within the empire.

"How is the cabinet doing?" Zhao Lingxin asked.

"Right now, the Cabinet is in the War Command Room. They refused to come down to this bunker," replied the Chief of the Royal Guards.

The Cabinet has prepared an emergency response to the crisis. They want to take command of the incident.

Zhao Lingxin nodded to understand what had happened. Before ordering out.

"Open to connect the satellite communication system."

Beside the wall of the room, there was a television moving up before projecting the cabinet meeting table at the war headquarters.

"Is the Emperor safe?" Said, General Guo Ling.

"I'm safe. I am now under the palace in the shelter room. "

Zhao Lingxin showed that he was safe and had already entered a bunker.

Cabinet faces were lightly relaxed. But the expressions of each of them were still tense. Zhao Lingxin asked.

      "Tell me a situation about what happened."

"Your Majesty, this must go back an hour ago," General Guo Ling began to explain.

An hour ago Western border of the empire, The Air Defense System detected something strange.

"Tell the HQ we have found a flying object fifty kilometers from the Empire," the soldier quickly stared at the radar display. Report to supervisor.

"The target flew at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour. Expected to invade the imperial airspace in 15 minutes."

"Activate-air defense system," the border defense commander issued an order.


Three garrison regiments Brought out an anti-aircraft machine gun ready to attack.

"The target has been detected." The soldier noticed that the other person was similar to a Martial Artist. Fly above the sky at high speed.

"FIRE!!." Anti-aircraft machine guns bombard the invader from the sky who attack imperial airspace. There is no need for any warnings.

However, an anti-aircraft machine gun did not hurt the enemy the least. As if a golden shield of light appeared. Moreover, the other side flew at a speed that the border soldiers could not cope with. Just the first shot has wholly failed. The enemy flew over every soldier's head and fly into the imperial airspace.

The border guards stared in disbelief at the sight they saw earlier.

The other party was not the least interested in their anti-aircraft machine gun.

Then they began to regain their senses.

"Send this news to the capital as soon as possible."

The Cabinet received news of the Martial Artists invading the imperial airspace with the purpose of the capital. They sent a warning signal, and the Royal Guards brought Zhao Lingxin into an underground bunker.

"Do we have the identity of this Martial Artist?" Zhao Lingxin asked.

"We preliminarily estimate that the Martial Artists will arrive in the capital in three hours. There is time for us to prepare for some time,

" replied General Guo Ling.

The government has experience in dealing with the last war on Martial Artists and allowing them to prepare a specific plan for coping with it. Initially, Shenzhou's city has now declared a state of emergency. End all city activities to enable everyone to enter the dwelling place And open some underground bunkers to the public.

The capital Shenzhou has launched a rigorous air defense system. The border had informed them that the other could easily cope with anti-aircraft machine guns. This made the city guards try to come up with a more efficient method.

"Your Majesty, we have been prepared for this. We are going to send soldiers to intervene," General Guo Ling said.

"Let the army use military force to intercept. Don't let the other party come to the city of Shenzhou at all cause." Zhao Lingxin agreed to use whatever means to stop the other party from invading the capital.

The capital of Shenzhou was the center of the empire. Both political economy and culture are the most important administrative centers. If allowing the Martial Artists to invade easily will have a tremendous impact, public confidence will deteriorate. By that time, the empire would have had some internal problems.

The army was ordered to come down. Their mission is to use military force. Do whatever it takes to stop the Martial Artists from invading the imperial airspace.

The Military Commission did not delay, ordering the Air Force to take immediate action.

"Send a fleet of 24 FW 190 fighters to intercept each other as quickly as possible," Air Vice-Marshal Xiang Mu ordered.

      "The Army prepares machine guns and anti-aircraft artillery. Lay a defensive line 50 kilometers outside the capital. It's an emergency defense line." Lieutenant Li Fengyang did not delay, giving orders to the army to move.

They had over three hours to prepare. So there was enough time to come up with a way to prevent it. And the Air Force will be the first to face off against the incoming enemy this time approximately.

Twenty-four fighter planes have soared into the sky from the airbase. Go in the enemy attack direction. Intercept the other party

Throughout the empire, there were radars to monitor the movements in the sky. It is very easy for them to pinpoint the position of the enemy.

And right now, the satellites above the sky. Successfully captured the image of the invader and sent it to the Cabinet.

"Your Majesty, this is a satellite image of this intruder."

General Guo Ling sent a photo in front of the screen.

"Is this an intruder?" Zhao Lingxin looked at a bird's-eye view of the magnification several times. He saw a picture of a young woman in a blue dress. It was soaring in the sky with a sword in one hand and heading to this capital city.

"The Martial Artists this time is a woman or this." Of course, Zhao Lingxin did not care for the other person's gender. If this woman was hostile to the empire, Zhao Ling Xin was never merciless either.

"The Air Force is attacking with full force. Stop the opposite person by whatever it takes."

Zhao Lingxin ordered the Air Force to kill this woman immediately.

Twenty-four fighter planes Spread above the sky.

"The order from the emperor has arrived. Do whatever it takes to kill your opponent. "

The squadron commander said over the radio.


"We found our target at 12 o'clock."

At this time, a squadron of fighter planes. Saw a female Martial Artists dressed in blue, flying with agility. Of course, fighter planes are faster. So it's easy for them to follow the enemy quickly.

In a moment, everyone was so enamored with the look of each other like never before that the plane almost fell to the ground. But loyalty to the country has raised them back.

"Everyone FIRE." The squadron commander hurried to order.

Fighter planes bombard a machine gun at a target. But everything seems to be useless. The other party pulled out the sword. A single flick produces a devastating wave until all planes lost their balance immediately.

"Everyone abandoned the plane" when he saw that the whole plane was too damaged to fly on. The squadron commander ordered everyone to abandon their aircraft. Ejected from the plane, Take the parachute back to the ground.

This woman in blue continued her way to the capital.

Satellites can capture all movements, which Zhao Lingxin had seen all of the circumstances that had happened.

This time, the enemy had higher cultivation power than the previous Martial Artists has a high destructive power until Zhao Ling Xin began to sit still until making a decisive decision.

"Let Dr. Chen bring that thing immediately." Zhao Lingxin ordered the Secret Research Institute to bring something out.

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