Mightiest Melee Magician

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Could you repeat that?

I said I can use the chieftains tooth to make you a weapon.

Making a weapon out of Kunkhans Tooth?

Is that possible?

Since the chieftains tooth is unusually heavy and hard, not anyone can forge it. However I, Ormerush, am the greatest warrior on Sky Mountain and also its greatest steel handler. Its possible.

Steel handler.

It meant the first ogre to handle the huge metal weapons that the ogres used.

In the context of humans, they were a type of blacksmiths.

The will of the previous chieftain Kunkhan. I want to refine it.


This was an unexpected gain.

Is there a specific weight and shape you want?

Wait. This is too much too fast.

You can tell me later. After all, its something that cant be handled by anyone other than a steel handler from Sky Mountain.

Because of the question about the shape, I pondered on it a little bit.





However, no matter how much I thought about it, my answer was already set.

I smiled brightly.

Would it be possible if it wasn't a weapon?

* * *

15 days had already passed since I entered Sky Mountain.

During that time, I stayed in a vacant mud hut on Small Summit, but even if it was called a mud hut, since it was built for an ogre, there was too much space for me alone.

Thanks to this, I was able to get a space for myself, and I spent most of my days training my body here.

I did the quests that I had neglected because of the busy schedule during the Grand Festival.

Of course, even if I was staying here as a guest, I wasnt just playing around the whole time.

Where are we going today?

Were going over Senduma Pass to hunt.

So its wolves.

The ogres would wander around the entire region of Sky Mountain to hunt and store food.

For certain hours of the day, I would follow along and help them.

It would sometimes be rabbits, sometimes deer, and sometimes wolves.

If necessary, we would sometimes also hunt for wild monsters that were hidden in parts of Sky Mountain.

The surprising aspect of this was, unlike the savage randomly-hunting-everything-they-see I expected, the ogres would never hunt more than they needed.

Even if Sky Mountain is endlessly wide, all of nature is finite. There are cases where leaving some for later would be better.

After all, the natural life of Sky Mountain wasnt endless.

This was a promise to not disturb the cycle of nature.


I had forgotten for a moment because the land was vast, but this place was removed from the outside world by a barrier.

As I stayed here, I naturally came to learn why this place became a sanctuary for ogres.

It was because the shamanistic practices of the ogres were completely different to magic.

Ormerush called this ritual.

They even had a priest dedicated to these rituals on Sky Mountain.

We will survive until the end, waiting for the day we can rebuild the tribe and move outside the sanctuary.

I didnt know the specifics of the ritual, but it was something close to a mystical hope of regaining their land.

Well, anyways

Training and hunting.

Other than these two things, I had one more thing that took up the rest of my time in the day.

This was

Hey, Ormerush.

You came again, human.

Come out. Lets fight.

Youre persistent.

Having an arm wrestle match against Ormerush.

After I lost against Ormerush on the first day, I challenged him every day without exception.

It wasnt just because of the quest.

As I continued to challenge him, my competitive spirit became stronger and stronger.

I would go day after day until I won.

However, the outcome was the same.

The results till now were 15 matches, 15 losses.

In a sense, the outcome was expected.

I was a human who only became a player a few months ago, and Ormerush was an ogre who trained himself for hundreds of years on Sky Mountain and became one of its greatest warriors.

Ormerush never goes easy.

Thats what Im expecting.


Bending this steel-like arm of an ogre that was multiple times larger than me.

It looked impossible at first.

However, as time slowly passed


As I continued to accrue the experience of losing, I was learning.

Human, if your strength is 100, you arent even using 50 of that strength.

What does that mean?

Use all the strength that you have. Dont unnecessarily waste your strength.

Not wasting my strength.

The right way of using my strength.

The way to increase the density of my strength.

I accepted Ormerushs advice and made an endeavor.

10 seconds, then 20, then 30.

The time I could endure increased bit by bit every day.

After about 10 days, I could hold my ground for nearly a minute.

This wasnt all.


Even though it was just for a moment, I could even push Ormerushs arm over the halfway point.

As time passed, Ormerush became genuinely impressed with me.

Human. The pace your strength is increasing at is fast.

Is it? But I havent been able to beat you yet.

No. Youve gotten a bit of the feel of using your strength.

Well, a little.

How long until you leave Sky Mountain?

About 3 days?

You might be able to defeat me before then.

* * *

* * *

Just as Ormerush said, the gap between our strengths was quickly decreasing.

It wasnt simply because of an increase in my strength.

It was proof that I was able to utilize my strength to its fullest.

And then, on the afternoon two days before I planned to leave Sky Mountain

Hey, Im here again.

Lets start then.

I faced him on that unchanging smooth rock and grabbed Ormerushs hand.

But, for some reason, something felt different.

You Are you nervous?



Ormerush was strong as always, but I couldnt feel the hardness I first felt in our first match.

It wasnt that Ormerush changed.

It was because I changed.

Maybe, theres a chance I can win.

I put strength in my arm with this thought in mind.

The strengths clashed.

However, it wasnt unmovable like the first time.

It didnt feel like an unbreakable wall, and I didnt have any negative thoughts that dissuaded me into thinking it was impossible.

Our strength was matched in a tight balance, and it held in a shaky form at the center.


And so, 3 minutes passed.

As these 3 minutes that felt like an eternity passed, both of us started to sweat like we were sitting in the rain.

It became so tense that the rock we were leaning on started shaking.

As the arm wrestle started to get drawn out, it became a battle of endurance.

Who was more desperate to win?

Who couldnt afford to give up?

The difference in these had crumbled the tense balance.


And, in an instant, the great weight on my arm became light.


Just like how an old tree is felled, accompanying the dense feeling of falling, Ormerushs arm had collapsed.


I won?

I couldnt believe it.

17 battles.

16 losses.

And now, 1 win.

The taste of victory I havent felt in quite a while.

It tasted sweet and also amazing.


Foreigner of Sky Mountain

Victory against Ormerush in arm wrestling: 1/1 (Completed)

You are awarded Pride of the ogres of Sky Mountain.

You are now respected by all the ogres.

Ormerush opened his mouth.

I lost. Completely. Ruin Ardell, you surprise me at every turn.

Ormerush didnt call me human like he used to, but referred to me by my name for the first time.

His expression was filled with respect for me.

It seems the preparations are now over.

Preparations? What preparations?

Then, I instinctively felt it.

Wait, is it finished?

Its been finished for a long time. I was just waiting for the right time to hand it to you.

Kunkhans Tooth had been produced into my first weapon.

* * *

Ormerush. What was the reason that you didnt give me the weapon when it was done?

Like I told you before, I was waiting. Waiting for the day you defeat me.

What if I never beat you?

I wasnt going to give it to you until you won. The will of the chieftain is an important object for us.

This damned ogre.

I nearly got robbed in broad daylight.

But thankfully, I defeated Ormerush within the timeframe, and because of this, I could check out the weapon I had commissioned.

Come in.

Ormerushs forge wasnt a simple hut, but a huge repurposed cave near the Middle Summit.

I came to this place every day for the arm wrestle, but this was my first time entering the forge itself.

My first impression of the inside


was that it was incredibly hot.

As soon as I passed through the entrance, the essence of heat washed over my face from the equipment.

The second thing I felt

Is that it?


I had expected something grand to appear inside this sweltering smithy.

But inside the forge, there were just three steel handlers other than Ormerush that were hitting something with metal hammers.

The thing they were hitting with their hammers was the weapon that I commissioned.

A pair of gloves.

Come closer, here.

As I approached, the steel handler ogre struck the glove again with his metal hammer.



Even after being struck by the heavy metal hammer, there was no dent nor damage to the glove.

Rather, the hammer had bounced back from how hard it was.

This was because of the fragments of Kunkhans Tooth that were attached to the outside of the gloves.

As you wished, Kunkhans Tooth was separated into 10 pieces.

They had attached 5 of these 10 pieces to each glove.

It was like a brass knuckle.

These types of weapons werent widely used, and were usually wielded by back-alley thugs or monsters that plundered for a living.

However, for me, whose main weapon was his fist, this form was worth more to me than any famous sword.

I didnt have to think twice.

The tooth is separated into 10 pieces, but the chieftains will is still there. No, it was amplified.

Ormerush handed the knuckles to me.

And I accepted them.

Simultaneously, a status window appeared.

Knuckles of Kunkhans Will

Creator: Ormerush

< >

The knuckles were created by attaching the tooth fragments of Sky Mountain ogres first chieftain. The 10 tooth fragments will not break from any physical force and will destroy anything and everything.

Upon equipping, strength will increase by 2000.

You have learned the unique skill, Chieftans Will.

There is potential for growth.

There is potential for growth.

I asked Ormerush with a blank expression,

How many ogre warriors are there on Sky Mountain?

Hm? We have about 120. Why are you asking this suddenly?

I didnt know for certain, but after equipping the knuckles

I became overflowing with confidence for some unknown reason

And I wanted to try it at least once.

I smiled brightly and asked him one thing.

Can you call them all?

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