Mightiest Melee Magician

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Mightiest Melee Magician

Welcome. I am Delicious Boar.

Please call me DeBoar for short.

The magicians that were living in the Magicians Tower

Were they all insane?

Even if you were to throw away your name and make a new nickname, what kind of a name is Delicious Boar?

At least Stray Cat was a serviceable name.

Ill be guiding you to the top floor, where the tower master resides.

Hey, can I ask you something?

Yes. Please do.

Just who made up that name?

As soon as we enter the magic tower, the tower master gives us our new names.

Fire King Teron.

I had simply thought that his personality was a little odd, but it was more than that.

To ruin someones life with just a name.

However, this was only the beginning.

The magicians I met on the way to the top of the tower were:

Brilliant Nightingale

Butter Eating Rat

Fluttering Hen

Piece of Poop

Other similar names were also given.

After seeing this, I thought to never approach the Magicians Tower ever again.

This would go into effect right after I met the Fire King Teron on the highest floor of the tower.

And now, I was sitting with him.

How is it? Hows the experience of coming to the Magicians Tower?

I dont know. The outside looks normal, but the inside is extremely bizarre.

Is it because of the names of the magicians?

Yes. Just why did you name everyone like that?

These are magicians that never see the light of day and only focus on research. We need small forms of entertainment like this.

Well, these are people who gave up their name and everything else to come into the magic tower You shouldve named them more seriously.

I didnt know you had such an interest in the magic tower. Do you feel like working here now?

Not even a little.

I just thought of a name that would suit you perfectly.

Im not interested.

How about Super Skinny Ogre?

The magician at the boundary.

Fire King Teron.

As the strongest magician in the world, he was the man who was face to face with the limits of humanitys capacity for magic

But his naming sense was so shit.

However, he chuckled to himself like he was proud of the names he thought up.

Super Skinny Ogre It fits you perfectly.

Ah. Was that so?

Maybe because the name I received as soon as I entered the magic tower was too shocking, but I could only just start noticing the room interior.

If the crown princes Peony Palace was the most fancy and decorated place I saw

The top floor of the Fire Kings magic tower was dimly lit and quite simple.

In this dark room, there was only a lamp, a sofa, and a table.

On the table were some alchemical instruments, but apart from those, there wasnt any other furniture you would usually expect to see.

Of course, there was a valid reason for this.

Since Altein , I wanted to have a private talk with you someday and it seems that day is today. What tea do you want? I have besmin and jinherb.

Space seemed to distort for a second as a teapot, teacups, and other parts of a tea set appeared. Then


Swish Swash.

Without him even lifting a finger, the jinherb tea was poured out into two cups.

It meant that there was no need to have unnecessary equipment take up space.

This was the Magicians Tower, where one wouldnt be limited by physical space.

Finding my expression amusing, Teron spoke to me.

You look surprised.

Yes, a little bit. Seems I cant help my countrified nature.

Did the crown prince say that?


Please be understanding. Hes like a child who needs to get what he wants to scratch his itch. It could look like a bad habit, but if you become a citizen of the Empire, hell be someone who you can depend on more than any other.

I heard that you recommended me.

I did.

Why me?

He leisurely took a sip of his tea, and then spoke.

I wished for you to remain in Ravirdyne for a bit.

I remembered the first time I met with Fire King Teron.

From the very start, he openly and directly asked me about the secret of my power.

Then, Director Tirion was there to stand for me, but now, the director was nowhere to be seen.

But the Fire King was still curious about my power.

Of course

Well, unfortunately, I only wish to finish up my mission here quickly and return to my territory.

I didnt have the intention of obediently telling him everything.

Mission Yeah, mission. I heard from Stray Cat, but you chose Search?


The easiest mission is Subjugation. You can complete it while being protected by the Imperial Army, and if you just took care of some bandits that appeared near Ceciliano, everyone would respect you. But Search

Fire King Teron narrowed his eyes.

Why do you want to go there? Its just a barren wasteland.

* * *

* * *

The there we were talking about.

The Sky Mountain Summit.

Westward from Ravirdyne, it was a wasteland that was situated a fair distance north from the Radian Kingdom.

It was told to be the area where the ancient ogres lived in communities.

But nowadays, there werent any ogres.

It was because the ogres living in the Sky Mountain Summit all died out during the Great War.

As for the survivors, the living artifact that existed in the Academy, Kingram, was the only one.

But why was a Search mission assigned in this place that didnt even have ogres?

It was because of another famous story passed down in the continent.

After all the ogres disappeared from here, a type of barrier that couldnt be dispelled by any source of magic was set up around the Sky Mountain Summit.

An unknown barrier.

This had severed the Sky Mountain Summit from the rest of the world.

The theory was that the God of Ogres became enraged and had made the area a sanctuary.

But as of today, nothing was proven.

This was the limit of the information known by the public.

The goal of the mission was to figure out the nature of the barrier that was set up there.

This is a mission that no historian, no scholar, and no great magician were able to complete. It was just a mission added to fill out the category, but you just had to select it. Whats your reasoning? Why do you want to go to the wasteland?

He was right.

For others, there really was no reason to go there.

It was just a barren and lifeless wasteland.

But I had a piece of information that even Fire King Teron didnt know.

That this was the land that the World Ender Drakagonia lived in for 100 years.

The reason I was seeking this place?

This one reason was enough.

Even if it werent for the mission, I wouldve liked to go to this place once anyway.

However, there was no reason to tell him the whole truth.

It had the highest difficulty. Thats why I chose it.

Youre not expecting me to believe such a simple reason is all.

You dont have to believe me But a special reason Do I really need one?

If the only reason was because of its high difficulty and your desire to trump it, I suggest that you choose another mission. The reason it had five stars attached to it isnt that the area is dangerous or there are some active events there. In fact, the area around Sky Mountain Summit is quite safe since nothing is there. The difficulty is because of the mystery that no one was able to discover and complete.

Thats why I want to do it even more.

No one in the world was able to figure it out, but if a young 16-year-old magician was to figure it out, wouldnt it be that much more impressive?

However, the Fire King only snorted.

You may also be the only failure in the history of giving a mission to the winner of the Grand Festival. That may also be the impressive accomplishment that you bring back.

Well, that doesnt feel that bad.

He didnt believe my words.

Till the end, he didnt lift his suspicious eyes from me.

He obsessed over trying to find the real reason I chose the Search mission to go to the Sky Mountain Summit.

In a way, he maybe had figured out that this mission had something to do with my ability.


Isnt mission selection my responsibility?

Sure, it is your responsibility.

In any case, it was a choice for me to make.

And there was nothing to stop me.

The one who had to concede wasnt me,

Then, do what you want.

But the Fire King.

* * *

The special mission was finalized.


*Investigate the barrier at the Sky Mountain Summit and its vicinity.

The time limit for mission completion, with the time to return as part of it, was a total of one month.

The reason the time limit was set generously to one month was because there werent any mana train stations around the vicinity of the Sky Mountain Summit.

You had to move from the closest ancient castle, Tercian, on foot, but this alone took three days.

The time that I could spend focusing on the mission alone was about 20 days.

Well, I did end up selecting it

I talked to Straang as I lay on the bed in the room prepared for my stay on the 34th floor of the Magicians Tower.

Sky Mountain Summit Will I really be able to gain something from there?

Why? Are you worried that you wont be able to get anything?

When Straang suggested we go to Sky Mountain Summit, I genuinely agreed with her.

In the first place, this was somewhere I really wanted to visit at least once.

However, what the Fire King said also held true.

Well, rather than worry, since the place had already been severed for about 100 years there should be something there I can find.

It was a mission failed by people more accomplished than me.

Even though I was dissuaded, if I failed the difficult mission I selected on purpose, the risk was also high.

I would be ridiculed quite a lot.

However, my heart that faltered for a second was stabilized by Straang.

Thats an extremely human way of thinking about it.


Since humans tried to find it using their human ways, theyll never find it.

But Im a human too?

Youre different. You have power that exceeds that of a human.

Power that exceeds humanity.


You just need to change your extremely human way of thinking. Think about it. How would you enter a sacred ground of ogres?

A totally different way of thinking.

Using this, I would be able to reach the Sky Mountain Summit.

A lot of different examples started popping up in my head.

Use strength to break the barrier?

Find the secret hidden door?

These were probably all the human ways that were tested in previous missions.

A totally different way that no one had even tried.

What was there?

As I was contemplating this question

Knock knock knock.

Sir Ruin. Its me, DeBoar.

With a knocking sound on my door, I could feel the presence of people.


Whats that?

As I hesitated, the voice spoke again.

Im the magician that guided you to your room just a while ago. Its Delicious Boar.

Ah. Ah! Yeah. Come in.

I got stumped for a second.

I still couldnt get used to the names of people in this magic tower.

I hurriedly got up from my bed and opened the door.

Both the magicians Delicious Boar and Stray Cat were standing there.

This is just a zoo.

Do you like your room?

Ah, yes. But what reason

Do you want to go now? To the artifact room?

Ah, yeah.

I still had one more reward left.

The artifacts stored in the Magicians Tower.

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