Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2711: Show up

Chapter 2711: Show up

This man took out his own brother to prove that he was not talking nonsense. Now the other pilots are finally willing to believe him, because those pilots who are fighting on the front line must know more than himself, and there is nothing wrong with him in the rear. For important things, the pilots on the front line are notified first.

"Hey, isn't our'Gun God' always staying outside to block the troops of the Quran God Republic? How do you say they will fight over?" Some people think it's not right. Griffin is so strong, where will the enemy have a chance? Break through.

The teacher immediately despised him fiercely: "I said you are stupid, no matter how strong the'gun god' is, there is only one person after all. If the people of the Republic of the Quran God send an army to attack, he can't help it. Large-scale battles are still necessary. Count on us people."

"That's the same. I don't know if the enemy is strong or not. Can we stop it?" The despised pilot touched his head and apologized. He didn't know the enemy's strength, but simply compared the knowledge learned in the textbook. many problems.

No pilot can answer him, because he is surrounded by recruits, and he is not sure where he can help others to guide others: "I don't know, I hope they are not strong, otherwise we have to join the battle..."

"What are you talking about there?!" At this time, the captain in charge of leading the recruits found someone muttering, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, shut up and listen to my orders. Take out weapons anytime. Ready to join the battle!"

"Yes!" The newly enlisted pilots stood up straight and held their weapons, making the appearance that they could fight at all times.

Near the buried city, Griffin was lying in the dark to look at the movement inside. After learning that the enemy's army was dispatched, he led a team hurried over, trying to find out how the enemy would act in order to prepare for the upcoming battle. Lay the foundation.

Seeing the bright lights in the buried gold city and the faint sound of mecha mobilization, Griffin understood that Commander Ma was really moving this time, and the other party was no longer sending a little mecha, but There is really going to be a large-scale battle.

"You go back and help the defense first. I'll try to hold them. What news is the pilot contact." Griffin asked the surrounding pilots to leave first. He wants to stay by himself to find opportunities. It is easy for him to move and get out by himself.

The other pilots knew that they were a cumbersome. They reminded Griffin to step back before proceeding carefully, leaving only Griffin still lurking in the dark. He watched while adjusting his position to facilitate interception at the most suitable angle.

Griffin waited outside for a long time. He even felt a little tired while waiting, but there was still no sign of mecha attack in the buried city. The noise inside was abnormal, but there was no mecha coming out, so Gerry Fern can't do anything.

After being ambushed by Griffin many times, Commander Ma has already learned how to behave. If there is no need, he will not let the mecha encounter this powerful enemy alone. Today's battle must be successful. He has to wait for all the forces. All gather together and then act together.

So no matter how Griffin waited for him, he couldn't wait to get out of the mobile phone meeting. Commander Ma was struggling to kill with a single blow and would never expose too obvious flaws. He guessed Griffin would wander outside. Therefore, the buried Jincheng is required to exercise restraint.

"Before our army arrives, you must remember not to act rashly. At that time, I will let Chen Feng and the others set off with you. No matter how strong the'gun god' is, he can't do much." These are the original words of Commander Ma, the person who buried Jincheng Do the same.

Griffin waited for a long time and guessed that it was impossible to find a chance. He drove a special plane to retreat for a certain distance. Since Commander Ma knew that he was ambushing outside, he might be besieged and killed when the people arrived. For the sake of it, stay away.

There was someone in Buried Jincheng who was specifically responsible for investigating the situation outside. Griffin was already discovered during the ambush. The special instrument captured the fluctuations emitted by the mecha during the action, which made the pilots in the city more vigilant and afraid to go out alone. .

When Griffin drove the special plane to retreat, the instrument also observed the changes. The news reached Commander Mas ears and he sighed slightly: Hey, the Gun God is really cautious enough to protect himself very much. Great."

If Chen Feng and Hongshuibin arrive at Burying the Golden City, Commander Ma will surely let them attack Griffin immediately. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to suppress Griffin with an army. If it defeats the Griffin Saint Gama Empire Become the meat on the chopping board.

But Griffin was very sensible and chose to evacuate first. The people on the Quran God Republic have not yet arrived, especially the most crucial Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin are still on their way. The defenders who buried Jincheng can only watch. Watching him go can't do anything.

On the way, Hongshuibin learned of Griffin's retreat, and he also expressed a trace of regret: "It's a pity..."

"It's nothing to be a pity. We can't expect to defeat the'Gun God' on the battlefield other than the head-on confrontation. It's too unrealistic." Chen Feng continued to move forward without any change. He never thought of using other methods. Get Griffin.

"I know, isn't this thinking about reducing the number of casualties." Hongshui Bin shrugged and forgot his regrets. There was something business waiting for the two of them. Their task was very difficult. Whether they can successfully seize the city depends on whether they can block the grid. Liffin.

Although Griffin's strength has declined due to the damage to the special plane, Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin are still not sure that they can win. They must always be vigilant to maintain their state and never allow any mistakes on the battlefield.

Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin were the first people to arrive in Buijin City. After they entered the city, an energy supply vehicle drove over to supplement energy for the special plane. Everyone knew that they were the key to the battle. All logistical support needs to be fully implemented. .

After the two special planes completed their energy replenishment, other reinforcements also successively came to Buried Jincheng. Fortunately, the scale of Buried Jincheng has expanded a lot. Otherwise, it cant accommodate so many mechas, but there are still some mechas that have not settled. Out.

The distance between Vodka and Buried Jincheng is not too far, this distance is acceptable for the consumption of mecha, so Commander Ma decided not to carry out maintenance and directly attacked: "Fu Yuntian stays, the rest straight to the west Go ahead!"

Commander Ma chose to bury the city in the west of Jincheng. This is a temporary random decision. There is no reason at all. Kabuffon can't predict in advance. After Griffin returns the news, he will know where to focus on defense. City.

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