Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2706: Slow down

Chapter 2706: Slow down

Now that Commander Ma has made a decision, Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin must follow the orders. The two looked at each other and smiled and slowly returned to their rooms. After being disturbed, they both wanted to refresh their sleep and state. Come back and avoid lack of energy when needed.

While resting with his eyes closed, Hongshui Bin also asked Chen Feng: "You said we are too cautious, even if there are any bad tricks in the Saint Gama Empire, both of us can deal with it together. The'Gun God' is no longer the previous one. Invincible, the invincible person is more likely to be crushed by him. If he is defeated, the future battle will be much easier."

"You are swollen, this is what Commander Ma is most worried about." Chen Feng asked Hongshuibin to reflect on himself first, and they must not take it lightly before they could defeat Griffin upright, "With the situation of the Saint Gama Empire It gets worse and worse. They will no longer pin all their hopes on the "gun god". We have to be careful of other threats."

"Other aspects? Do you mean the ordinary pilots? No, they want to cause harm unless we go crazy and plunge into the encirclement of nearly a thousand mechas." Hong Bin felt that this kind of thing could not happen, and he did it. Don't do that stupid thing.

"No, what you think is too simple." Chen Feng shook his head. If only what Hongshui Bin said, it would be easy to solve. "What if the Gun God leads a team to attack the city after we leave? What about the others? Can stop him."

Hongshui Bin was stunned. He really didn't think of this possibility. This was a plan to move the tiger away from the mountain: "Ah this..."

Hong Hung Bin realized that he was too optimistic. No wonder Commander Ma would suddenly change his mind. He was not afraid of ten thousand but in case. If three cities were breached while the two of them were away, then everyone who came here would become very dangerous.

It is important to help several countries that will be attacked by the Saint Gama Empire, but ensuring their own safety is the most important thing. Commander Mas has a very good reason for leaving Chen Feng and Hong Bin. He cant pick sesame seeds. The watermelon was lost.

Commander Ma did not say that he would not help those countries. After leaving two people, he arranged for several mecha units to start from Ditejia. It was not appropriate to reduce the defensive force in the city of E and Buried in the front. Dieterja is most suitable to attack.

As a result, these mecha units all suffered devastating blows. They all encountered powerful enemies in the process of going to support. The mechas that fled back were very miserable. According to their description, the attacker was Griffin.

As the most powerful God of War in the world, Griffin took the initiative to ambush ordinary pilots regardless of his status. Although this method is disgusting but the effect is very impressive, so that Commander Mas assistance cannot be put in place, so it cannot help. Those countries.

The attacking troops were defeated. Commander Ma felt a little bit lucky when he was sad. Fortunately, he did not send Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin out. If they were attacked by Griffin in the dark, the result might be bad. Ten thousand times.

The next morning, both Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin received news that Griffin had broken the reinforcements. Hongshui Bin exploded on the spot: "What? The'Gun God' actually ambushed our ordinary pilot personally. He didn't want fame. Yet?!"

No matter when, Hongbin would never think that Griffin would attack ordinary pilots in an ambush. On the battlefield, everyone was fighting in a fair manner. Sometimes attacking ordinary pilots was justifiable, but doing this privately would be too much. Up.

Generally, top pilots will never shoot in non-wartime conditions. Chen Feng and Hong Bin have already restrained themselves sensibly after entering the field of top pilots. They will not shoot easily, let alone go, except for participating in battles. Ambush the ordinary pilot.

But now Griffin actually personally led a team to ambush the mecha units that attacked from Dieterja. Among these mecha units, there is no top pilot leading the team. Maybe Griffin didn't know it at first, but after the attack he was very It will be discovered soon. It stands to reason that Griffin should choose to stop immediately, but instead of stopping, he also attacked all the remaining troops, obviously deliberately.

Griffin made it clear that he didn't care about his identity. He would shoot regardless of the strength of the opponent, even if there was no top pilot. That's why Hongbin would be so gagged. If it weren't for the fact, he would never believe it.

When Griffin desperately attacked ordinary pilots, that was the time when he threatened the most, because no one in the Quran God Republic except Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin could fight him, as long as they encountered a defeated ending.

In the next few days, Commander Ma dispatched several mecha units at different time periods, but they were no different from the previous ones. All the mechas that attacked were attacked by Griffin, and few returned. Let alone help others.

After several attempts, Commander Ma was completely sure that Griffin was taking a desperate move. He wanted to delay his support to other countries for the Saint Gama Empire, so that Kabuffon had time to take those countries. All done.

Commander Ma didnt want to give up, because if the Saint Gama Empire was allowed to attack, those countries wouldnt be able to hold on for a few days, and now he still has some surplus. If he can help or try his best, he can better win over those who are interested. country.

For this reason, Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin also joined the army to attack together. They were meaninglessly blocked by Griffin. After a while, the two sides spent a lot of time fighting, and the other units used the time difference to travel to the target city. .

However, its a pity that Commander Mas actions were still a bit slower. Before the support troops arrived, Kabfon had led the army to clean up all those countries. Those countries whose strength was not good were beaten. Falling flowers and flowing water.

Strictly warned the leaders of those countries not to play tricks, Kabvon class returned to the court, Commander Ma hurried to retreat the troops who had gone, otherwise if they encountered the large troops of the Saint Gama Empire Can't come back.

Griffins action bought a very important time for the Saint Gama Empire. Kabvon basically encountered no obstacles in this operation. Kabvon was very happy to go to Griffins house as soon as he came back, and wanted to pull the other side well. Celebrate.

Griffin received Kabvon expressionlessly. When Kabvon saw Griffins face without any joy of success, his original enthusiasm gradually faded: "Are you still thinking about taking action against ordinary pilots? thing?"

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