Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2698: Frustrated

Chapter 2698: Frustrated

"Don't make unnecessary sacrifices. Since we have no hope of getting the meteorite, let the pilots return." The president's tone was full of helplessness, but this is indeed the best choice. "There are also top planes that protect us. Teacher, no more trouble!"

"I understand, meteorites are very difficult to grab, but I guarantee that the'spear gods' will be fine!" Kabfon stated that he will complete the task assigned by the president. Since he has decided not to **** meteorites anymore, he can use his strength Used to protect the target.

To allow the pilots to temporarily buffer the momentum of the attack, Kabfeng first contacted Griffin: "The Gun God, it's time for us to retreat."

"Huh? Are you going to give up the meteorite?" Griffin didn't expect that Kabvon would give up now. It stands to reason that Kabvon is the least willing to lose to the Republic of the Qur'an. As long as he is given a chance, he will fight to the end. Would it be so simple?

"Yes, we have lost too much. We can't let all our new forces die here." Kabuffon is indeed reluctant to give up, but he must do so. "The president just called and he asked Let's not make unnecessary sacrifices."

The president's meaning is very clear. It is to reduce the deaths and injuries of the pilots and take as many people back as possible. Since the meteorite is likely to fall into the hands of the Qur'an God Republic, they must leave more manpower to prepare for the next battle. War.

No matter how unwilling the president is, he must consider the future of the Saint Gama Empire. Previously, Kabuffon was allowed to attack because there was still a possibility of success, but he had to re-examine whether he had done something wrong because the fighting was so difficult. Decided.

Kabfeng did not clearly say that he was not an opponent of Commander Ma. The president still analyzed the data sent back from the front line that his competitiveness was declining. When it dropped to a certain level, it was dangerous. They could not stop if they wanted to. .

So the president contacted Kabvon again and asked him to terminate the battle. Kabvon understood the presidents consciousness and conveyed it to Griffin, but Griffin did not want to give up. The brilliant metal in the meteorite was too important to the Saint Gama Empire. Want to try again.

Asking Kabuffon to give himself a little more time, Griffin began to move towards the area where the meteorite was located, and this was also caught in time by Chen Feng: "The'gun god' seems to still want to capture the meteorite, Shui Bin, please pay attention to intercept it. Others are also careful."

"Okay!" Everyone got Chen Feng's warning, and they also set aside some attention to observe here while fighting.

Sure enough, shortly after Chen Fengs warning, Griffin suddenly accelerated towards the meteorite, and Hongbin, who had been prepared in advance, immediately followed, and the double-drawing swordsmanship directly cut out and tried to drive Griffin back, but was blocked. Liffin flashed past.

It turned out that Griffins advance was just a false move. His purpose was to lure Hongbin into an attack. After the double-drawing sword was cut out, Hongbin was temporarily unable to move effectively, unable to keep up with Griffin's footsteps and watch him move. To the other side.

Griffin successfully lied to Hongbin. After moving the position, he was about to knock down Hongbin with two guns. However, the attack from Chen Feng stopped him. Dozens of beams rushed to protect Hongbin's body. The space where Griffin's two guns passed.

"You are all fooled!" Griffin didn't really want to hurt Hongshuibin, because his target was a meteorite. Fighting with Hongshuibin would consume him a lot of time. After deceiving Chen Feng, his feet kicked and turned. The meteorite flew past.

Griffin thought his actions were flawless, but he never imagined that he was intercepted by a wave of beams just after flying less than fifty meters. These beams appeared in advance as if they were waiting for him to rush over.

You don't need to think that these beam waves were made by Chen Feng. After discovering that Griffin had an idea, Chen Feng cautiously controlled the two floating guns to pretend to attack nearby. In fact, they were building new beam waves to deal with subsequent changes.

Hung Hung Bin was lured by Griffin to attack and failed. Chen Feng couldn't sit idly by and help, but he also moved the beam of light he constructed to continue to form a new blockade against Griffin, just to prevent him from approaching the meteorite smoothly.

Griffin can't turn a blind eye to these beams. Under Chen Feng's precise control, these beams are very powerful. If he doesn't take seriously being hit several times in a row, it will be very dangerous, so he has to stop the beams that will surround him. The tide broke.

After Griffin smashed the beam of light, Hongbin had adjusted and re-came in front of him: "Don't leave."

"That won't work." Griffin refused directly, and went straight to Hongbin with both guns. He couldn't waste any more time.

At the same time, the battle around the meteorite became fierce. After Griffin showed his intention to rescue, Fu Yuntian began a more aggressive offensive. He wanted to intercept the enemy before Griffin broke through Chen Feng and Hongshuibin. wipe out.

Fu Yuntian wanted to kill himself. Of course, the Saint Gama empire pilots would not wait to be killed. They fought back and tried to buy more time. They believed in Griffin's strength and felt that Griffin could definitely take him to escape.

But Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin are not vegetarians. The two of them joined forces to drag Griffin again. Even if Griffin tried all means to break through the encirclement, it still took a lot of time. He saw it when he finally rushed out of the encirclement. It was an allied army that fell to the ground.

There are no more than a hundred Mechas of the Saint Gama Empire fighting around the meteorite, and all of them are wounded on their bodies and may fall at any time. Not to mention that they cant even move the meteorite after the battle, no matter what Griffin has. How strong can't be changed.

The idea of taking the meteorite away was impossible. Griffin sighed very helplessly. Failure to get the meteorite meant that their special plane could not be properly repaired, and it would become more and more difficult in future battles.

One of these mechas performed particularly well. It was the special plane "Lucifer" that Roberson drove. After all, it was the most powerful of these people, and it was able to maintain a good condition all the way down with Pan Yuguo.

But no matter how good Roberson's performance is, it can't help his side turn defeat into victory. The difference in strength between the rest of the combatants on both sides is too large, and it is strange that Fu Yuntian led the team to charge and can play.

The surrounding mechas kept falling, making Robertson feel sorrowful and indignant. Why did the motherland, which originally dominated the worlds strongest country, fall to this point? Why would he be forced to this point by a stunned boy? Consider these.

Being entangled by Pan Yuguo all the way, Roberson basically never helped his troops, which made him feel very frustrated.

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