Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2633: Suppress

Chapter 2633: Suppress

This sentence made Pan Bayi stop struggling. He really wanted to live and die with the guards, but there were more important things that he needed to do. The war between the Quran God Republic and the Saint Gama Empire was not over yet. His commander can't die yet.

The rebels outside were still struggling to attack. They used weapons to shoot into the car, but all the guards who blocked the gap were resisted. The guards were beaten into a hornet's nest before they could say a word, and his body leaned against the gap. Protect the people in the car.

"I remember your sacrifices, and I promise to break the Saint Gama Empire as soon as possible!" Pan Bayi thought that all the dead guards solemnly swear that he will put all his strength into the command and strive to overthrow Saint Gama as soon as possible. The ruling class of the empire.

The rebels were still attacking frantically outside the vehicle. They tried to remove the body blocking the gap. Chen Feng, who had just arrived on the scene, saw the shocking tragedy and found the vehicle under attack in the chaos.

Chen Feng would not be soft on these thugs. The floating artillery quickly flew out and launched a burst of fire. The flying beams killed all the rebels that attacked the vehicles. Under Chen Fengs precise control, he did not encounter Pan Bayis vehicle. accidental injury.

Listening to the shouting and killing noises getting weaker and weaker, and the vehicles no longer dangling by being pushed from outside, Pan Bayi knew that he should be safe. He blocked this lure operation because Chen Fengneng arrived in time. , As long as Chen Feng arrives, all problems will be solved. The rebel army has no mechas to fight against Chen Feng, and Chen Feng's posture skills are enough for him to accurately kill the enemy.

Just in case, Pan Bayi did not get out of the vehicle for the first time. Instead, he asked Chen Feng to check outside the vehicle and made sure that no rebels survived. The refugees who blocked the road at the beginning have also fled far away. Ability to attack vehicles.

"Commander Pan, you can come out." Chen Fengshou asked Pan Bayi and the others to come out from the outside of the vehicle. The vehicle was broken and he was going to take Pan Bayi to a safe area, where someone would come to clean it up.

"You worked so hard to rush over, but unfortunately, you sacrificed too much." Pan Bayi and one of the guards walked out of the vehicle with the armrests. Only two of them were alive in the car, and the other guard died. In the onslaught of the rebels.

Chen Feng's complexion was not very good. He felt that he was too late: "Hey, I was late and failed to save them."

"Don't blame you, I was too confident that I did not bring enough manpower. I didn't expect that there was still a wave of refugees hidden in the hands of the rebels..." Pan Bayi believed that what happened today was because of his negligence of duty and failed to predict the rebels. The method caused such heavy casualties.

"Fortunately, all the rebels that appeared have been killed by me. From now on, there will be no more chaos in the city. I hope this can comfort their spirits in the sky." Chen Feng persuaded Pan Bayi not to blame himself, but the final result was still As expected.

Pan Bayi wiped off the blood splashed on his face tiredly, and asked Chen Feng to take himself back: "Lets go back to the command center, and then we must spread the news as soon as possible and stabilize the peoples hearts in Echeng. I believe Echeng will soon Will be completely controlled by us!"

Chen Feng put Pan Bayi and the guards into the cockpit together. When controlling the "World Breaking" to take off, he also specially observed the left and right, and confirmed that there were no signs of people aiming at him with weapons before heading to the command center.

Today's lure operation went very smoothly. In order to kill all the Pan Bayi rebels, they released the refugees they had been holding to create road congestion, and then used large trucks to block the retreat, and finally launched an impact.

The rebels are betting on everything. They want to take the life of Pan Bayi before the defenders arrive. When Echeng loses control, they can take the opportunity to make waves, and maybe they can escape from the control of the ancient gods and return to Shengjia. Horse empire.

Fortunately, Pan Bayi prepared a hand in advance and sent the most important trump card, Chen Feng, to a nearby base. The rebels were eager to attack but failed to take all the factors into consideration. When they were about to succeed, they were rushed to destroy by Chen Feng and eventually the entire army was wiped out. .

Chen Feng killed all the rebels that he saw attacking Pan Bayis vehicle. Apart from that, he did not attack the refugees who fled, but because Chen Feng was not sure whether these refugees were mixed with rebels, so Pay attention.

The refugees who fled were all struggling to run. Their purpose was to survive, not to see what happened behind them. It was the business to leave the place of right and wrong quickly, so what Chen Feng saw was the running back and no one turned to face him.

In the hands of these refugees, Chen Feng did not observe the appearance of weapons. He needed heavy weapons to destroy the mecha. Chen Feng immediately flew to the command center after ensuring safety. The next step was to clear the remaining small fish and shrimps. Up.

Pan Bayi was well protected by escorts. Although he suffered a very violent attack, he was not injured. When he returned to the command center, he immediately ordered people to blockade the attacked area. The belated troops happened to have all the roads to the outside world. shut down.

"The rebels should have gathered in this area, but they may not all participate in the attack, and some are hiding in the shadow corner." Pan Bayi asked the troops to check in places that are normally difficult to observe to ensure that they are safe. .

Pan Bayi's judgment was very correct. The soldiers who inspected found signs of snipers on the roofs of some tall buildings. In order to hide their identities, they threw down their guns and left, not knowing where they were hiding.

However, Pan Bayi has already sealed off the entire area, and these people will be found after hiding. It is nothing more than the soldiers' hard work and dying struggle. When the full investigation in the area is over, everything will be settled. .

There are also those refugees who suddenly appeared on the road. Pan Bayi asked to check their identities and make reasonable arrangements. The Ancient Shenlan Republic does not need a broken city of E. It is Pan Bayi thinks that everyone here can live and work in peace. To see.

The refugees were originally controlled by the rebels. They did not want to fight against the Ancient Godland Republic. If they could have food and land, there would be no reluctance, so they soon accepted the arrangement and dispersed to other areas, and no new resistance incident occurred. .

After the refugee issue is over, Pan Bayi can basically declare that Echeng is completely compliant with his side. All that is left is to wait for the investigation of the attacked area to be completed, and then you can imagine how to continue to attack other cities in the Saint Gama Empire. In view of Pan Bayi Commander Ma also sent special congratulations for his outstanding performance.

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