Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2607: Each has responsibilities

Chapter 2607: Each has responsibilities

Chen Feng is not much better than Hongshui Bin. He lay on his back in the direction of Echeng, looking at the vague mecha figure inside: "The result is still good. We successfully captured Echeng, and I also figured it out.' How much is the gap between "Gun God"."

Hongshuibin felt that Chen Feng's performance today was almost perfect, and defeating Griffin is not unattainable: "I think you can hold on for a long time when fighting alone. When we join hands at the beginning next time, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to attack again. Beat us."

"Don't be too confident. When I face him alone, I can hardly find a chance to suppress. I hope I can perform better next time." Chen Feng still maintained a cautious attitude. After this battle, Griffin was over. The state of is better than both of them, which shows that the other party still has the leeway to fight another battle, and he and Hongshui Bin are basically unable to fight again.

Griffin has left. Although Chen Feng and Hongshuibin relaxed, they did not relax completely. After Griffin's sudden attack, the two were no longer paralyzed. The two special planes were separated from each other by a certain distance. Guarding close to the city.

Commander Ma has completely controlled the command center of the city. He ordered the mecha troops to take over the defense of the city, stifle the counterattack in the cradle, and then calm the people's emotions through the broadcast, letting them know that he has no idea of harming the people.

While taking over Echeng, Commander Ma was always watching the battle outside the city. He was very proud of seeing Chen Feng and Hongshuibin successfully stopping Griffin. In the past, the Quran God Republic was facing the Holy During the Gamma Empire, the top pilots were always at a disadvantage. Murong Fan was already very strong but still could not make up the gap. He had to attract at least one troop to support him.

And now after Chen Feng and Hongshuibin have grown up, the Quran God Republic has finally turned its disadvantages into advantages. The Saint Gama Empire has fallen to the digital emperor, and Griffin can't defeat Chen Feng and Hongshuibin. It is their turn. Got a headache.

The mecha troops were dispatched to respond to the two. Commander Ma continued to observe the surrounding environment to ensure that no enemy appeared again and approached Echeng. After doing this, he contacted Pan Bayi: "We have successfully captured Echeng. How is the battle going on your side? ?"

"The enemy's offensive is very fierce. I blocked their 30 or 40 waves of impact. The loss of the mecha is very large, but I can persist." Pan Bayi led an army of mechas to resist the enemy's impact, just not letting them pass. Reinforce the city.

"Hold on! The defenders of Echeng have evacuated. They are likely to go to your side. You must be careful of threats from the rear." Commander Ma glanced at the map and thought that the defeated defenders would go to Shengga. The confluence of the large forces of the Ma Empire will put extra pressure on Pan Bayi, "I will also send people to support and fight back and forth to kill them!"

Pan Bayi understood Commander Mas intentions. He happened to have a reserve army beside him, which was suitable for chasing and intercepting: "Okay, I will let people spread the news of the fall of Echeng, and wait until the defenders are completely defeated. They lose morale."

Commander Ma quickly issued orders. Except for leaving the necessary mechas to control the city, the other pilots were all ordered to rush outwards. They wanted to rush to the area where the fighting between the two countries was the most intense, and completely end this. Second battle.

Chen Feng saw the organic armor passing by and faintly guessed Commander Mas intentions, and said to Hongshuibin not far away: "Shuibin, you should be able to fight? Can you return to Dieter? Jia, go to the battle there?"

It's not that Chen Feng didn't want to go back to help, but his "world-breaking" was the special plane that suffered the most damage during the battle with Griffin. If he had to forcefully rush back, the special plane might not be able to hold it on the way, and Most of his weapons don't have much energy left. If he wants to hurry, it will be difficult to get supplements from the special fuselage. Even if he can rush back to Griffin, it will not work.

In general, Chen Feng feels that it is better to enter E-City, and to repair the "World Breaking" and supplement energy. It can also deter enemies who may have ideas here. As for Hongshuibin, the damage is relatively light due to "Candle Light Youying" , It's better to go back.

"Well, then you go to Shou'e City, I will go back to Di Te Jia to help." Hong Bin immediately turned and rushed to Di Te Jia, the left wing of "Candle Light Youying" was destroyed by Griffin, so he can only use human form now Hurry and fight, the speed will be slower.

Commander Ma did not intervene in their own judgment. After Chen Feng made a decision, he nodded in satisfaction. The young man's judgment was very accurate, and he would do the same if he changed his judgment.

Commander Ma previously felt that Chen Feng was not just a **** of war, he had many other potentials that he had not discovered. Today, in the chaotic battlefield, he witnessed Chen Fengs precise control of the situation and felt very much about it. Gratified.

"We just lack a person who has the ability to make decisions on the spot. Chen Feng may be our answer." Commander Ma has great expectations for Chen Feng. He needs Chen Feng to fight Griffin, and Chen Feng also needs to do it. Make the most correct decision on the spot.

"Bro World" flew into E City, and the maintenance team was already on standby in the maintenance area. Chen Feng landed next to them and took the elevator to land. Ask them to help themselves repair "Bro World" as soon as possible, and then hurried all the way to the command room. In front of Commander Ma.

At this moment, Commander Ma is arranging various control matters in the city. After all, they have just occupied the city, and they may be driven out again if they are careless. Therefore, all aspects of control must be strengthened to prevent people from fishing in troubled waters.

On the way Chen Feng came, Commander Ma had already suppressed several riots. There were still some people who wanted to work hard for Echeng. These people would do everything they could to destroy them, but they didnt get them all out. He couldn't relax before.

Looking up and seeing Chen Feng entering, Commander Ma pointed to the side: "You can contact Dieterja over there."

Chen Fengxin knew that he would go there and came to the liaison officer to watch him communicate with Dieterja. After listening for a while, he felt that the line of defense was still relatively strong, and the Saint Gama Empire basically had no hope of breaking through. Relax and walk back.

"The goal of today's campaign has been achieved, thanks to your performance." Commander Ma has basically completed the control of the city, and said with a smile to Chen Feng who came by. From now on they have the territory of the Saint Gama Empire. On the second city.

"This is what we should do." Chen Fengdao didn't feel very happy. He won the victory today but his sacrifice was not small.

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