Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2595: Three-sided Siege

Chapter 2595: Three-sided Siege

As the surrounding cities spread what they had seen and heard to the military, the context on the map gradually became clear. The mecha troops of the Qur'an Republic surrounded an area and separated the city on the southwest side of Dietja separately.

The other party wanted to forcefully eat the city on the southwest side! If Kabufon couldn't see this, he would be ashamed of the seat he was sitting in: "They want to break the city! All other troops from all directions will advance to the city and stop them!"

The city on the southwest side of Diteca is the city of Ely, which is not very important to the Saint Gama Empire. It used to have many heavy industry factories, but as the Empire of Saint Gama gradually abandoned heavy industrial production, the city of Ely Decline day by day.

From decline to decline, the foundation of the city is still there. Therefore, the Saint Gama Empire did not completely abandon it, but still gave a certain policy tilt. The population living here is also relatively large, and it is more than enough to be a third-tier city. .

With the fall of Di Teja, the Saint Gama Empire paid attention to the city again. After all, it was one of the closest cities to Di Teja. The original scale was not small. After tidying up, it can still be used to fight against the Quran God Republic. Of the workhorse.

As a result, the city once again rises back to the sight of the Saint Gama Empire. The people here cherish this hard-won opportunity very much, and go all out in every action against Dieterja, and strive to make more Chinese people recognize themselves.

Last time, when he was attacked by Pan Bayis command, Echeng worked hard to counterattack and persisted for a long time, but unfortunately the line of defense on the side of the mountain was broken by Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin. Otherwise, their fighting performance It's still remarkable.

Pan Bayi told Commander Ma about the toughness of the city. Commander Ma knew that this was not a hard bone to chew, but in order to have a safer foothold on the land of the Saint Gama Empire, except for There was no better choice outside the city. Commander Ma carefully prepared many plans to take Echeng in one fell swoop.

When the people in Echeng know that they have become the real target of the enemy again, they do not know whether they should be happy or sad, because this battle will inevitably become the focus of the world again, but it is too difficult and they may not be able to sustain it. live.

The command in Goose City is very troublesome. He is full of resentment towards Commander Ma. Why does he always use his own city to do it? You can't go to other cities, so that we can relax a little bit. It is really unlucky.

Depressed and depressed, we still have to fight. Now the mecha army of the Qur'an God Republic is approaching quickly. The command urges the pilots in the city to board the mecha and go to a suitable defensive position. You must try first regardless of whether you can fight or not. Say it again.

After clarifying Commander Mas intentions, Kabufon no longer dared to make a big move. He allowed all the reserve forces in the military headquarters to assemble and march towards the city. This time he said that nothing can be defeated again, the Saint Gama Empire Can't lose another city.

However, no matter whether it was the reinforcements from other surrounding cities or the reserve army specially sent by Kabufon, they failed to break through the defensive line built by Pan Bayi. In order to allow Commander Ma to concentrate on dealing with Echeng, Pan Bayi resorted to Do your best.

The arrangement of the defensive line is airtight, and Pan Bayi personally participates in the command of each defensive line. He must first understand wherever an enemy appears, so as to make the most suitable and most beneficial arrangement for the whole.

The Saint Gama Empires pilots attacked no less than ten times, but none of them succeeded. The closest breakthrough was the eighth time, when some of the mechas of the Qur'an Republic retreated for repairs. They took the opportunity to rush in. Great distance.

It's a pity that Pan Bayi won't let them turn the opportunity into victory. The next wave of supplementary mechas quickly filled in the vacancies, and the Saint Gama Empire mecha was returned, and the encirclement was tightened. Destroyed a lot of exposed mechas.

The pilots of the Saint Gama Empire who suffered a loss retreated, and Kabvon could not stop them, because Pan Bayis defensive fronts were interconnected, and it was difficult for him to use the surrounding mechas to help the advancing troops. Force them to hold on.

It is impossible to bring victory to one's own side with the efforts of a single team. At least there must be troops in several directions to enter the depth of the defensive formation together, so that Pan Bayi can lose sight of each other and leak out the flaws. Kabuffon still understands this. .

Kabvon did not blame the pilots who were forced to retreat. He used the deeds of these pilots to inspire other pilots, hoping that other pilots could learn from them, find suitable breakthrough opportunities and report them in time, and then he came to arrange the best The right rhythm.

However, Pan Bayi did not expose his weakness anymore. After the danger appeared alternately for the first time, Pan Bayi made follow-up supplements more cautiously. First, let the reserve pilot step forward to make up the position, and then let the pilot who needed a rest. Back down slowly.

In this way, the two sides held a stalemate temporarily. Pan Bayi took everything to the extreme and blocked the Saint Gama Empire reinforcements. Commander Ma was able to focus all his attention on the city in front of him. It was success or failure. See how long it will take him.

In terms of the number of mechas dispatched, Commander Ma led 4,000 mechas, while there were only about 3,000 defenders in the city. After the last war, Kabvon supplemented them. So the quantity is quite sufficient.

With the help of Echengs own defensive facilities, these 3,000 mechas may be able to withstand the impact of 4,000 mechas, but dont forget that Commander Ma also brought Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin. Individuals have great deterrence even if they don't take action.

It is impossible for Echeng Commander to ignore the existence of Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin. He must set aside a part of the mecha to prevent the attack of the two, which will invisibly offset some of the mecha's action power, which is a relatively annoying thing.

Although Griffin did not appear around Echeng, Commander Ma still had no intention of asking Chen Feng and Hongshuibin to participate in the battle. He believed that his command would be enough to break through Echengs defenses and win the final victory in the shortest time. .

Commanding mecha troops to encircle the west, north, and south sides of the city for a strong attack, the pilots of the Saint Gama Empire under the leadership of Commander Ma launched a violent charge against the city wall, shouting and killing, shaking the world, both sides The attack did not stop for a moment.

Only the east side of the city is completely harmonious and peaceful. There is no enemy plane on this side. The pilot who is responsible for guarding here can only hear the sound of fighting in the other three directions, and there are vibrations from time to time. You can hear that the two sides are fighting fiercely.

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