Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2543: Dizzy

Chapter 2543: Dizzy

Chen Feng noticed Nangong Mengdie's sniper. The locked floating artillery accelerated its flight and flew to a safe area before the beam arrived. However, because of this, he lost the condition to pursue Ji Ling and Zheng Zhirong, and the attacks on both sides came to an end temporarily.

"You are too ruthless. As soon as you come up, you will directly use the killer move, and you will not leave me a bit of room." Taking the battle to temporarily stop Chen Feng and vomiting, these people on the opposite side are really heavy, "breaking the world". There were several wounds.

Hongshuibin fluttered his wings and fell to the ground. He stared at the "world-breaking" wound and his eyes flooded: "If I don't try my best, then joining them wouldn't make sense. To be honest, I want to beat you once. Today It looks like a great opportunity."

"Shuibin is right. Since you want to fight, you can't give the opponent a chance. Do you think that if the'gun god' has a chance to kill you, he will stop?" Lang Ba warned Chen Feng not to take it lightly, because Saint Gama The empire would never let him go.

Chen Feng thought for a while and didnt say more. He knew very well what he meant to the Quran God Republic. With him on the battlefield, the Saint Gama Empire could not attack as he pleased, and Griffin had to pay most of his attention. On him.

Chen Feng alone can control a large part of the Saint Gama Empires combat power. His role is worth thousands of troops. Therefore, Griffins most important task is to kill him. Once Chen Feng dies, he can lead him. The Saint Gama Empire achieved the long-awaited victory.

Therefore, whether Chen Feng can hold on to Griffins hands becomes particularly critical. This is the real reason why he promised to win over Hongshuibin. Defeating Chen Feng is not the purpose to allow Chen Feng to train from it. It is the key. He wants Chen Feng to remain urgent. sense.

Thinking that Griffin would spare no effort to shoot himself in the future, Chen Feng felt that all his cold hair was erected. He had fought this "gun god" so many times that he never thought that he had a chance to win the opponent. If the opponent had to kill himself successfully The probability is very high.

Chen Feng had already felt the threat of death in the last war. He and Hongbin were defeated by Griffin to such an extent. It is better to reverse the situation because of the accident of the plasma gravity compression gun. It's not martial.

If Chen Feng did not think that he could be so lucky again, it was necessary to conduct more intense training. He gradually understood the actions of the opposite person, they did it for himself, and he couldn't live up to their efforts.

"You can almost continue to fight, I don't believe you can keep suppressing me!" Chen Feng twisted his neck and prepared to go to war again. After experiencing the dilemma just now, he has a better way to deal with it, and he can't wait to try it out right away. .

Since Chen Feng wanted to start the fight again, he promised to take this opportunity to give Chen Feng a few more lessons. He looked at his surrounding companions and asked: "Everyone is okay, this kid still wants to fight, then we How about satisfying him?"

"No problem, I can do it at any time." Hong Bin was ready to move, and it was a bit fast just finished, he hasn't gotten up yet.

Others had no objection, and Xu promised to shout to Chen Feng: "Then let's start, let us see what you can do."

In the first round, Chen Feng didnt get any benefits. On the contrary, he suffered a few injuries when he broke the world. Therefore, in the second round, Chen Feng took the initiative to shoot. The two beam rifles shot together to block Hong Bin, and then charged. Ji Ling to the side.

Chen Feng still wants to use the weakest opponent as a breakthrough. Ji Ling has a good offensive talent, but his defense is weaker than others. Chen Feng believes that he should be able to defeat him in a short period of time. he.

Seeing that Ji Ling was in danger, Zheng Zhirong immediately propped up his shield and flew over. He knew very well that his position in the team was to help others to cover, and to do the right thing when needed, so that others could maximize their effectiveness.

Just now, Zheng Zhirong helped Ji Ling block a wave of floating gun attacks. His modified fuselage was always equipped with a multi-faceted shield. Although two sides were damaged, there were still a lot of them left, enough to protect the two of them until the others came to support.

Hongshuibin tried to break through the beam blockade, but it was difficult. Chen Feng only made it difficult for him to move with two beam rifles. No wonder Griffin lamented that he has few advantages left. Chen Feng's shooting skills have gradually matched his synchronization rate. the height of.

"Candle Light Youying" keeps changing its forms, no matter whether it is in the air or on the ground, Hsu Bin can't get rid of it. Seeing Chen Feng getting closer and closer to Ji Ling, he hurriedly reminded others: "Two teachers stop him, our formation Don't mess!"

"Not yet, Ji Ling, Zhirong, hold on for a while, and we will rush over as soon as possible." However, Xu Nuo and Lang Ba were also targeted by two floating cannons respectively. They were being harassed and dizzy, unable to approach the area where Ji Ling was. .

Nangong Mengdie tried to take aim again, but how could Chen Feng forget her? Two floating guns flew over and attacked her. Due to the heavy beam sniper rifle in his hand, Nangong Mengdie was shot several times while dodge .

The advantage of being able to control multiple weapons was brought to the fullest by Chen Feng. The remaining three floating cannons surrounded Ji Ling and Zheng Zhirong to prevent them from breaking through in the direction of others. They would be very dangerous when he approached.

Everyone was stared to death by different weapons. Could their teamwork be broken by Chen Feng separately? Don't forget that there is another Nangong Phantom Butterfly who has not joined the battle. She has disappeared invisibly since the battle started, and Chen Feng has not had time to find her.

When the teammates had no time for him to take care of him, Nangong Huandie knew that it was time for her to attack. She had been hiding and did not move at a high speed, so Chen Feng could not find her for the time being, and she could just help Ji Lingyue Zheng Zhirong.

Chen Feng was advancing fast, and suddenly found that the air in front seemed to fluctuate. Isnt this the effect of the stealth function of the Nangong Phantom Butterfly modified machine, so he grabbed the beam rifle and slammed forward to force the Nangong Phantom Butterfly. come out.

However, Chen Feng was lonely, the beam rifle passed through the air smoothly and didn't touch anything. Could it be that he was dazzled just now? Chen Feng didn't think he would make such a low-level mistake, Nangong Magic Butterfly must be somewhere nearby.

Here Chen Feng had just cut through the air, Nangong Huandie really got out from behind him, and for a while, countless sword shadows stab at the "world-breaking" thruster. She wanted to destroy Chen Feng's mobility first, so that she could have More adjustment time.

Chen Feng instantly found the opponent behind him. He knew the Luoying Colorful Sword very well, and at a glance, he found the real position of the beam sword. He pushed a forward somersault under his feet to turn himself into the Nangong Phantom Butterfly facing the incoming attack.

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