Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2522: Forming soon

Chapter 2522: Forming soon

Chen Feng nodded his head and moved backwards. Griffin was still outside the city wall and it was difficult to interfere with their actions. Chen Feng and Hongshuibin adjusted their positions first. Can Griffin destroy their joint? It is not clear who will die next.

Griffin tried to shoot again, but Chen Feng used all the floating cannons for defense. The beam he shot couldn't reach Hong Bin. After Hong Bin made enough preparations below, he waited for Griffin to come to him: " Come on, wait for you for a long time!"

"You want to defend Dieterja so much, let me see how determined you really are?" Griffin jumped straight up without saying a word. Chen Feng's beam net couldn't prevent him from approaching. He was before the beam cage was formed. Griffin couldn't be hurt.

Flood Bin did not step back to go with Griffin, and the two special planes continued to hear violent crashing sounds. From the sound, you could hear how intense their fight was. In front of the concentrated Flood Bin. Fern does not have much advantage for the time being.

Taking advantage of the time Hongshuibin resisted Griffin, Chen Feng began to squeeze the output frequency of the floating gun. He wanted to burst out enough beams in the shortest time. For a single powerful enemy, the beam cage was the most effective Attack method.

Sensing that the number of surrounding beams began to increase abnormally, Griffin immediately guessed what Chen Feng was doing. He speeded up his hand and tried to repel the flood bin as soon as possible. As long as there is room, he can pull the trigger to destroy the beam, making the beam cage difficult. forming.

However, Hong Hung Bin was extremely hard-hearted and would not retreat. In order to buy time and space for Chen Feng, he would rather use his body to resist Griffin's attack. He was severely cut on the fuselage by the opponent's double guns, sparks flew everywhere. People look a bit unbearable.

As the hostile parties, Griffin could not be merciful to Hongbin's subordinates, but he also had a little admiration for Hongbin. In front of him, no one dared to use himself as a hard top bargaining chip, because a little carelessness would be a ruin. The fate of death, but Hongshui Bin didn't care whether he was safe or not. He was really desperate to create more and better opportunities for Chen Feng.

Flood-bin gambled everything. As the **** of war, he didn't need to be so desperate and no one could make him so desperate, but now Griffin has encountered flood-bin like a desperate Saburo, which he never considered. Past things.

Being engaged in this way by Hongbin, Griffins pace was temporarily stopped, but Chen Feng became more and more vigorous. The light beams he produced were increasing visible to the naked eye. Griffin could already feel that the surrounding sky was beginning to darken, which was caused by the light beam. Cover the form.

No matter how hard he tried, it was a pity that Griffin was too weak in strength. After being shot in the shoulder by Griffin, he took advantage of the situation. He could not control his footsteps and staggered forward, and was kicked by Griffin Turning over is another shot stabbing the head.

If Griffin stabbed Hongbin with a high probability, Chen Feng gave up the method of expanding the number of beams and controlled a wave of beams to attack first. He wanted to stop Griffin's actions and save Hongbin first.

The rushing light beams did limit Griffins actions. They hit the stab gun head and knocked it crooked. Although Griffin tried very hard to control it, it still failed to resist the impact. It is on the left side of the head of "Candle Light Youying".

Hongshui Bin was frightened in a cold sweat, but Griffin missed the hit and the miss gave him a chance to escape. Hongshui Bin immediately controlled "Candle Light Youying" to roll to the other side, knocking Griffin away from his right leg. Escape to life.

"Huhuhu, it's dangerous! Just a little bit..." Hung Hung sighed heavily. This was his closest death. The tip of the gun that Griffin stabbed was less than three meters from the cockpit where he was. If it weren't for Chen Feng's strength, he would have disappeared just now.

In order to save Hongbin, the time for Chen Feng's beam cage was delayed. After seeing that Hongbin was temporarily safe, Chen Feng devoted his energy to his most powerful technique. Once the beam cage was formed, they would not be so passive.

Griffin said in his heart that it was bad when he attacked the mistake. He actually missed the chance to make a final decision, which is not a good sign.

Griffin did not show the impatience caused by regret in his actions. Instead of chasing Flood Bin in an attempt to complete the unfinished attack, he raised two guns and fired successively to destroy the surrounding beams. The top priority is to prevent the beam cage from forming. .

The duel between Chen Feng and Griffin was based on the number of beams. Chen Feng desperately used all weapons to launch beams, controlling them to cross each other without interfering with each other, and the energy was astonishing; The side is to destroy the fast-flying beam as much as possible, and also find the angle of the flying angle of the interference beam to make them collide.

Although he was not directly attacking the opponent, the pressure was even greater. Chen Feng's forehead was already full of sweat. He integrated all the shooting skills he learned into the battle, but it seemed that Griffin was gradually controlling the situation.

Hong Hung Bin's dynamic vision is the strongest among the three. He immediately discovered that Chen Feng's condition was not right. The light beam in the air was not only destroyed frequently, but also sometimes affected himself and caused more light beam problems.

"You do what you should do, I won't make him too easy!" Hongshui Bin took the initiative to rush towards Griffin. He had already put his own life and death out of the picture, and dragging Griffin for Chen Feng was the meaning of his battle. , And only in this way can they hope to win.

Through his keen dynamic vision, Hongbin found a suitable cut-in opportunity and went straight behind Griffin, controlled "Candle Light Youying" to switch to a cheetah form and tore it over, almost tore off Griffin's right shoulder.

Due to the fierce confrontation with Chen Feng, Griffin slightly ignored the threat from Hongbin and was hit by the opponent's claw. This reminded him that he could not ignore Hongbin and hurriedly moved forward to resolve the impact. Kick back.

How can Hongbin be kicked by Griffin, the cheetah-shaped "candle light and ghost" is quite sensitive, he dangled on all fours, and took the opportunity of Griffin kicked and stiffened and jumped on again. Another scar was left on the opponent's body.

Griffin suffered a series of losses in the hands of Hongbin. As a result, he had to withdraw his guns and fight with Hongbin first. Otherwise, he would not be able to hold it until he wiped out the surrounding beams to a certain extent. Otherwise, he would still fail. .

Hong Bin attracted Griffin's attention. Although he was in a dangerous situation again, he was very excited: "Chen Feng! I know that the beam cage is about to form. If we work hard, we may be able to win!"

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