Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2479: reason

Chapter 2479: reason

Some pilots did it, but more pilots fell on the way to the charge. This was too costly and did not have much substantial effect. In addition to losing more pilots to the side, it was against Detgas defense line. Not helpful at all.

"You keep the firepower output, remember not to get close, it doesn't matter if you can't suppress the city wall!" Griffin could not let the situation continue to deteriorate. He continued to sniper Chen Feng and Hongshuibin so that they did not dare to appear, and then hurried toward the command area. Fly away.

Griffin needs to find the Minister of Military to ask him to change the order, and then let his pilots continue to attack like this. No amount of mechas will be enough to consume. By then, most of the mechas of the Saint Gama Empire will be folded here. How to proceed.

Hurrying back to the command area, Griffin rushed down the special plane and came to the head of the military department. He grabbed the opponents collar and punched directly. The military department head was beaten half a circle and fell down. A tooth fell out of a mouth.

The scorching pain on his face made the Chief of the Army regain some sense. He raised his head and said, "Why are you back? Then there is no one to deal with Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin. Will there be danger on the front line!"

Before he finished speaking, the head of the military department stood up by himself. He returned to the command platform to observe the battle on the west wall. He found that his pilot was wisely maneuvering in the distance and there was no danger for the time being, so he was relieved and stepped back. A step away.

Seeing that the head of the military was restored to a state where he could communicate, Griffin began to speak: "Is it time to take back the order?"

"The order just now?" The Minister of Military Department repeated confusedly, and then recalled what he had just done. He slammed his forehead with a slap, "Ah! Why did I give such a stupid order, I immediately let them Stop the impact!"

The Minister of Military Department again ordered the pilots to remain calm. Many pilots were confused by the two diametrically opposite orders of the Minister of Military. However, since the order came, they must abide by it and began to slowly retreat to their own line.

Although Griffin awakened the Minister of Military Affairs, the previous order still caused serious losses. After this time, the number of mechas that consumed both sides reached almost the same level, and the people of the Qur'an Republic were almost laughing. .

The opponent's irrational actions allowed him to take the opportunity to eliminate the disadvantages. Commander Ma was in a very good mood at the moment. The threat of the giant bomb was gone, and he was not afraid of the opponent in terms of the number of mechas. It seemed that there was no difficulty in defending Dieterja.

But I was happy and happy. What I had to do couldn't relax. Commander Ma asked Pan Yuguo to prepare for the attack, because the Saint Gama Empire would definitely make a final fight after finding it difficult to break Dieterja, and they must not take it lightly.

After watching Commander Mas command at the scene, Pan Yuguo was very confident in holding Dieterja. He rushed to the pit area without saying a word. He happened to see the maintenance squad remove the two stumped arms of the "crazy war"?

"Stop! What are you doing?" Pan Yuguo hurried up to stop the other party, asking why the other party wanted to mutilate his special plane.

When the maintenance team saw that Pan Yuguo was coming, they all stopped their workstations and got up. Their squad leader hurried over to explain for fear of causing misunderstandings: "You know how bad the situation of'crazy war' is, even if you barely cut off the damage on its arms. The parts are no longer usable. Rather than becoming cumbersome, it is better to temporarily remove your arms and we will temporarily replace them with a usable one."

Pan Yuguo is not someone who doesn't understand the truth. He understands the explanation given by the squad leader, but when he saw it for a moment, he was a little flustered: "In this case, it's okay, but what parts do you have to replace for "Kuangzhan" What?"

"Hey, it's right there to install it!" The squad leader pointed to the direction next to him. The new parts were already in place.

Pan Yuguo looked in the direction pointed by the squad leader. He saw two giant drills lying flat on the ground. They were slightly longer than the arms of the original "crazy war", and the tips of the two giant drills were extremely sharp and rotated. The power afterwards must be considerable.

"It takes a lot of time to replace two suitable arms for "Kuangzhan". We can't complete the battle now, so I want to replace them with these two giant drills. Not only are they powerful, they can also be used as shields. Your fighting style is pretty good. The squad leader told Pan Yuguo the idea of transforming the "crazy war", and now he can't find any better way.

Pan Yuguo walked to the giant diamond drill and squeezed it with his own hands, feeling the hardness on it, and then imagined the scene of using them to fight. He thought it was pretty good: "Okay, then quickly replace them. I will attack soon. Up."

"Okay, I'll do it for you now!" The squad leader waved his hand to let the people around him start installing new arms for the "crazy war". In less than ten minutes, two giant drills became its left and right arms, which looked the same as the original. A lot.

Pan Yuguo stood by and watched the whole process. He shook his head and laughed when he saw the appearance of "Crazy War" being transformed. He didn't expect that one day he would drive with such special equipment and use the fresh drill to make a fuss. It seems quite interesting.

After finishing the renovations, the "Crazy War" is now in a state where it can be played again. Although the overall performance is certainly not comparable to that before the battle, at least the difference in combat effectiveness will not be too large.

The armor on "Kuangzhan" was also carefully repaired. The missing area was covered with temporary spare armor, and the connecting parts of the old and new armor were welded. The only flaw in doing so was that the enemy accurately hit the weak part of the gap.

But after the battle to destroy the giant bomb, Pan Yuguo understood how important it is to protect his fatal weakness. He would not allow the enemy to easily hit him, and the two new drills that he replaced now can also provide good protection.

Pan Yuguo boarded the "crazy war" and began to adapt to the special planes that had undergone the new changes, and the Saint Gama Empire outside Dietja also began to regroup and launch a new round of attacks. This round of attacks will be the climax of the war. .

The Minister of the Army of Saint Gamas Empire reflected on his mistakes. The giant bomb is gone, and the loss of the mecha cannot be made up. The only thing he can do now is to command with all his strength and find a chance for him to win tactically.

"There is still a'gun god' who takes the lead in the attack, and the other side waits a little longer." The military minister did not rush to launch a full-scale attack, because after the previous indiscriminate bombing did not work, he had to try a new strategy.

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