Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2464: Attack

Chapter 2464: Attack

Commander Ma waited patiently for three days. After Dean Sun passed the test results with confidence, he summoned Pan Bayi, Jin Buhuan and Ye Qi to his office. Actions against the Saint Gama Empire are launched. He needs to let these three commanders know the latest situation, and also needs them to guard the areas under their respective jurisdictions after the war.

Pan Bayi did not quite agree to take action on the Saint Gama Empire, but since Commander Ma made the final decision, he would fully cooperate, and if he wanted to attack Dieterja, he would have to join the Southeast Military Region. He expressed his willingness to cooperate with all instructions of the military headquarters.

Jin Buhuan and Ye Qi also said that they would provide a part of the mecha units for combat, especially Jin Buhuans side. Now the Northern Military Region is very peaceful because of the friendly attitude of the ancient Soviet empire. Even if he transfers out a large number of mechas, There will be problems.

Commander Ma did not mobilize too many troops from the Northern Military Region, and his defensive heart is indispensable. Although the ancient Soviet Empire is now very cooperative, not only has no intention of attacking the Qur'an God Republic, but also helped suppress other neighboring countries, but he cannot relax because of this. Be wary of them, if the Gusu Empire stabbed a knife from the back when the war is going on, it is very detrimental to the Quran God Republic.

Also on the Southwest Military Region, Commander Ma asked Ye Qi to step up guard against the border. After Brahman Yapeng gained control of the Buddha Laye State, the strength of this country is changing day by day. If you take it lightly, it is easy to cause major problems.

Commander Ma mainly relied on troops from the Southeastern Military Region. Fortunately, in order to fight against the Saint Gama Empires military headquarters, the first replacement was the mecha on the Southeastern Military Region. Now basically all members use three-generation mechas. Go up a whole step.

No inspiring speeches were made, nor was there a mass gathering to revitalize the army. After the integration of the three military regions, the mechas quietly moved to the Pacific and entered the already prepared bases in batches without causing too much storm.

The actions of the Qur'an God Republic are very low-key. The vast majority of people in the world are not aware of the anomaly here. They are still living as usual. Only the Saint Gama Empire has a gap, and the defenders garrisoning the coastline are all tense.

The other party's large-scale transfer of Motive A to the Pacific Ocean is definitely not just for watching. It seems that after replacing some of the third-generation mechas, the Quran God Republic has the idea of doing things, but they don't know where they want to do something.

The Saint Gama Empire finally stabilized the mood of the people. They certainly didn't want to make waves in the Republic of the Quran God. They secretly arranged a large number of mechas to go to various coastal bases, and gave orders to die and they could not be landed by the other mechas.

The two countries secretly mobilized the war between military personnel and generals to be triggered. As the target of the Qur'an God Republics operation, the people living in Ditejia are holding grand celebrations, because these days happen to be their annual carnival. .

Everyone flocked to the streets to participate in activities, cheering around the specially built floats, and there were beautiful dancers dancing on top of the floats, which ignited people's passion even more. The whole city was in an extremely excited state.

Ditecas economic prosperity is also an important means of transportation. There are many people from different countries in this city. Friendly communication is the basis of trade. In order to eliminate the barriers between different people, the city established a carnival. And has been passed down.

And now is the time for their carnival. Everyone is venting their emotions in the house and on the street, completely unaware that the crisis is coming, perhaps because they feel that Dieterja is very strong and they are not worried about being attacked.

The senior leaders of the Saint Gama Empire did not think that the Qur'an Republic would choose Dieterja as a hard bone to chew, so most of their defensive deployment was to strengthen some relatively weak areas to prevent the opponent from catching the loopholes and rushing into their own territory.

The last time they were sneaked in by the mecha of the Qur'an God Republic, they caused great damage to several cities in the Saint Gama Empire, and also caused them to lose the opportunity to recapture the Pacific Ocean. It also caused serious damage to the citizens. Unease.

Therefore, the Saint Gama Empire will never relax the protection of the coastline. Many bases have stopped the operation of replacing the third-generation mecha. First let the pilots drive the second-generation mecha. In short, first guard all the weak points of the coastline.

The target selected by Commander Ma is destined to make the Saint Gama Empire take a blow. They never thought that Dieterja would be the target of the attack, and they would deploy troops there to try to fill every overlooked gap.

Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin are ready to go. They are doing final inspections for their special planes at the base of the warship island. They will soon launch a long-distance attack under the sea. The special planes must not cause any problems, otherwise they are likely to die in the sea.

As the two most important war gods of the Quran God Republic, the whereabouts of Chen Feng and Hongshuibin could not be hidden from the detection of the Saint Gama Empire, so they did not particularly hide themselves and come to the warship island freely, as long as the target of the action Just don't expose it.

The Saint Gama Empire detected the two special planes "Broken World" and "Candle Lightning Youying" entering the base of Warship Island. They quickly contacted Griffin and hoped that he could come out to help calm the situation, because they could not stop it without Griffin. Live these two young gods of war.

Since discovering that Chen Feng is fast approaching his own strength, Griffin has paid attention to the news from the Minister of Military Affairs of the Saint Gama Empire, because he knows exactly what kind of destructive power Chen Feng possesses, and allowing Chen Feng to attack will cause very serious damage. The consequences.

Without knowing where the Qur'an Republic will attack, Griffin sits in the military headquarters so that he can support everywhere at any time. The other pilots have all rushed to the front line, and everyone is responsible for an area to ensure that they will not be lost in a short time.

All preparations have been prepared. The Minister of the Army of the Saint Gama Empire is very confident in defending the coastline. Even if most of his own mechas are still old-style second-generation mechas, after all, the number is there, and it is very difficult for the opponent to rush ashore.

Nearly 20,000 mechas are guarded on the coastline of the Saint Gama Empire. Their weapons are aligned in the direction of the Pacific Ocean. As long as there is any disturbance, they will attack together. No one can withstand such a powerful firepower. Not even Griffin.

At this moment, Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin were sneaking in the sea. Their speed was not very fast. This was to prevent the high-speed movement from being detected by the Saint Gama Empire, and gradually approached the two underwater defense facilities of Dieterja.

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