Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 224: Mecha must also have internal power (part 1)

Chapter 224: Mecha must also have internal power (part 1)

"Then dare to love, don't bother me with old arms and legs." Teacher He stopped with satisfaction and watched He Yuqi ran to the door to open the door.

As soon as Chen Feng entered the door, he said hello to Teacher He and Aunt Lin who walked out of the kitchen: "Teacher He, let's come to see you, Aunt Lin, long time no see you become younger again."

Being so complimented by Chen Feng made Aunt Lin very happy: "Haha, when did you learn to talk like this, come in quickly."

Each of Chen Feng and the others carried a bag in their hands. After entering the house, they first came to the dining table and put it down, leaving a strong fragrance in the passing place.

"It smells so good, what are you bringing?" Teacher He twitched his nose and smelled it, which made people appetite.

Chen Feng took the lunch box out of the bag and explained: "This is a dish made by a newly opened restaurant in our schools gourmet city. The owner is from the Gusu Empire in the north. The dishes inside are very distinctive and taste good. Lost to Aunt Lin."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Aunt Lin also came to the table and looked at the dishes they had packed: "It's different from ours. It looks good and smells good. Auntie wants to taste it later."

Aunt Lin was eager to try. Teacher He took a chair and asked her to sit down: "Sit down first. Our food is almost ready. Xiao Qi and Dad will go in and serve the food."

"Okay~ Dad, sit down too, I'll serve the food~" He Yuqi pressed Teacher He onto the chair and ran to the kitchen alone.

"I'll help." Zheng Zhirong entered the door without leaving He Yuqi's body, leaving the dining table and rushing into the kitchen.

Zheng Zhirong's actions made everyone in the room smile at each other, and Teacher He stroked his beard again: "This kid is good to us, Xiaoqi."

"Then we have to look at it again, but he can't let him kidnap our family Xiaoqi so easily." I didn't see that Aunt Lin was very protective in this respect.

Teacher He comforted his wife openly: "You, you are too nervous, Xiaoqi doesn't have to look at her too much when he grows up."

During the conversation, Zheng Zhirong and He Yuqi had already brought the dishes out of the kitchen, and the table was full of people sorting out their meals.

Teacher He looked at the densely packed dishes on the table a little bit big: "I said, classmates, you buy too much food, don't these dishes seem cheap, right? It's not good."

"Teacher Ho, you dont know. The owner Joey of this restaurant fell in love with us. He gave us a VIP card to get a 20% discount, and when he heard that we were honoring the teacher, he gave us two dishes. That's why there are so many." Hongshui Bin quickly stood up and explained that he didn't want Teacher He to leave a lavish impression on him.

The matter was explained clearly, Teacher He understood that he had misunderstood: "It turns out that this is the case, and the teacher did not blame you. Sit down and eat."

As soon as the crowd picked up the chopsticks, they heard another bell ringing from the door. Teacher He put down the chopsticks and sighed: "It's really weird today. There are still people coming."

"Dad, you don't need to get up, I'll open the door." Before Teacher He got up, He Yuqi ran to the door with his hands and feet lightly. Everyone raised their ears and waited for her to move.

He Yuqi's voice quickly spread into their ears: "Why are you here, Teacher Xu?"

"It's Old Xu, I'll go out to greet you." Hearing that it was a colleague from the school, Teacher He still stood up and walked to the door, Aunt Lin followed him out.

"Old Xu, why did you come to my house?" Chen Feng and the others could clearly hear the conversation at the door, not far from the dining room.

Teacher Xu's frivolous voice makes people think of his cynical appearance: "Isn't it just finished the training of those little ghosts today, I want to come over to beg for food when it's getting late."

Teacher He and Teacher Xu are very familiar and led him into the house: "It just happens that my house has just opened and there are a lot of food. I'm worried that I won't be able to finish it. You just came here. Please please."

Teacher Xu thanked Teacher He for her kindness and greeted Aunt Lin, and touched He Yuqi's head: "I haven't seen you for a few days, does Xiaoqi miss me?"

He Yuqi was unhappy when he was touched by Teacher Xu, and he puffed up a small mouth: "Who misses you anymore, people always come over to eat in two days."

Teacher Xu walked into the hall and saw Chen Feng and the others sitting at the dining table. He was a little surprised: "Hey, why are these little ghosts in your house?"

Teacher He didn't care and took Teacher Xu to sit down: "Hehe, they often come to my house, but you and them always come at different times. They only met today for the first time."

Teacher Xu sat in the chair and was still confirming to Teacher He: "There have been rumors that you have a good relationship with some little ghosts in the department. It seems to be true."

"Is there any problem with this? But who is so boring to spread this kind of stuff." This is the first time Teacher He has heard of it.

Teacher Xu shook his head. With his temperament, it is impossible to track down such things: "I don't know, in short, you always favor some students."

Hong Bin was not angry. He had heard this rumor, but he couldn't find out who came from it: "Cut! They are jealous of our good grades, but we occasionally come over to eat and eat. What can we say? "

"Forget it, anyway, this has no actual effect on us. Come to eat, eat while it is hot and don't let it cool." Teacher He took a pair of dishes to Teacher Xu and asked everyone to move the chopsticks.

Unlike Teacher He and Aunt Lin, it is obviously not the first time that Teacher Xu has eaten the food of the Gusu Empire: "Isn't this the food from Gusu? The taste is quite authentic. Why are you suddenly interested in eating these today?"

Teacher He pointed to Chen Feng and several people on the table: "These students brought them here. They came to the door temporarily and worried that we were not ready, so they went to the Food City to pack them."

After eating, Aunt Lin was full of praise for these foods: "But these dishes taste really good, and the chef's skill is not inferior to me. I think this restaurant should be visited by many people."

Chen Feng recalled the long line in front of the store at the time: "Yes, boss Joey is very good at doing business, good taste and reasonable price. When we were in the food city, there was a lot of people there, just when we were about to leave. He saw us and said that with the VIP card, you dont need to line up, so we can come over so quickly."

"Now think about it when we went there for the first time. It was a big luck. Joey's shop was opened and there were no people. Otherwise, we would not have an intersection with him." Hong Bin was very thankful that he met Murongxuan's dormitory at the school gate. If it were not for them, I would not go to the food city.

Teacher Xu's eyes beamed: "You said this store is in the food city? Why have I never seen it before?"

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