Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 178: Strong Enemy (part 2)

Chapter 178: Strong Enemy (part 2)

Seeing Chen Feng's choice, Hong Hung Bin immediately understood his intentions: "Chen Feng, this demo, still has a hand in such an important game. It seems that I want to fight close combat today."

"How do you say? Isn't this Chen Feng's strongest weapon configuration? He is so confident?" Zheng Zhirong asked, unlike Hong Bin and Chen Feng training and living together every day, he did not know Chen Feng's equipment choices very well.

The Nangong Mengdie next to her was also confused, pricked her ears and waited for Hongbin's answer.

"Hey, Chen Feng's hardest training is not this, it's just the basics, wait for the next game to watch it slowly." Hongshui Bin sneered and sold Guanzi, wanting them to experience this surprise for themselves.

The game between the two in the projector finally started. This time, the random map is more complicated. It is a ruin of the city. The air is filled with gunpowder and it affects the line of sight. The jagged buildings can be used as a cover or an obstacle. Jia's birthplace is at both ends of the ruined city, with a large buffer space.

After observing the surroundings, Chen Feng felt that the environment had a great influence on the battle. In addition, it was the last match of the group stage that decided the group's first place. He didn't dare to be too open and choose to shorten the distance carefully.

On the other hand, He Wenyong was uncharacteristically, turning on the thruster and quickly approaching Chen Feng, looking at his posture because he wanted a quick fight.

Facing He Wenyong's weird behavior, Chen Feng felt a little uneasy. He controlled the mecha to get into an empty building next to him, hiding his figure while winding around, not wanting to fall into the rhythm of his opponent.

He Wenyong changed his usual dominance and landed in the area where Chen Feng was originally located. He drew out his beam rifle and started attacking the building where Chen Feng had drilled. Chen Feng had already moved to another place at this time. He Wenyongs attack should only be Want to force him out.

Before Chen Feng could not see He Wenyongs weapon configuration due to the smoke in the sky, he can now see that he only has a beam rifle in his hand and the hilt of a beam sword at his waist. It is speculated that it should be a beam rifle and a handle. The standard configuration of the beam saber.

Seeing He Wenyong bombarding him with his back to him, Chen Feng couldn't help feeling itchy, and he pulled out his beam rifle and aimed at the back of He Wenyong's mecha and fired continuously.

He Wenyong seemed to be prepared for a long time. The light beam fired by Chen Feng's beam rifle rushed out of the hiding building. He Wenyong rolled forward on the spot, not only evading Chen Feng's attack, but also turning around to face Chen Feng. The direction.

After adjusting the direction, He Wenyong did not squeeze the trigger immediately. This time, he targeted Chen Feng's real hiding place with a clear target, and the whole building was shaken.

Chen Feng secretly said in his heart that it was not good, and jumped out from his hiding place: "It was calculated by He Wenyong. He just deliberately wanted to lie to me to determine my position. Now is his most sure offensive."

Sure enough, after seeing Chen Fengs mech, He Wenyong turned the gun head along his motion trajectory and fired without hesitation, leaving no breathing room for Chen Feng at all, as if he was about to be solved on the spot. .

By now, Chen Feng had fallen into a passive state, but it was not his character to sit and wait to die. He kept his guns off while flashing, blocking He Wenyong's rain of bullets.

Both offensive and defensive needles against Maimang have good skills in shooting skills. Although He Wenyong has seized the advantage, he cannot directly defeat Chen Feng. Chen Feng can always avoid the beam that is about to hit him in the middle of the game. In addition, the beams on both sides often offset in the air, and there are not many threats that actually fall on Chen Feng's mecha.

Chen Fengmi's airtight defense made the students who watched the game shouted in applause. Teacher Xu also picked up the wine gourd and looked at the projector with admiration: "It's not bad, it looks like a fight finally."

He Wenyong was not impatient to see that his attack was ineffective. Instead, he continued his uninterrupted offensive, locking the space for Chen Feng to retreat and forcing Chen Feng to move a little bit into the open.

Chen Feng was aware of He Wenyong's intentions, but could not freely get rid of control, and could only be forced to the only relatively empty area on the map.

Nangong Mengdie saw that it was wrong and frowned tightly: "He Wenyong forced Chen Feng to make such a move. He definitely had his intentions, isn't it?"

Before the voice fell, Chen Feng had been forced to the center of the open area, and He Wenyong was constantly attacking at the same time the mecha's footsteps were also constantly moving. He had already moved to the vicinity of the open area and had been waiting for a long time. When the time was right, he would close immediately. The beam rifle drew out the beam sword and flew up.

Chen Feng was already prepared when he entered the open area. After seeing He Wenyong rushing up, he did not have too many surprises. He also drew a beam sword backhand to take the attack. He was a little puzzled: "Why did He Wenyong fight in close combat? I am so confident that if I have a good shooting battle, I must force me to fight close. There is definitely a problem."

There was confusion in his mind, so Chen Feng did not pull out the second beam sword inserted in his waist, but only used a beam sword to fight with He Wenyong, waiting for his next move.

As expected by Chen Feng, He Wenyong made two moves with Chen Feng, and his left hand stretched out behind the mecha in a concealed manner. Chen Feng had long been wary of his actions, and his eyes were only staring at He Wenyong's left hand. .

He Wenyong thought that his actions were concealed, but it was a pity that Chen Feng was watching him. After he pulled back his left hand, he took a small cross-shaped weapon on it. Chen Feng had a deep friendship with Nangong Mengdie. The beam boomerang she studied during her usual training instantly figured out He Wenyong's purpose of forcing him to engage in close combat.

He Wenyong didn't want to have more entanglement with Chen Feng. In order to make a quick decision, he drew out the beam boomerang and immediately threw it at Chen Feng. Chen Feng immediately avoided it in his eyes.

Seeing that his magic trick had no effect, He Wenyong understood that Chen Feng had seen it through, and no longer rushed to pursue him, but continued to pester Chen Feng to prevent him from getting out, and wanted to rely on multiple attacks to fatigue him and expose his flaws.

"Boomerang!" Hung Hung Bin and Zheng Zhirong blurted out. Almost all the students looked at Nangong Mengdie, which was her training weapon. Suddenly seeing He Wenyong resort to it was surprising.

"Sure enough, He Wenyong has a close relationship with my family. It's not surprising that there is a boomerang practice method." Nangong Mengdie seemed to have not seen everyone's eyes, and still calmly explained to Hongshui Bin and Zheng Zhirong.

Under the increasingly violent offensive, Chen Feng continued to dodge. The boomerang's attacks were always unexpected. The ups and downs and the ups and downs really brought him tremendous mental pressure. It was as strong as Teacher Lang that he could not easily deal with such attacks. , Chen Feng is even more dangerous.

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