Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 337 Not Much Comfort

Axel had been sitting at his desk for half the night.

After the Wild Hunt had come to an end. As most of Winter slunk off to their beds to enjoy the full moon with their mates or dream of when they could. Axel had walked through the trees for a long time.

He had looked up at the moon and felt a weight in his heart.

In the end, he found himself sitting at his desk, staring at the small circle at the top of his computer. Wondering if just maybe she was on the other end, looking back at him.

But somehow, he knew he was alone.

When the morning light began to stream through the windows of his office he had moved to the couch. He sat for a while and when that didn't change his mood, he laid down and closed his eyes, letting the weariness in his heart settle over him.

“Every year, our Alpha gives this flower to our Luna. And this year will be no different,” Axel smiled. Looking out amongst the wolves of Winter. They all looked to him with trust and pride.

He turned to the steps leading up to the stage. There he saw his mother, father, and Ashleigh. They smiled. And just past them, there she was.

She gave him that playful grin he loved so much, the one she showed him just before she would pounce on him.

Axel laughed and reached his hand out to her.

Alice stepped forward to the stairs and took his hand.

He looked down at her and touched one of her short curls with a gentle caress. She smiled up at him and cupped his cheek..

“I present to you, the Luna of Winter, my mate, and my love. Alice,” Axel announced to the gathered wolves. Never taking his eyes off of her.

Cheers, whistles, and congratulations all filled the air.

Alice laughed, it filled him with a warmth he had missed as a part of himself.

“I love you,” he whispered, leaning forward and kissing her lips softly.

Alice smiled.

“I lov–Ugh!”

Her smile fell, and a look of pain and fear took hold of her.

“Alice!” he cried out.

But it was too late.

The chocolate brown and golden flecks that he had dreamed of, that he had craved, faded and dulled. Her skin turned ashen, and then she sunk in his arms.

Axel barely caught her, falling to his knees, clinging to her as his heart shattered, as the breath left his body, and a silent scream filled his throat.

A hand reached down and pulled a knife from Alice's back. Axel lifted his blurry eyes to see a woman standing above him. Her eyes glowing with a powerful moonlight.

‘Make her understand, you have to make her understand!' A voice cried out.

Axel jumped forward on the couch, almost knocking Corrine over in the process.

“Whoa!” she called, grabbing his shoulders to help him keep from falling over. “It's ok, you're awake now.”

Axel took deep breaths as he looked around the room trying to get his bearings. He brought his hand to his chest, feeling the painful sensation of his anxiety. His fear taking root, he began to worry.

“Why did I listen to her?” Axel whispered with deep sorrow.

He hunched over as tears he had no control over set themselves free.

“Who?” Corrine asked. “What's going on, honey?”

“I should have gone after her the second I could!” Axel shouted through angry sobs. “I never should have left her alone!”

Corrine wrapped her arms around her son, holding him tightly as he clung to her and let his tears fall.

She had come by because she was concerned he might be feeling upset after the Mourning Call.

Corrine and Wyatt had suggested allowing Wyatt to present it to her again, But Axel felt that keeping the tradition in place would be of greater importance to wolves of the pack. They hadn't disagreed.

But now she wondered if they should have pushed harder.

She patted his back and rocked him gently, just as she had when he was small and had a nightmare. After he was scarred, many nights were filled with bad dreams. Dreams of twin flames consuming him in the fire.

But this was different.

“Axel…” she called to him. “Sweetheart, talk to me. What is going on?”

Axel sat up, keeping his head down, as he continued to sniffle and let out small sobs.

“Alice…” he whispered. “I had a dream… she died. She was killed right in front of me.”

“Oh, honey…” Corrine sighed, putting her arm around him.

Axel leaned into her, allowing his mother to offer the comfort he desperately needed.

“What if it isn't a dream, mom?” he said. “What if she is actually….”

“She's not,” Corrine said firmly.

“How do you know?”

Corrine took a deep breath.

“Because, if she was, you would have felt it.” Corrine sighed. “It's not much of a comfort, I know. But it is true. If she died, even with the suppressant, you would have felt it.”

Axel sighed.

“I'm sorry, my love,” Corrine whispered.

A knock at the door drew their attention.

“Gather yourself,” Corrine whispered. “I will see who it is.”

She got up from the couch and made her way to the door, making sure to look back and check that he was composed.

Axel wiped his eyes and cleared his throat. After straightening his shirt and sitting up he gave her a nod.

Corrine opened the door and smiled at the person on the other side.

“Come in,” she said.

Axel tried to look past her. And then he saw the signature over the shoulder loose braid.

“Ash?” he questioned.

“Hey, Axel,” Ashleigh smiled. “Could we talk for a minute?”


Wyatt approached the building with confusion. It was strange for him to receive a visitor anymore. All the other packs were well aware that Axel was Alpha now.

He opened the door and stepped inside.

Standing in front of the fireplace was man with his back turned to Wyatt. He was broad shouldered and fit. His black hair did nothing to identify him.

“I was told that you requested to speak with me?” Wyatt called to the man.

“Just warming myself a little,” the man said. “I didn't realize just how cold it would be up here.”

“We are called Winter for a reason,” Wyatt replied dryly. He wasn't sure why, but he already felt a strange hesitance to speak with this man. “What is it I can do for you?”

The young man turned. Wyatt guessed he was roughly Axel's age.

Black hair was trimmed short and faded at the sides. His square jaw was covered in a thin, well-kept beard.

“Hello,” the man said with a bright smile. “We haven't actually met before.”

Wyatt noticed with some unease the color of the man's eyes, an eerie burnt orange.

“My name is Roman.”

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