Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 334 She Didn't Have Answers

Axel laughed and then he left his place beside her. Making his way to the small stage that had been placed for the presentation.

“Wolves of Winter!” he called out, and everyone grew silent. Even those so drunk they couldn't see straight paid attention.

“Another year has passed,” he continued. “And though we have lost many, and now we await a war that can come at any time. But, nevertheless, we know we have been blessed by our Goddess, with every dawning of the day.”

Many murmured in agreement or lifted their steins to him.

“Luna Lily and Alpha Geri brought these blessings to our world, our people. And so we honor them, we mourn them, we live for them. Our children, our youngest wolves, our future, they have run through the trees, like Alpha Geri before them, and they have found all that was left of Luna Lily.”

Alma stepped forward and handed the flower to Axel.

“Alma of Winter,” Axel said softly.

Alma looked up with surprise. She blinked and stood speechless.

“Thank you,” he said, kneeling down to her level. “Your teacher, and my friend, Renee, has returned to the Goddess, but know that she is proud of you. That you have honored her in your achievement tonight.”

Alma's eyes filled with tears; her jaw clenched with emotion. Axel drew her into a hug.

“I miss her too,” he whispered gently.

Alma pulled away with a smile and only nodded to him. Her father approached the stage, and she jumped into his arms as the swelling of emotion overtook her..

Axel smiled and nodded approvingly to her father. He then looked back out to the crowd.

“Alpha Geri was never able to find his Luna that night. Only her corpse. Left behind was this flower, a remembrance and a blessing. This is why every mated pair of Winter has carried this flower into their bond. To honor Luna Lily, the mother of our pack.”

Axel lowered his head, swallowing his own emotions before lifting his head once more and smiling.

“Every year, our Alpha gives this flower to our Luna. And this year will be no different,” he smiled.

Soft murmurs in the crowd whispered questions of what he could mean. Ashleigh's eyes lit up as she scanned the area around the stage for who it could be.

“And since I am unable to offer this flower to my own mate at this time,” he continued.

Ashleigh's smile fell and she lifted her eyes to the stage, her brows furrowed as she stared at her brother with profound confusion.

“What better way to honor our Luna Lily, than to be able to offer this flower, to my own mother, the Luna of Winter, Corrine.”

Axel smiled and reached his hand to Corrine as she climbed the steps to join him on stage.

Ashleigh felt a strange sensation in her heart.

Confusion, frustration, concern. Why hadn't he announced his mate? Why would he claim not to have one when she knew he had already accepted their bond?

A lump was forming in her throat.

The cheers went up as Corrine accepted the flower, Axel smiled and kissed her cheek. Ashleigh's teeth clenched tightly.

‘Where is his mate?' a voice whispered.

‘Tradition demands he announce his mate,' another stated.

Ashleigh took slow deep breaths through her nose as she felt the weight in her chest getting heavier.

Axel had always been a firm believer in tradition, he had followed every rule ever placed on a wolf of Winter and had never complained about it.

So why was he veering off the course now? Why was he keeping his mate a secret?

‘Talk to your brother…' Lily whispered in the deep recesses of her mind.

“I plan to,” Ashleigh said in a low growl.


As the crowd cheered and celebrated the blessing of another year, Caleb looked around for Ashleigh as he felt something strange through their bond. A confusion underlined with anger.

“Did you guys see where my wife went?” he asked.

Galen turned and looked around but didn't spot her right away.

“She was talking with Axel before he gave his speech…” Bell offered, glancing toward the stage. “There she is.”

Caleb looked in the direction Bell pointed, he saw Ashleigh walking toward the stage, but she didn't seem happy. In fact, her entire presence felt concerning.

He hurried over to her, reaching her just as she was about to take the first step onto the stage where Axel and her parents were chatting happily.

Caleb grabbed her wrist and pulled her back gently against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. Nuzzling into her nape. His scent enveloped her with his soothing presence.

Ashleigh breathed him in, her senses clearing, her thoughts focusing.

Caleb turned her in his arms to face him.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“I think so,” she said, looking back over her shoulder at the stage, seeing her brother and parents smiling and laughing, she forgot why exactly she had been so angry.

“Are you sure?” he asked with concern, rubbing her shoulders tenderly. “You looked pretty worked up, and you felt… angry.”

Ashleigh looked at Caleb. She saw the fear in his eyes and felt how intense his worry for her was. He must have thought she was coming after her brother like she had Fiona.

“I wasn't going to hurt anyone…” Ashleigh said gently.

Caleb sighed.

“I'm sorry,” he said. “I didn't mean to imply that you were, only that I was concerned about you.”

“I'm ok,” she said cupping his cheek and giving him a quick peck on the lips. “I was just… confused.”

“About what?”

“Why Axel didn't announce his mate,” she said, looking back at her brother again.

“Why are you so sure he has one?” Caleb asked.

Ashleigh hesitated. She hadn't told him about her chat with Lily and the others. She didn't have answers for herself, let alone for Caleb.

It was clear how worried he had been about her and her growing power even before what happened with Fiona.

“Ash,” he called to her. “I thought we agreed to no more secrets.”

She looked away.

“I don't think either of us has kept that promise,” she whispered.

“What does that mean?” Caleb asked.

Ashleigh sighed.

“Not tonight,” she said, looking up into his eyes, pleading with him to let her have this one.

“Fine,” he said, swallowing down his concern. “For tonight, we will set aside this topic and enjoy the rest of this holiday. But tomorrow, we are going to talk this out, alright?”

Ashleigh nodded.

“Now,” Caleb said, shifting his tone from somber to curious. “From what I understand, there is only one event left. The Wild Hunt. So, tell me about it. You said we would be participating, but you never explained how.”

Ashleigh grinned with mischief and delight.

“Oh, this is going to be fun… especially if I get to hunt you.”

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