Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 279 Something To Talk About

Saul and the other two wolves stared at Axel in surprise.

“Thank you,” he huffed. “Now, maybe we can actually get something done.”

Saul immediately sat back and calmed his mood. The others, however, kept their irritated expressions fixed on Axel.

“How dare you talk to Alpha Kayden like that!” the second wolf snarled.

Saul immediately turned to correct the wolf’s attitude when he felt the heaviness in the air. He took a deep breath and sat back in his chair, bowing his head in Axel’s direction.

The wolf that spoke out gasped and felt their heart pounding in their throat under the weight of Axel’s presence.

“I have tried patience,” Axel said quietly. “I have tried respect and flattery.”

Alpha Kayden swallowed and breathed deeply through his nose, fighting the urge to cower before Axel.

Axel stood from the table and took a deep breath of his own.

“I am tired of these childish games,” he said, leaning on the table. “Autumn has made no secret of their intention to either absorb or eliminate the smaller packs. They are preparing for an all-out war.”

Axel leaned forward toward Kayden, who couldn’t stop himself from averting his eyes. Then, Axel growled, and Kayden slowly lifted his eyes to look at him.

“Blue Reef, Hallowed, Lone Rock, Whiteridge, Shadowcrest, Long Tooth…” Axel snarled. “Do you want Frostbite to join these packs?”

Kayden lowered his head..

“There is no time for grudges or pride,” Axel continued. “I will ask, for the last time, what do you want?”

Kayden clenched his jaw, breathing deeply through his nose.

“My people…” Kayden said quietly through gritted teeth. “We are starving… and have outgrown our territory.”

Axel took another breath and then sat down, releasing his presence from around them.

“Now,” he said, “we have something to talk about.”


Frostbite had outgrown their territory several years ago. They were living on top of each other and had hunted their forests bare. Leaning into their wolf had kept them from creating any connections to humanity, meaning that they didn’t have any imported foods or supplies.

They had tried in the past to arrange a meeting with Beta Richard, but none of those talks had ended in resolution. It wasn’t that he didn’t sympathize with their need, it was that they couldn’t bring themselves to ask for help.

Once Axel had broken through the barrier of their pride, he and Kayden were able to have a proper discussion.

The southern lands of Winter that were considered inhospitable by most, were not so considered by the wolves of Frostbite.

Axel agreed to give Frostbite a portion of the territory, as long as they kept in communication with Saul. They would not be allowed to hunt the forests dry as they had done in their lands before. A trade of basic supplies and staple foods would be arranged.

For their part, Frostbite would also participate in training the scouts of Winter in combat through their wolf forms.

“It’s charity,” said the wolf beside Kayden.

“What?” Saul asked.

The wolf shook their head, clenching their teeth.

“It is an insult,” they said. “They ‘give’ us lands, and food… but all they ask is basic training… they think we have so little to offer!”

Saul growled.

“It is benevolence!” Kayden growled at his wolf. “We are the ones that waited, too proud to ask for help! We put ourselves in this weakened position and they have no reason to help us!”

“They only do this in order to use our warriors in their war!” the wolf snarled, looking at Axel.

Axel did not move, did not react. He simply watched.

“It isn’t ‘their’ war you idiot!” Kayden snarled. “This war is coming for everyone. If Autumn had wanted us, they would have come for us already.”

The arrogant wolf looked away. Kayden looked to Axel.

“Tomas isn’t an idiot. Frostbite would always join Winter in a war between the packs,” he said.

“Why is that?” Axel asked.

Kayden clenched his jaw and swallowed.

“Because,” he said. “Frostbite has always longed to be a part of Winter.”

Axel looked carefully at Kayden, and then to the angry wolf beside him.

“Do you agree?” Axel asked. “Do you wish to join Winter?”

The wolf swallowed and then glanced up at Axel. There in his eyes, Axel saw something unexpected. He saw hope.

The wolf nodded.

“Our pack was founded by wolves that didn’t have the courage to join Alpha Geri in his campaign against Loki. It has always been our hope to prove ourselves to Winter, to earn a place within the pack.”

“Hard to believe,” Saul said, “with the attitude you have shown us these few days.”

The wolf looked at Saul.

“We are prideful,” Kayden said. “We have wanted an opportunity to join Winter for generations. For that opportunity to come by way of our weakness… it is humiliating.”

Axel smiled.

“Through weakness, we find strength.”


An agreement was made, Frostbite would inhabit both territories. They would aid Winter in the war, and they would build up the southern lands they were promised.

They would not, however, join Winter officially. Not until they felt they had truly earned a place among their ranks.

It had been a long process, far too many hours spent arguing and debating for no reason. Axel was exhausted.

“I will be returning North in the morning,” Axel sighed as Saul set down a plate of food.

“Now that the negotiation is done, it makes sense for you to return. There are still other packs to reach out to, and Winter must begin preparations for War. We don’t know when Autumn will finally reveal themselves.”

“Or Spring,” Axel said.

“Have they made it official?” Saul asked.

Axel nodded.

“There was a letter stating that the union between Ashleigh and Caleb tipped the balance of our power among the four of us in our favor. Spring claims that they have no choice but to ally themselves with Autumn in order to maintain balance and peace among all the packs.”

Saul scoffed.

Axel nodded.

“Just more lies and dramatics,” he sighed.

“That reminds me,” Saul said. He stood and went to a small desk across the room, he opened the top drawer and pulled out an envelope. “This came for you just before our meeting today.”

“What is it?” Axel asked, taking the envelope.

There was no sender or indication of where the letter had come from.

“I’m not sure who sent it, but it didn’t smell of anything beyond paper and ink,” Saul shrugged, taking his seat at the table and returning to his meal.

Axel furrowed his brow and opened the envelope, pulling out the short letter inside.

‘Back down the rabbit hole I must go, I trust only you with these words.

(A hazel storm will bring you warmth.)

If you see me again, if I seem friendly, don’t trust me. Don’t say the words. Only when I’m ready will I come home. When I come home, it won’t be peaceful.

I love you.

p.s. Roman is looking for Bell. Keep her safe.’

Axel clenched his jaw. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Thinking of her taking another treatment, losing the memories they shared. It hurt. But she had warned him it was possible.

All he could do was trust in her and believe she would make it back home to him. But as far as where to put the rage in his heart, she had given him an avenue.

“Who the hell is Roman?” Axel growled.

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