Masters, Are You Going To Imprison My Sister?

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Yuria bowed her head and looked at the hair that had fallen on the floor. As she looked at them, tears that had barely stopped in shock were about to burst out again.

She carefully put the hair in her hands. As if embracing something precious, she staggered and stood up.

I have to save Lala. I dont know what shes going through right now. Come on, if you dont go to the Counts mansion

I have to go to the mansion. Even though she knew it, a helpless fear was stopping her from acting. That feeling made me enter the gate and close the door as soon as I saw the mansion standing majestic in the distance. Leaning on the door, Yuria exhaled like a sigh.

I cant go.

Layla was a precious person to her, but Yuria was afraid to go to Nigors mansion even more than that. Because if she goes there, she will surely suffer like the other victims.

What happened to the women who were dragged into the mansion? They all came back with unspeakably terrible things. Then what will happen to me?

I dont even want to imagine

Obviously, Layla was her family and precious person. It breaks her heart and anguishes her just to think of such a child being subjected to all kinds of violence because of her, and she cant breathe.

I want to save her if I can. However, if you go to the mansion, I may not be able to save her. The chance that the Count would listen to her was low, and its easy for her to be ridiculed and rejected for making such a request by ignoring herself.

If I cant save my sister, its just a meaningless act of throwing herself away.

Layla, who usually took good care of her older sister, wouldnt want to do that.

So, what does Layla want, isnt she supposed to run away? Because she wants to be safe and not hurt.

Yuria, who went up to the second floor as if possessed, thought so in her mind and grabbed the bag that was on the bed in my room.

Layla had already told her all about how to get out of the territory. All you have to do is meet a soldier named Charlie and ask for help during the break time.

It didnt seem like an escape route was found, as the aide didnt mention her or say Dont try to run away.

If you just go to the soldier and tell him to help you I can run away.

With such thoughts, Yuria muttered as if she was getting tired.


The hand holding the strap is trembling.

Escape? How can you think like that? Is it the right thing to do to leave your family and run away?

Yuria bowed her head.

Yuria, you were such a scum? What are you going to do when Lala dies?

Then spit it out like an excuse.

But Lala, Layla wouldnt want me to get hurt. No one wants their family to get hurt. Besides, Layla must have known that shed be caught like that by herself, because shes smart. So maybe she made  her own plans in advance? She told me to run away just in case right? Thats right?


I do not know.

Yuria doesnt know. Yuria is not Layla, so she doesnt know. In the first place, how can you know the heart of a girl who doesnt tell her what she thinks?

You must run away

You must go to the mansion.

Two conflicting thoughts collided in Yurias head, creating a headache. The girl clasped her flabby forehead and sat down on the floor. As she leaned on the bed, she continued to fight with herself. She eventually chose to run away instead of going to the mansion.

Im a coward

The veil of night fell and the world was covered with pitch black darkness. Yuria headed towards the wall surrounding the estate, being careful so no one noticed her. Her guilt continued to grip her, but it was nothing compared to her fear.

Yuria was able to reach the wall without  much difficulty so the time she had to worry about it was.

On the fifth pillar from the entrance was a middle-aged man leaning against the wall. As she got closer, she noticed a large cut on his face. Its obviously Charlie. Yuria got out of the grass where she was hiding and cautiously approached him.


what are you? Havent you heard not to approach the wall recklessly? Do you want to die?

The man quickly took out the sword he was wearing around his waist and pointed it at Yuria. Yuria was startled and backed away from him, and the man raised the lamp and looked at the opponent.

When he sees her face, he exclaims.

Wait a moment  That famous Yuria Hanson.

Charlie Is that right?

Thats right. Charlie Grayson.

I heard from Layla. She said you will help us escape from the estate, right?

Yeah, it was. Because I owed your sister in the past  But, why didnt Layla come with you?

Charlie clicked his tongue to signify a mistake.

Ah, this They said she were locked up in a dungeon by the Counts orders. So Im the only one here.

Instantly, I felt a pain as if a dagger had been stabbed in my heart. Holding her breast, Yuria tried to erase the face that came to her mind.

Looks like they heard me last night and got caught on the way back. Bad luck. Well, anyway Are you thinking of leaving?


Then lower yourself and follow me.

Charlie left the lamp on the floor and led Yuria somewhere. She walked all the way to the right along the wall, stopping somewhere in the bushes. Charlie tore through the bushes and knelt before him. After fiddling with the part hidden behind the bushes, the wall broke apart, leaving a small opening.

You can leave here.

As Charlie tapped Yurias back lightly, her body staggered forward.

Get out of here before anyone else finds out.

But Yuria cant go out and just lingers in front of him. Watching her move, the soldier wrinkled with annoyance.

Why are you procrastinating like this? Arent you going?

Go out.

The moment she thought she had reached the way out, Laylas face, who she had been trying not to think about, began to flutter in front of Yurias.

Then, as I remembered the times we spent together one by one, tears began to flow. Yuria wiped her tears with her sleeve as she sobbed silently.

I want to go out  But, I cant go.


I just need to go out like this The child keeps appearing, so I cant do it. Ive only come all the way here with stupid excuses.

Yuria said crying.

But its unavoidable, isnt it? Layla is my sister. Its my one and only family. After our parents died, the kid was my parent, my brother, my sister, my teacher and the only person I could trust. It was my everything. and

It was more like talking to herself than to a soldier. Yuria covered her face with both hands and exhaled in a whisper.

I love her I think I love her more than myself Otherwise, instead of worrying about her with a headache like this, I would have left the estate!

Rather than fear, guilt, or any negative emotions that came over her, the love she had just noticed was so great that she began to leave the place.

Now she throws away her bag and runs to Count Nigors mansion.

I am crawling into hell on my own feet because of this cruel and terrible feeling of love. Im not crazy.

Crazy or not, something is missing. He may have hurt her overnight. Knowing what shes going to do if shes gone, she cant help but go to Count Nigor, knowing that she might be able to save Layla for sure.

You will be beaten, ignored and treated as trash. He will do all sorts of terrible things. Im sure Ill be able to leave the mansion only after Ive been locked up and turned into a corpse.

At that time, Yuria was caught on a stone beak and rolled on the floor. She was running so fast that she didnt even look down. The roar was heard, and her body was thrown to the ground. Laying on the floor, Yuria mumbled, suppressing her screams that were about to pop out at any moment.

I know

She clenched her fist. The dirt in her hands flows through the crevices of her hands. Tears flow from her already swollen eyes.

Lets stop now. You can exit the territory by simply going back.

You dont have to go to the mansion. If you abandon your sister or anything and run away, you wont be subjected to terrible things. But after that? What happens after that? Can I live a good life like that?

No, I will never do that. I will never forget you, Layla. Im going crazy with the guilt I feel for you. Even if I dont go crazy, Im sure Ill live a terrible life. Even if I could make new friends, meet loved ones, build an enviable family and have children, even if I had a good job and made a lot of money, I would never be happy. If either way is hell.

Haha, Yuria burst into laughter as she burst into tears.

This hell is much better.

The girl staggered and stood up. And start walking again. Light brown hair fluttered in the wind, and the skirt she was wearing swayed as she moved. She continued to laugh and ran to hell.

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