Masters, Are You Going To Imprison My Sister?

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Yuria Hanson still cant forget that moment.

My sister hadnt returned since the night before. Why is she not coming back? Apparently we promised to run away together tonight.

As she wandered around the house in an anxious and desperate mood, she looked at the window at the incomming and realized that morning was here. Layla didnt even know that time passed because she was worried about her sister. Yuria stared blankly out the window, and then she ran to the front door.

Shall we go now?

She put her hand on the doorknob. Then closed her eyes and pulled her hand away.

No, no. Lala told me to stay still.

Nothing could come out by getting Counts sight. Even if you cant help, at least dont be a burden. Yuria repeated that to herself, concentrating on leaving.

Then someone knocked on the door.


Yuria suddenly opened her eyes. When she did, the person she had been waiting for was not the the one that arrived, but a man with a very familiar face. He was a man who always clung to Count Nigors side as if he were his sidekick. Did he say he was an assistant? He rummaged through his arms and pulled something out.

The Count has asked me to deliver it.

It was a letter. What is this feeling? I didnt think it was a letter of a love confession or a threat. Yuria felt a bad feeling the moment she received it.

I still dont know whats inside. When she opened the letter, their identity will be revealed. Strangely, I was afraid to see what was inside, so I just stared at it for a long time.

What is this?

I think it would be better to open it yourself.

Yuria violently tore off the envelope and before she could check the contents inside, she dropped it because her hands trembled with terror.

Light brown hair tied to a string came out of the letter.

Yuria was confused. What? Why did you send this to me? By the way, whose is this? Perhaps

Why did her sister come to mind at that time? Yuria didnt know. She didnt want to know.

Arent you going to pick it up? Now that you have seen the gift, you should also look at the note inside.

The man picked up the letter and handed it to Yuria. I wanted to cry. I dont know why I feel this way. Yuria picked up the letter and pulled out the contents inside. The note, with hair tangled, had words written in smooth handwriting.

How did you like Layla Hansons hair?


Yuria recalled everything inside on the spot. Crying for a life and hanging on that mans leg, nothing changed. It was Laylas hair. Layla. What did he do? Is she okay? The fact that her sisters condition was unknown brought great horror to Yuria. Since she was captured by the Count, I can only guess that she is not in good condition.

Its because of me Even if I, I didnt rebel, I just went to the Count! Ah, Lala.. Lala!

From that day on, the lives of Yuria and Layla turned into a nightmare.


When I opened my eyes, I smelled medicinal herbs.

A towel soaked in water was placed on my forehead, and a blanket covered up to the end of my neck. When I realized my condition, I found myself lying in the infirmary of the mansion. And next to me was the older sister I had been looking for.


Are you awake?

She grabbed my hand that lay outside the blanket.

Master Osses brought you to the infirmary, you were lying in the hallway.

Osses took me? The person who I grabbed the hem and asked to find my sister, and the person who held me? Then I found Osses leaning on one side of the wall. As soon as our eyes met, he put on an equally worried expression.

Are you okay, Layla? You dont know how shocked I was to find you collapsed. The doctor said, you have a bad cold. Your legs arent in good shape, but Im curious about how you can walk around. You didnt rest when you were so sick.

I remembered. Just before I fainted, the words he said. Those words you talked about as if you were interested in me rather than my sister Do you keep worrying about me? Isnt that what you usually say to the female protagonist? I remember he said that to my sister in the original story too. But why are you saying that to me? Why? Why? Really Why?

(ED: HaHaHa, plot twist! I like those anyday!)

I dont know if I should consider it good or a bad for Osses to show interest in me instead of my sister. Goosebumps ran all over my body. Resisting the urge to throw anything I could grab, I raised my upper body and bowed my head at him.

Thank you for your help

Osses shook his head.

Its okay.

Today, his smiling face felt even more disgusting.

Once the doctor has given you medicine, you should be able to recover soon. I dont know about the legs though.

Osses went out after telling me to rest well for the day.

Yuria watched Osses disappear, and begged the doctor, who sat in the seat if she wanted to leave for a moment because there was something the sisters had to talk about urgently. The old doctor made a dissatisfaction sigh, and then nodded to head outside. Then there was only me and my sister left in the infirmary.

There were a lot of things I wanted to say when I met my sister, but it didnt come out, strangely. My sister looked at me quietly with her expressionless face.

Have you been looking for me?

Yes. I did.

That face was contorted with sadness.

Did you rush around looking for me and then roll down the stairs? I came to the infirmary right away after hearing other people say that you were injured. When I came here, you werent there. I, I Sorry Sorry

Dont apologize. Its not sisters fault, so why are you apologizing? Its just that I stumbled and fell.

Tears began to form in my sisters eyes. She quickly wiped away her tears and tried to make maintain her appearance. She was breaking my heart.

Im glad my sister didnt cry. If she had wept, I might have forgiven my sister for breaking her promise and leaving the room, or not telling me Alexanders advice. 

My sister spoke in a trembling voice.

What I want to say is Why, why did you do that? Why did you hide me from him? Count Nigor was invited to this birthday party, and why didnt you tell me that the deputies were coming in his stead? How surprised I must have been to hear from Aunt Emily this late that they were here Have you ever thought about how shocking it would be?

Yeah, youd be surprised. She must have been shocked that she had to face those terrible people again. So thats what I was trying not to tell. Aunt Emily, youre a stupid, stupid, piece of garbage. Thank you very much for helping us, but this is unforgivable you have crossed the line

I took a deep breath.

Sister, where have you been? Where else is Emilias pocket? I couldnt see either of them at all.

At first, I was sitting in the warehouse at the end of the third floor. The only places open to customers are the garden and the entrance, so I thought it would be fine if it was on the 3rd floor After that, I went to the garden because I thought I had to look at the faces of those people. I quickly left because I thought I would meet you there. I didnt want to see you back then Its too bad that you didnt tell me that Count Nigors people werent coming I was so angry and felt betrayed  If I had known you would get hurt like this, I wouldnt have done it.

My sister bowed her head as if she were a criminal.

But Im fine. Sister, why did you go out? Theres nothing good about meeting those people.


A sigh was heard.

Dont face away Cant you tell me why?

Because Of course. Its all for my sister.

For me?


My sister let go of my hand. And she clasped her breasts and yelled at her sheepishly.

No! Its not for me! I didnt want that at all!

sister Youre mad now?

Yes! Im mad! why? Cant I be mad at you? Why are you doing what you want without consulting me? Even when I was in Count Nigors mansion, you said Im okay, Im okay to stay here for the rest of my life, but you wanted me to escape You almost died!

When my sister saw those people, she feared that she would remember those days or get hurt, so I went looking for her even though I was sick.

When I was in the Counts mansion, thinking of my sister who lived like a doll, I felt so painful, sad, and heartbroken. So, despite my body aches and Oberon being terrifying, I was trying to get my sister out.

But she said that all of that was useless and ignored my efforts. I felt something creeping up. I didnt want to listen to my sister anymore. But the words go on and on.

What I want is I wanted you to be honest and discuss if you had any difficulties. I wanted you to depend on me even if I cant contribute much.

Im your sister, youre the only family I can count on. Am I only sister who does nothing but cry all day? So you didnt tell me? Why didnt you tell me! Why!

If it was just this, I might have just skipped it. Layla, thats you. Do you know at what point it got weird? You suddenly asked me to change jobs, being rude to the masters and approaching the head maid pretending to be friendly I thought it was very, very strange.

I thought you were someone else. I thought youd tell me why youre acting like that all of a sudden. Thats why I didnt ask! I didnt ask anything because I believed in you! It didnt hurt, but just like you said, I was just sitting in the room!

She kept going on and on.

Why the hell are you not telling me anything Why didnt you even tell me this?

Over and over again.

What am I to you? Do you even think of me as your sister? Or am I just a burden to you?

My sister was crying. For the first time, I found it annoying.

So what am I supposed to do?

My voice was filled with anger and irritation that I couldnt hide.


You want me to tell you everything? And tell you everything and discuss it? Why me? Why do I have to tell you, sister?

Even though I know I shouldnt say this, my mouth doesnt stop.

Whenever you think about that time, you tremble and get scared. You cant even go outside because youre afraid of meeting Count Nigor. So every day I used to do my sisters clothes and errands for you. How can I be honest with you? If Im not sane, Ill just say that. Like stupid Emily. Sister, me, I mean. I said I did it for you, Then just accept it! Dont ask anything, just do what I say! Its all for my sister!

Ill fix it. I will free my sister from Count Nigor who used her as a toy, and you will also free from the beggars who will imprison her sister in her future. This is all I have to do. Because it was all my fault that my sister went to Count Nigor on her own feet. Because thats when my sisters life began to get twisted.

My sister jumped up from her seat. The chair makes a thud and falls to the floor. Her face was contorted with anger.

No! Why do you want me to follow along without explanation?! Do you think Ill be your puppet?

Who is a puppet?! and. Did I just hide it? Why didnt you tell me what Alexander said?! He told you to run away and gave you money!

You were so sick! There was no time to tell! Money? I spent all the money to buy potions. Because I thought you would die if I didnt treat it! Doctors all said you were hopeless, what could I do? Huh? What are you going to do with that?

My sister squealed.

And how can you trust that person and go abroad! That man is Count Nigors assistant! So I ignored it and decided to stay in this duchy. Layla, I did it for you too. Then, shouldnt you follow along?!

My sister then ran out the door. I couldnt contain my anger, so I grabbed the blanket tightly and screamed.

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