Marvel's Superman

Chapter 269 - 266 | Beheading, Infinity Gauntlet.

Chapter 269 - 266 Beheading, Infinity Gauntlet.

Avengers assemble!

As these words fell, everyone was full of fighting spirit.

Luke, as a sideline popcorn eater, echoed symbolically.

In his own universe, the Avengers weren't born yet.

Even if there were a superhero group in the future, it had to go through Luke's hands.

Who told him to be the first director of S.H.I.E.L.D, and possibly the last -- want to stay until Superman retires? The difficulty wasn't normal.

"Begin another space jump in 20 minutes."

Captain America set the time, and the Avengers called this mission "Operation Beheading".

The reason was that they were aiming to cut off Thanos's head and get the Infinity Gauntlet back.

After the meeting, the superheroes dispersed to their own rooms.

Nobody said anything. Those passionate speeches or exciting words were meaningless.

Everyone here knew very well that what awaited them would be a tough battle.

Thanos held the Infinity Gauntlet with six Infinity Stones.

Since one snap could erase half of the life in the universe, it wasn't difficult to wipe out the remaining superheroes if he wanted to. He just needed to snap once more.

But no one wanted to back down or be afraid.

In Thor's words, "We have nothing to lose".

Meaning: 'Either bring back everything as before.

Or turn into ash and disappear with them.

Beyond that, there are no more options.'

"I was relieved to hear that Pepper is okay."

In the cockpit, Tony continued to replenish his nutrition, reaching to open a box of canned beef, which he hadn't eaten in a while.

On the Milano, there were only a few artificially synthesized poor-tasting frozen foods without much substance.

According to the calculation, it could only support one person and one month of consumption at most.

Nebula was a semi-mechanical life form and could go without food for a long time.

But Tony couldn't. He missed burgers, cokes, and burritos of earth quite a bit during that time.

He dreamed of being in a high-end restaurant, enjoying the wine and food he had eaten before.

"Anyway, I have already recorded a video as a farewell and last words. If I am unfortunate enough to die, remember to give it to Pepper."

Iron Man, who was still eating and drinking, said lightly.

He was prepared for the worst. This was a dangerous battle concerning the destiny of the entire universe, and someone had to make sacrifices.

"You don't have to fight, Tony."

There was a trace of anxiety in Captain America's eyes. He dissuaded him: "You're in a weak state right now, and your physical strength and spirit haven't recovered to the fullest. It's … unnecessary to take part in a battle that people are destined not to return from … it's really unnecessary!"

"Besides, Pepper is still on the earth, waiting for your return."

"Before we left, we all promised her that we would send you back to her in one piece -- That doesn't mean to cover your body in a flag and dump it at the door of the Stark Mansion."

Captain America made a joke, using a humorous tone to ease the heavy atmosphere before the battle.

"Captain, when you were fighting in the past, would you leave your teammates because you were wounded? Watch them walk into a life and death battle, and then walk off the battlefield alone in silence?"

Tony chewed some beef and shook his head, "Stark family men have never been deserters."

"I can testify to that."

Luke, who was lying back on the chair with his head in his hands, interjected.

"Howard has always maintained a very positive attitude, whether on the battlefield or in love."

To be honest, he wasn't sure if his arrival would have a subtle impact on the original plot.

Logically speaking, Luke didn't deliberately change anything.

It only shortened the time for the Avengers to travel to 'the Garden' and accelerated Iron Man's rescue.

As for the butterfly effect caused by this, it was impossible to know what kind of changes would occur.

"My Dad also liked to chase beautiful girls? That's surprising! I always saw him as a serious guy, thinking that the old man was actually like Captain Rogers."

Tony wiped the corners of his mouth. In his impression, his father rarely expressed his true emotions, completely out of touch with the image of a playboy.

Captain America, standing at the sidelines, shrugged his shoulders. His own love story was very simple.

Besides Carter, there was only her niece Sharon Carter, a.k.a Agent 13 from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Wait …

Aunt and niece!

Well, it's not that simple.

"Every man who plans to get married will say goodbye to his past self."

Luke's mouth turned up and whispered, "By the time you are born, learned to crawl around on the carpet, learned how to take a radio apart and put it back together; Howard was already the senior member of S.H.I.E.L.D, the number one helmsman of Stark Industries, and the chief scientific adviser to the Pentagon."

"He needs to shoulder responsibility and … family. So, occasionally he needed to be a little more rigid."

Tony thought about it. He was rebellious when he was young, and his relationship with his father wasn't harmonious.

"I remember Howard told me that when he was a child, he hated his father's discipline and 'couldn't solve a problem without a belt'. Every time he recalled it, the look on his face turned unpleasant."

Luke said lightly.

"So, he often told me that he would never be so harsh on his son in the future, and he would try his best to show his fatherly love …"

Tony curled his lips and complained, "He's never done anything like that. You know, the first time I went to an amusement park, I was 17 years old; at that time, I had just graduated from MIT and was dating a girl."

"As for things like sitting on a father's shoulders, toys and surprise birthday parties, getting good grades and receiving compliments … Neither he nor my mother did those for me."

Luke crossed his fingers and smiled, "Then when I return to my own universe, I'll make Howard a good father and make up for the fatherly love you have missed."

"Feel some fatherly love from that guy … forget it. I'm not dissatisfied with my Dad. He left me Stark Industries, the Arc Reactor, and the New Element."

Tony shook his head with a nostalgic smile at the corners of his mouth.

Unconsciously, Howard paved the way for his son to become Iron Man.

"Tell me, what do you think Thanos would greet us with? Another snap of his fingers or a fleet of ships?"

Thor, the God of Thunder, stroked the Stormbreaker, joined the conversation.

He had no interest in family education, and Odin, King of the Gods in Asgard, had always failed in this aspect.

His eldest daughter Hela was too rebellious, and his adopted son Loki was keen on power.

Thor, the only proper orthodox heir, was an arrogant, headstrong muscle-brain since a long time ago.

It can be seen that Asgard's teachings for a Crown Prince were rather poor.

"No matter what Thanos uses to deal with us, you only need to remember to swing your axe and aim for his neck."

Luke quipped.

For Thanos's success in snapping his fingers, many blamed two people-

One of them was undoubtedly Star-Lord, who had turned into ash.

This person succeeded in turning this story that should have had a happy ending, into a tragedy, with almost all of his people sacrificed.

And the other, naturally, was Thor, who caused the greatest damage to Thanos.

Who told him to throw the Stormbreaker and aimed for his chest? Why not the ugly purple potato's head?

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so much going on right now!

"I won't miss again!"

Thor made a solemn promise.

"I hope so."

Luke closed his eyes and waited for the next space jump.

Thanos's garden was a beautiful planet.

In a thatched cottage surrounded by mountains and water, Thanos, who had disarmed himself and returned to the field, sat at the door.

He wore the Infinity Gauntlet on his right hand, with six intact stones on them.

Thinking of the impending crisis of life, and the gang of unwilling superheroes, a trace of coldness appeared in Thanos's eyes.

He gripped the Infinity Gauntlet, and the red light of the Reality Stone glowed faintly.

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